The Science of a New Species and the curious case of Apex Predator

"From what is established through authentic research on psychopathy that we know of , lack of empathy defines what a psychopath is. What you are describing however as a separate new psychopath-like empathizing species is fiction, which is what you are claiming to write. There have been people who have tried to muddy the waters on real psychopathy research though saying things like psychopaths can feel empathy, they live unhappy lives because they cannot fit in etc. as if they were facts."

I am simply stating that through the process of trying to identify and/or diagnose psychopathy many researchers, psychologists and psychiatrists have found individuals who do in fact display sincere empathy. That does not necessarily mean they feel empathy towards those who they victimize, but rather the simple ability to feel it. That is not the only instance in which individuals being analyzed fail to meet the established norms for psychopathy, it encompasses many other behaviors. These instances are what has driven most of the research being done. The whole point is if during an examination due to a murder trial, an individuals displays empathy and/or perhaps fails to meet psychopathic norms in other instances, then the options have traditionally been 1) to declare he is not a psychopath, even though his behavior has been predatory in the extreme 2) to declare he is in fact a psychopath and simply widen the definition and perhaps revise the scale once again. The post simply shared the science that has provided another possibility.

As I mentioned and I'm sure you know, psychopathic behavior and deficient amygdala function go hand in hand. This deficient function is what allows the psychopath to operate without compunction and which allows them to either be unaware of the differences between them and others or to simply not care about them. So, if someone who is being examined to diagnose psychopathy or another personality disorder has normal amygdala function you would likely have someone who is in fact aware of the differences between themselves and 'normal' humans and who might be indeed be unhappy or confused by their natural inclinations.

"Back when I used to read thrillers, I had come across a number of books which described characters which more or less sound like what you are describing in your plot. These characters would usually form a cabal spanning across countries by identifying similar members and would secretly run the world until an ex Seal team member or some other ex-commando/ex-intelligence agency dude with a beautiful female sidekick would take them out. Terms like psychopathy were probably not used in these books - or even if they were it did not register in my mind as I was not looking for it at that time. BTW, the publishing VP's phone call to you and his behavior during the call reminded me specifically of how Robert Ludlum characters behaved in those global conspiracy thrillers in similar situations. (Please do not interpret this as doubting your experience though.) So dunno if whatever label you used for your script really made people mad - or the reasons for not finding a publisher is that the fiction space is more crowded than the other space you have had prior experience in publishing."

Believe me when I tell you that I am more than aware of how crowded the fiction space is. The dozens of rejections I received will speak to that. The fact that the manuscript got as far as it did and was then dropped is the very reason the whole situation took on a surreal quality. None of the authors of fiction and non-fiction I spoke with had gone through nor heard of anything similar. I honestly am still at a loss as to the reasons this all happened. Like I mentioned, statistically it is absolutely not beyond the norm, which means that there is a likelihood it was all in fact coincidence. I shared it because I wanted to get other folks' perspective and to see if others had gone though something similar and based on the responses I got it seems some in fact have gone through something similar. I suppose when the book is published I'll find out one way or the other whether it made some folks uneasy.

As far as my novel, I can tell you there are no 'global' conspiracies and the protagonist is far from Jason Bourne. His background served the purpose of explaining why he didn't simply move on and grieve for his daughter, whey he had to learn more. But in the end he's just a daddy who lost his little girl and he goes through the horror and trauma the same way another dad would. He's pulled into the rest of the situation unwillingly and he does not want to be a hero or an avenger. The idea of the book, as it is for many other works of fiction, is that a regular guy is plunged into extraordinary circumstances. The science presented is based on the research I have mentioned and presents one possibility of how this science might come to light.

This is not a 'secret agent' guy, globetrotting to rid the world of evil. He doesn't have a sidekick, beautiful or otherwise, he has a wife and two other kids. A good deal of the conflict in the book has to do with him dealing with his own pain and grief and with trying to help his wife and kids to move on. The husband wife relationship is integral to the story.

