The "Rational Male and Female"? - Biology and Programs in Relationships

@Serendipity After watching only one video, I would give the dude a star for effort, and I would like to share with you a little secret. He does not have a clue. However, there might be something there.
Thank you for sharing, it was interesting.

Hi Ina thank you for the reply. Why do you think that he doesn't have a clue? Based on your personal views or based on the views from yourself and others in your life? Or based on something else?
He specifically talks about westernized, 'progressive', liberal, feminism ideology affected countries, and big cities in particular. And based on my observations, content on his channel definitely has value and eye opening information in it. And I'd say maybe it doesn't apply to everyone, (not every man and every woman is like that) but it certainly does for a large portion of the population, because everyone is driven by their biology to one extent or another. It's just the nature of the 3D world we live in and it's natural hierarchies.
And I'd say maybe it doesn't apply to everyone, (not every man and every woman is like that) but it certainly does for a large portion of the population, because everyone is driven by their biology to one extent or another. It's just the nature of the 3D world we live in and it's natural hierarchies.

I only watched the first one real quick, and found it pretty good, but too general. Yes to general tendencies, biological drives, etc., but I'm always more interested in the why and how of each specific couple or person, rather than those general lines. e.g. why those explanations are spot on for some but not others, or why many people will have the same "tendencies", but for totally different reasons, or why some will NOT have the same tendencies, but with similar programs to those who do. And so on. That said, it's probably quite good for some people because it can at least make them introspect a bit. OSIT.
I only watched the first one real quick, and found it pretty good, but too general. Yes to general tendencies, biological drives, etc., but I'm always more interested in the why and how of each specific couple or person, rather than those general lines. e.g. why those explanations are spot on for some but not others, or why many people will have the same "tendencies", but for totally different reasons, or why some will NOT have the same tendencies, but with similar programs to those who do. And so on. That said, it's probably quite good for some people because it can at least make them introspect a bit. OSIT.

The first video (about the zones) I found useful for better understanding what men and women want from each other.

The one I posted below I find even more interesting because, at least according to his theory, societal collapse is directly caused by modern day dating and hookup culture stemming from dating apps in particular. And how it's interlinked to the brainwashing of the whole generation of women by feminism, social media fast food like TikTok content and too much easy access to male attention which programs them to have an overinflated view of their value in the dating market and to be driven by their lowest impulses, and to see regular men as less valuable and worthy than themselves. Which is causing more and more men to be giving up on women and dating alltogether, and more and more women to never find a partner who they think is at their level and also end up alone. And of course the weakening of the whole generation of men by eroding their masculinity and taking away their power on the dating market by government laws and policies which take away money and power from men and give it to women.

He suggests that this shift of power (men to women) and dynamic (from traditional structured dating and values to hypergamous+promiscuous and self centered) on the dating market (fueled by the brainwashing and weakening of the younger generation and by the female favouring government policies) is what is directly responsible for a societal collapse, which we can see ongoing before our very eyes.

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I only watched the first one real quick, and found it pretty good, but too general. Yes to general tendencies, biological drives, etc., but I'm always more interested in the why and how of each specific couple or person, rather than those general lines. e.g. why those explanations are spot on for some but not others, or why many people will have the same "tendencies", but for totally different reasons, or why some will NOT have the same tendencies, but with similar programs to those who do. And so on. That said, it's probably quite good for some people because it can at least make them introspect a bit. OSIT.
I think for some people its different is due to their connection to their soul essence and having a soul all together. A person who has poor connection with his soul essence probably more driven by his/her biology and in reverse. Different people can experience different kinds of love, its just like its said in Rumi's famous poem about a butterfly.
''The people of this world are like the three butterflies in front of a candle's flame.
The first one went closer and said: I know about love.
The second one touched the flame lightly with his wings and said:
I know how love's fire can burn.
The third one threw himself into the heart of the flame and was consumed.
he alone knows what true love really is''

If we take random women as an example.
1st butterfly is Woman who choses men firstly based on status and looks,
2nd butterfly is Woman who choses men also based on status and looks but personality and other favorable traits are added to the mix
3rd butterfly is Woman who choses men firstly based on soul connection, meaning, she is looking for someone who is compassionate , empathetic, kind, only after that she looks at other qualities like status and money.
I would say 1st and 2nd are probably 70% percent of population , and maybe around 30% or less is a 3rd type
I hope I'm making sense, anyway i tried.
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