I's funny how arguments or theories of "reproduction strategies" are used to promote non-reproduction. There is no place for responsibility, commitment or honour. Usually all what these theories can be reduced to is "because animals do its, so we should as well, it's natural". Well, animals do what they do on the street, why do these theoreticians of human behaviour use toilets?
Yes, and this simplistic "we're no different than animals" -argument is quite a red flag. It's normally used as an excuse to a moral question/reaction, to justify hedonistic behavior, and in some cases could reveal that the person using it may simply lack the capacity for conscience and moral judgement. I recently watched the documentary 'An Open Secret', where pedophile Marty Weiss manipulatively uses in a recorded conversation this exact argument to justify his actions. In a way the argument is true in his case and I'd say it ultimately originates from a pathological/psychopathic worldview, and normal people may end up accepting it's usually more sophisticated versions.