"Another book coming to mind, which I think was also suggested to you, is the work of Andrew Lobaczewski "Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes". It lays out very well all of those nuances between psychopaths and people who, being intrinsically more vulnerable to psychopathic influences gain psychopathic traits to the point of behaving as such. It isn't as simple as us versus them, as you know, and I wouldn't yet go as far as assuming a different race without first addressing the question of disordered characters, particularly within a society that has become psychopathic at its core, in its fundamental values."

I haven't read the book, but I have gone through some of the shared posts about the book and through Laura's posts and definitely see the relevance. The fundamental basis for it, however, is quite different. All the research I've come across and the experts that I have spoken to have had to do with strictly scientific theory. In other words, the folks that I have spoke with (other than the detectives and attorneys) have not analyzed this behavior as 'good' or 'evil', it is simply Darwinian predation. A good deal of them do not have backgrounds in psychology or psychiatry, but are experts in the physiological aspects of evolution and neuroscience and they therefore do not posit on the esoteric or 'moral aspects of their work. There are some that do, but those I have found to be a bit 'off' if you know what I mean. ;-)

There is a professor at Columbia who has developed a scale of 'evil' with 22 levels where the higher someone lands on the scale the more 'evil' they are. So someone who kills as an act of passion would land at say a 5 and Jeffrey Dahmer would land at a 22. His research has to do with behavioral observation only, not biological, evolutionary or physiological differences.
They are not above humans from a point of view of enlightenment, but they are certainly above us from a purely competitive standpoint. The weaknesses of the psychopath, the shortcomings that have been established as the biproduct of a deficient mind and which keep us above the psychopath in the food chain are not present in the posited species. So it's not a philosophical question, it is one of evolution.

I understand the skepticism and doubt about the possibility of a new species, particularly when viewed through the lens of purely psychological or behavioral science, which I would add ponerology in. The vast majority of the research exploring the possibility is made up of researchers in the field of evolutionary biology, neuroscience and genetics. They embarked on their research because many in the field of forensic psychology and forensic psychiatry, as well as law enforcement were running into instances where the subject simply did not fit into the established norms for diagnosing psychopathy, but who had clearly engaged in predatory behavior. The early work on the 'warrior gene' and MAO-A function blazed the way.

The skepticism of those in this forum is something that most of the folks I spoke with are very used to. As I said in the post, the establishment is more than willing to widen the definition of psychopathy or to retrofit behavior in order to define someone as a psychopath so long as they can still think of them as being in the same species as humans. When there is evidence that there are individuals that don't fit the norms, that have a different physiology and that have different cogitative processes (as seen through an active PET scan) any scientist who is not invested in the behavioral model of psychopathy is going to pursue and posit another possibility.

The case I mentioned where the guy in Tennessee was convicted of voluntary manslaughter instead of three counts of first degree murder, shows that there is in fact science that is solid enough for a jury to believe that this guy was in essence 'meant' to do what he did. Do you suppose they would have done that had his lawyers simply had him diagnosed as a psychopath? No way, they would have sentenced him to death without batting an eye. So it has been established in a court of law that behavior borne from a difference in physiology merits a different standard of justice. From a practical standpoint that is huge.

I had many of the same reservations that have been mentioned here and one of the things that really shone a new light on it for me was when I spoke to forensic psychiatrists and especially to detectives and attorneys. Talking to these folks was truly chilling because almost to a one, they all believe that there are people out there who hunt humans for sport, who have none of the weaknesses that psychopaths often display and who most likely victimize humans throughout their lives without being caught. I would invite you to chat with any seasoned homicide detective, especially if you live in a big city, and to ask them about this possibility, it was truly eye opening for me.

After speaking with a number of the scientists pursuing this science it became very clear that one their biggest issues has been finding subjects for their research. Obviously the place to start is with the psychopaths in prison, since they are filled with them, but finding individuals that did not fit in the established norms for psychopaths was much more challenging. In a number of instances the people these scientists used were people who had very strong predatory inclinations from birth, but who had not yet acted on them (or at least admitted to it anyway.) To be sure, most predators were found to fit right into the norms established and the percentage that would be considered as another species is very small. But the conversations with the cops brought another perspective, it's hard to find individuals to conduct the research because they don't get caught, period.

