- The only complete version of the Qur'an, containing all the secrets of heaven and earth, past, present and future, was in the possession of Ali. The Vulgate written under the Caliphate of 'Uthman is, according to the Imams, a corrupted version falsified and censored, containing only one third of the full Qur'an; it was sent secretly frome one Imam to another imam until the hidden imam who allegedly took it with him in his occultation. Men will know the full Quran only after Return of the Mahdi.
- The imams hold the original and complete version of the Qur'an, three times larger than the Vulgate written under the Caliphate of 'Uthman; according to the imams, the Vulgate was formed from a mangled, distorted and censored version soon after the death of the Prophet and the sidelining of the power of 'Ali.
- Much of the data from the old doctrinal Imamism or almost all of the data - from the eschatological developments to cosmological data and also the whole of the concept of "Imam" - can hardly find basis in the Qur'an, or at least in the text we have now. Even spiritual hermeneutics (ta'wilat) of Imams, actually quite few, are far from being able to justify the huge number of "deviation" from the revealed text, unless you consider with them the entire doctrine is esoteric hermeneutics of the Qur'an, but the "keys" that hermeneutics is not presented, nor the process explained.
- To what extent, according Imamis, the text of the Koran official Vulgate, made during the reign of the third Caliph Uthman b. 'Affan (644-656), is it true to the original revelation to Muhammad? The issue is extremely serious because, because as we know, all the dogmatic system of Islam and the entire Muslim religious consciousness are crystallized in this sacred core : the Koran is in its official review, the belief in the integrity and reliability of this version compared to the divine revelation made to the Prophet is one of the items most inalienable faith of Islam.
- The imams have seriously questioned the integrity of the 'uthmanian Vulgate, this thesis is actually supported by the data of ancient body of imams, but the scientists who supported it, probably because they have systematically stripped the basic texts , could not provide any information on the full Qur'an of the imams nor examine the doctrinal implications of the subject.
- According to classical ciphers, the number of verses in the Qur'an varies between 6000 and 7000; the full original Quran, transmitted by the Prophet to 'Ali and to other Imams, is nearly three times larger than the official review.