About two years ago I was having a really hard time reconciling with all of this and I was talking to an evolutionary biologist and protesting what I saw as this huge leap into believing in a new species. He illustrated it in a different way for me and it really helped me to understand it better, I'll try to share this illustration with you:

Dogs and wolves are part of the same species Canis lupus, dogs however, are further defined as Canis lupus familiaris. You could raise a wolf cub with a litter of Huskies, they would look very similar, they would feed from the same female, they would grow at the same rate, you could engage in training both and probably be pretty successful at it, but once the wolf reached maturity it would begin to feel its natural predatory instincts and to be driven by them. In a purely competitive environment we would all agree the wolf would survive before the dog would. It is the same with humans, we are all Homo sapiens sapiens (modern man) these individuals are Homo sapiens ??? (one guy from Berkley calls them Homo sapiens predator) they look the same, they act the same, but they have certain physiological differences and they act on in-born predatory behavior.

I'm not sure that I would agree with the parallel to a parasite because a parasite needs its host to survive, these things don't need humans to survive. I would absolutely positively agree that humanity's ability to overcome such an evolutionary blow will depend on our ability to a) accept they exist b) develop a way to identify them and c) to figure out the ways in which we are better adapted to survive all things being equal. Of course we also need to consider that those that are in fact something other than human may be in positions to delay or stunt our ability to do all these things.

In the end the one thing that is clear to me is that whether it ends up being that their existence is further confirmed through technology and science or it is disproved that they are in fact a different species, discussion on predatory behavior must reach beyond the boundaries of psychopathic norms and must take the lates, cutting edge scientific research into account.
JAFaura said:
I'm not sure that I would agree with the parallel to a parasite because a parasite needs its host to survive, these things don't need humans to survive. I would absolutely positively agree that humanity's ability to overcome such an evolutionary blow will depend on our ability to a) accept they exist b) develop a way to identify them and c) to figure out the ways in which we are better adapted to survive all things being equal. Of course we also need to consider that those that are in fact something other than human may be in positions to delay or stunt our ability to do all these things.

Assume for the moment that normal humans (as a species) survived via group cooperation and a genuine conscience/empathy at the individual level. Assume also that we are "blasted back to the stone age" by some celestial disaster. The question might be - can a member of this new species suppress the predator within and would this be a display of genuine cooperation in group survival? If the inner predator is really the defining characteristic of this individual, then "parasite" still applies regardless of how well it is concealed for the sake of survival. The base nature of such an individual will likely be revealed at some point in the close group dynamics.
This may give you an idea, as to why Laura self-publishes - 6 Companies Control 96% of the World's Media.

"a senior VP calling me - 'Where did I get the idea for the book' and 'Where did I read about the science that I use in the book' and it wasn't only where did I get the science, he wanted specific names and the institutions where they worked or taught. He then asked whether I personally knew anyone who might be a part of the 'supposed new species' and he wanted to know whether I was afraid that people might think I was crazy for mentioning this science and claiming that there were people in positions of great power who were in fact a part of it. He wanted to know how many agents I'd contacted before and how many had asked for sample writing."

You may, in fact, be onto "something?"

I would like to offer some thoughts and heavy speculation, due to some experiences I have questioned over the last few years.

As to the experiences, I worked as a janitor in a large Grocery store, having access to all the departments. The Photo Dept. had a new hire. Male, late 20's about 5'4". Small built - light brown hair. The Photo Dept. was within the store, in a front section surrounded by clear Plexiglas. You could observe the employees possessing film, etc. For over 2 years, I was able to observe him, until the store eliminated the Photo Dept.

There was always a general feeling, something was different with this guy, yet I wasn't able to discern what it was? Grocery stores are often known to hire disadvantage individuals with handicaps, yet this was ruled out. He would interact with customer's but only responded to other employees if asked a question or he needed something in supplies. Very business like, constantly in motion, in a subtle progression of duties. Never idle, yet very versed in his profession, to the point of perfection. During breaks or lunch, he would go out and sit in his car. Within the store, there was a small Cafe with a full menu. He was never observed there nor had anyone ever witnessed him eating anything. It could be 5 degrees out and snowing, yet he'd walk into work in just his issued uniform, short sleeve shirt and slacks, no jacket. This went on - all Winter. Apparently, temperature didn't phase him.

In another experience, I was paged to come to the front Customer Service counter to drop off an Inventory List for repurchase. As I approached the counter, a instinctive feeling came over me and I looked to the left of me. Standing in line was a very attractive woman. Medium built but slenger with shoulder length reddish brown hair, pale-ish skin with a slight rosy tint. Her skin and complexion looked flawless, to the point, I did a double take. Very smartly dress in a 3 piece suit, skirt not pants, very feminine. Her eyes were another feature, rapid eye movement, like the need to constantly access every minute detail in the surrounding area. After the encounter, I had wondered if "the Company" had sent her for observation of store practices? Not uncommon. Still, there was a feeling of something out of place, with her? I don't know how to describe the feeling, other than, it's an instinctive warning, if friend or foe.

I often go to the Mall to pay my Cable Bill or window shop. I've been alerted to the feeling, on several occasions while at the Mall. The individuals look professional, have a medium slender build, hair ranges from dark brown to reddish in color, fair skin and act very business like.

For the most part, I observe it then usually forget about it until I'm alerted to the same feeling again.

In the "Speculation Department," I often wonder about "Contactee's" describing medical procedures and high interest in things sexual. Males and females describing rape. Woman lead to a room of children and being directed to hold and interact with sickly looking hybrids. If some of those hybrids survived to adulthood, what would they look like - genetically? Would they possess qualities between a Gray metabolism and hive mind with human genetic material? What would be the status in sensory, psychological or behavioral genetic profile? What composition in alterted DNA would manifest and would the process lead to a new Blood-type?

Then there's the hype over "Indigo Children" promoted by the New Age circles, in accommodating something that is inherently foreign to our basic instincts. These children are singled out "as special" and needing "protection" to do as they please, even if it means, destroying everything and everyone around them. Parent's and caregiver's are instructed and encouraged to view them as Special and allowing them to do what they want, when they feel like it!

Are Indigo Children, the next phase in the Contactee's experience to in trigrate a new species into our environment? (SOTT has an in depth discussion on Indigo Children.) Are we looking at a different DNA and Bloodline profile? If possible, could it point to Government sponsored Laws, promoting DNA testing for DUI's, prisoner's and in any other instance that they can obtain a sample, to locate these individuals? What are the physiological and cogitative differences?

As a human species, we are now faced with tainted food and water supplies, environment hazards and conditions that promote genocide, on a large scale. And that's not figuring in Fireballs, Comets and Earthquakes. The 1% wants to eliminate the 99%. Either way, we're looking at extinction, if the PTB have their way. Looking at it in another way, are we to be replaced by a new species? Due to Psychopaths in high positions, in the Corporate and Political World, what is their true function and placement in this new environment? Are they "Gate-keeper's" as part of our species minus conscious attributes?

I'm reminded of the horrendous experience, Laura er al went through with an organization called Miviludes.
A discussion can be found here:,26706.msg326110.html#msg326110

Part of the harassment might have been due to her exposure of "Psychopath's" and the division between us. Andrew Lobaczewski "Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes" exposed how this pathology worked in the Political scene. Laura's work exposed how this pathology affects us on the personal level. Laura is like a magnet, where "Truth" is concerned and doesn't leave any stones unturned in her pursuit towards that end. If - and - if there is a new species evolving, in Laura's on-going investigation in pathologies and psychopaths, she would eventually hone in on some discrepancies and would follow suit. Again, leaving no stone unturned. I sense, the PTB sent Miviludes to shut down the exposure of truth that has been surfacing in many directions.
JAFaura said:
They are not above humans from a point of view of enlightenment, but they are certainly above us from a purely competitive standpoint. The weaknesses of the psychopath, the shortcomings that have been established as the biproduct of a deficient mind and which keep us above the psychopath in the food chain are not present in the posited species. So it's not a philosophical question, it is one of evolution.

So you posit that there is a new species within humanity, who are NOT psychopaths? What evidence do you have to back it up apart from your conversations with some unnamed experts?
Assume for the moment that normal humans (as a species) survived via group cooperation and a genuine conscience/empathy at the individual level. Assume also that we are "blasted back to the stone age" by some celestial disaster. The question might be - can a member of this new species suppress the predator within and would this be a display of genuine cooperation in group survival? If the inner predator is really the defining characteristic of this individual, then "parasite" still applies regardless of how well it is concealed for the sake of survival. The base nature of such an individual will likely be revealed at some point in the close group dynamics.

This is a really interesting perspective. I suspect that if the predatory instinct is one borne out of a an evolutionary process and not in the pursuit of ego-driven and a blind selfish pursuit to satisfy their inclinations, it would be more difficult for them to actually guise themselves in the cloak of close cooperation. I think, based on what I know of evolutionary biology, that they would ultimately succumb to their nature, although I also think that would also depend on their intellectual understanding of the consequences of their actions. It's a great question though.

So you posit that there is a new species within humanity, who are NOT psychopaths? What evidence do you have to back it up apart from your conversations with some unnamed experts?

No, it is not a different species within humanity, it is a different species with the same genus. We've established the norms for diagnosing psychopathy within humanity. If we observe extreme predatory behavior and we have established the reasons for that behavior within our species and we then observe the same type of behavior, but it does not fit within what we've established as the reasons within our species, then the next logical step is to posit a new species.

I simply base my position on the fact that whether you talk to psychologists, psychiatrists, neuroscientists, etc. you will find that almost to a one they have run into instances where individuals who display extreme predatory behavior fail to meet the norms as established to define psychopathy. Previously those instances were simply 'forced' into the definition by expanding the norms. The fact that Robert Hare's psychopathy scale has been revised a number of times tells us that has indeed been the case. It is widely accepted that the MAO-A or warrior gene coupled with trauma yields violent and psychopathic behavior. So it is well established that there are biological and genetic components that play a key role in psychopathic behavior, that's not controversial.

The case in Tennessee serves to establish a legal precedent of the fact that individuals who have a different physiology from humans will receive a different standard of justice. The experts that testified basically established that this man had killed because his genetic make up predisposed him to doing it. The decision was made by 12 people who heard the evidence and agreed with that.

What the folks I've mentioned have done is to simply follow that same biological, genetic and evolutionary path to ask 'At what point do these differences serve to define another species' and they've posited the possibility coming at it strictly from an evolutionary standpoint. They have met with ridicule and fear and even threats, but they are still moving along. Most are tenured professors who are terrified of losing their tenure, so they have simply pursued their interests in this science by running studies using 'accepted' science in parallel with their own interests. So, for example a professor at UC Irvine ran a study of the measurement of humanoid cranial cavity and then correlated it with evolutionary steps. He then used his findings to posit additional physiological differences between those who are deemed to be psychopaths and those who are something else.

As I said before, I would invite you to talk to seasoned homicide detectives or criminal attorneys wherever you live. I was surprised by how open some of them were and by how eager they were to talk to someone about something they'd been thinking about for a while.

angelburst 29- I couldn't have given a better description of what a number of the folks I spoke with describe. Attorneys and detectives in particular. These are people who see the worst in humans and who are very attuned to it. They've been in the presence of psychopaths, sociopaths, schizophrenics, etc. and they develop a certain 'sixth sense' over the years. Their descriptions varied, but all of them described a few instances where they were in the presence of 'something different'. When I pressed, a few of them went on to describe 'a certain intelligence, a sense that this person knew something or was in on something that nobody else was in on'. Most dismissed it, but some were really shaken by it. One even left the homicide unit and moved to vice as a result. Same thing with detectives.

The most chilling conversation I had with anyone in any discipline was with a detective who told me something to this effect: You think we catch every murderer out there? We develop leads in over 95% of the cases and of those we are able to solve a good 85% of them and the other 5% we know who did it, but don't have enough evidence. But of the 5% that we don't develop leads on almost all of them go unsolved. You can tell which ones are prostitutes and drug related and we consider those to be the price to pay to be in the trade. But there are some that just leave you baffled, that have no apparent motive and which don't fall into anything we see on a regular basis. Most of us just shrug, but some of us think that if we were to start sifting through similar cases in other cities or states we might find that there are dozens and dozens that are just like that. We say we don't do that because we don't have the time, but the truth is we don't do it because we're afraid of what that might mean.' Coupled with everything else I've learned about it really chilled me to the core.

Laura's experience with publishing also shook me up. When all this happened I truly thought to myself that I was diluted, paranoid, ridiculous, etc. and I may in fact be every one of those things, but the more I read about other people's experiences and the more I hear how far certain entities are willing to go, the more I think I might not be to far off when I say something just doesn't feel right. I guess we'll see what this last agent does. I'm locked and loaded to self-publish whatever may happen.
What I would like to ask, "Has there been any type of timeline developed, as to when this phenomena was first recognized?"

It's only been within the last 7 or 8 years that I have experienced this and it is an unique feeling. You can be preoccupied in going about your business and suddenly, an invisible wave hits you, where you automatically go into survival-mode. You instinctively know, what direction it's coming from. Just as sudden as your awareness has been amplified, you feel the need to put distance between you and "it". The individual may pose no direct threat and may be a distance away - going in the opposite direction but instinct prompts - the need to stay away.
JAFaura said:
angelburst 29- I couldn't have given a better description of what a number of the folks I spoke with describe. Attorneys and detectives in particular. These are people who see the worst in humans and who are very attuned to it. They've been in the presence of psychopaths, sociopaths, schizophrenics, etc. and they develop a certain 'sixth sense' over the years. Their descriptions varied, but all of them described a few instances where they were in the presence of 'something different'. When I pressed, a few of them went on to describe 'a certain intelligence, a sense that this person knew something or was in on something that nobody else was in on'. Most dismissed it, but some were really shaken by it. One even left the homicide unit and moved to vice as a result. Same thing with detectives.

In Political Ponerology, it is explained that essential psychopaths do posses certain psychological knowledge that "normal" people are not aware of and are able to recognize each other in a crowd at a very young age.

angelburst29 said:
It's only been within the last 7 or 8 years that I have experienced this and it is an unique feeling. You can be preoccupied in going about your business and suddenly, an invisible wave hits you, where you automatically go into survival-mode. You instinctively know, what direction it's coming from. Just as sudden as your awareness has been amplified, you feel the need to put distance between you and "it". The individual may pose no direct threat and may be a distance away - going in the opposite direction but instinct prompts - the need to stay away.

This may help. It is referred to as forced resonance. Here are two examples:,5059.msg196871.html#msg196871

Laura said:
The issue seems to be "resonance" and "siren song" which leads to that resonance. And, as we now know, that is what psychopaths do: they force resonance and they act on the psyche like a "siren song," an irresistible lure to follow them into their illusion. Once you do, you begin to resonate at THEIR frequency.

Q: (L) Okay, well, what we want to ask about are the recent events. Just exactly what was operating in or through {name deleted} during the last - well, since he's been here?
A: (L) What has always run him: sheer mechanical chemistry.
Q: (L) What was operating in {name deleted}?
A: Much the same. However, it is not normal for her.
Q: (L) If it's not normal for her, what is it about someone like {name deleted}, who apparently it IS normal for, that can trigger or stimulate that [non-normal energy in {name deleted}]?
A: Something like bodily resonance.
Q: (L) So, it's not what I thought, which was drawing out or hooking into deep emotional nature?
A: Oh indeed, emotional center is activated by chemistry, but that generally is supposed to work the other way.
Q: (L) You mean the emotions are supposed to trigger the chemicals, is that correct? Rather than chemicals triggering emotions?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Was I correct in my assessment of {name deleted} as the chimerical type?
A: Yes, only he does not have an emotional center.
Q: (L) So I was wrong saying it [his emotional center] was just stupefied.
A: Yes. Strange creatures, yes?
Q: (L) Does that mean that we should not have {name deleted} working with our projects?
A: Not necessarily, but he must be watched closely.
Q: (L) So what makes any one us susceptible to that kind of resonance so that chemistry can completely overwhelm or trigger emotions that have no matching response? How can we protect ourselves against that?
A: It is indeed difficult because such creatures are amazing mimics, yes?
Q: (L) How many people are born without emotional centers? Are they born that way?
A: Yes
Q: (L) How many people like that are on the planet?
A: Many. Quite often authoritarian types.
Q: (Ark) What is the advantage for someone having no emotions, some not evident advantage?
A : Easily become tools of intrigue.
Q: (L) Well that's not good. (Perceval) Was there any sense of {name deleted} being used as a tool against us in some way?
A: Oh, indeed. The intent was however to subvert {name deleted}.
Q: (Perceval) Was that dream I had of being attacked that {name deleted} appeared in, was that...?
A: A disturbance in the force indeed. Ark shivered in anguish [/quote]

One more-,19608.0.html

When a creature with those properties is in proximity to wounded or weakened prey they can force the weakened body to their own frequency. Imagine a violin that has no music emanating. Then imagine some primitive string stretched taut. When it is plucked strongly, it doesn't matter how the violin is tuned. It will respond, and produce distortions of its true sound. Call it a "crime of opportunity" with other forces plucking his string. A one note samba, no doubt.
Empathy can be selective, when someone has an us/them black/white mentality. People can be unaware of their own motives, and this is one reason a person can be psychopathic without being a genetic psychopath. Lobachewski talks about this and how he helped his patients to heal and grow by helping them to recognize that their pathological behaviors were learned from other pathological people in their lives.

Lobachewski also gives a good metaphor for psychopaths in his book. He compares them to Daltonists (people who are colorblind). He compared the oppression of psychopaths like that of farmers under the oppression of Daltonists. The colorblind oppressors storm the fields and force the farmers only to pick green tomatoes. But they cannot actually tell whether the tomatoes are green or red because they are colorblind. So the farmers learn to pick red tomatoes nonetheless, and later enjoy a nice tomato salad. It really is an excellent book.

It is a common observation that pathological behavior is passed down generationally in families. Examples would be incest/sexual abuse, narcissism, and so on. Much of it is trauma-based. Myth of Sanity by Martha Stout is a good book on this subject.
Quote from: Daenerys
In Political Ponerology, it is explained that essential psychopaths ....... are able to recognize each other in a crowd at a very young age.

This may help. It is referred to as forced resonance.

Quote from: Laura
And, as we now know, that is what psychopaths do: they force resonance and they act on the psyche like a "siren song," an irresistible lure to follow them into their illusion. Once you do, you begin to resonate at THEIR frequency.

I perceive forced resonance as a matter of one object or force "getting in tune with" another object/force. Like attracting like, in the case of one psychopath being able to recognize another. I understand the principles behind psychopathy and the manipulation used to bring another down to their level or lower.

What I have experienced and described in my Post's may be associated but on a different level.

Let me re-quote from my Post's:

Still, there was a feeling of something out of place, with her? I don't know how to describe the feeling, other than, it's an instinctive warning, if friend or foe.

You can be preoccupied in going about your business and suddenly, an invisible wave hits you, where you automatically go into survival-mode.

You instinctively know, what direction it's coming from. Just as sudden as your awareness has been amplified, you feel the need to put distance between you and "it".

The individual may pose no direct threat and may be a distance away - going in the opposite direction but instinct prompts - the need to stay away. (End quote.)

In what I have experienced, on a number of occasions, has nothing to do with "like attracting like" but sudden danger and a "fight or flight" responce of varying degrees. The individuals I have detected, outwardly, seem to pose no threat. No tattooed Big Bubba hauling thick chains around his neck or female posed as the Wicked Witch and your worse nightmare. In my experience, they tend to be well dressed, some in professional attire and act very business-like in their motions. I can't picture any one of them, just chatting about the weather or what's new on TV. Which, taken as a whole, throws you off for a second, for inwardly and by instinct, you perceive a "threat" and the need "to get away." Putting it another way, you suddenly feel scared and that feeling comes in varying degree's.
angelburst29 said:
In what I have experienced, on a number of occasions, has nothing to do with "like attracting like" but sudden danger and a "fight or flight" responce of varying degrees. The individuals I have detected, outwardly, seem to pose no threat. No tattooed Big Bubba hauling thick chains around his neck or female posed as the Wicked Witch and your worse nightmare. In my experience, they tend to be well dressed, some in professional attire and act very business-like in their motions. I can't picture any one of them, just chatting about the weather or what's new on TV. Which, taken as a whole, throws you off for a second, for inwardly and by instinct, you perceive a "threat" and the need "to get away." Putting it another way, you suddenly feel scared and that feeling comes in varying degree's.

Well that would be correct. Perhaps a read of "Snakes in Suits", "How to spot a Dangerous Man', and "Women Who Love Psychopaths" would be helpful in addition to "Political Ponerology".

Forced resonance has nothing to do with like attracting like. Think of it maybe as very strong predatory vibrational energy forcing a resonance with one's prior wounding, inducing a hypnosis in someone in much the way a snake does a mouse if one's warning system is swept under the rug and one engages further with the "path". Hope that makes sense.

-modified font size.
monotonic said:
Empathy can be selective, when someone has an us/them black/white mentality. People can be unaware of their own motives, and this is one reason a person can be psychopathic without being a genetic psychopath. Lobachewski talks about this and how he helped his patients to heal and grow by helping them to recognize that their pathological behaviors were learned from other pathological people in their lives.

Indeed, quite a few experienced psychiatrists make the distinction between a psychopath and a "characteropath", that is, an individual with severe character disturbances who can exhibit some emotional content but has a predatory behavior. The work of George Simon, an author I mentioned earlier, is priceless in that respect. He has worked with countless "disturbed" individuals, mostly people who are highly predatory but not genetic psychopaths. Childhood experiences didn't seem to account for their behavior, at least not always, but the behavior showed instead, to be actually rooted on an inner blueprint within the individual itself.
From his own experience, Simon posits that these abusive individuals can't be "cured", they are who/what they are and that's that, but they can learn how to manage their behavior.

From your account JAFaura, I get the impression that some of the people you have talked with and who may be experts in their field, aren't perhaps talking with each other and sharing experiences? I can't really say, of course, but there is indeed a considerable amount of work, particularly within the field of psychiatry and psychology, which explores precisely those nuances within individuals who are fundamentally predatory. With more knowledge and networking amongst experts perhaps there won't be a need to resort to the theory of a new race?

Also, you have mentioned differences between a psychopath and said new race individual, although to be honest I have to say that I haven't really understood what the difference was, apart from a vague reference to empathy. Could you clarify on those differences with specific examples? Perhaps with more precise info we can untangle this.
Quote from: Daenerys
Think of it maybe as very strong predatory vibrations energy forcing a resonance with one's prior wounding, inducing a hypnosis in someone in much the way a snake does a mouse if one's warning system is swept under the rug and one engages further with the "path". Hope that makes sense.

The experience does have a very strong sense of an intense negative predatory nature but "forcing a resonance with one's prior wounding, inducing a hypnosis"?

No hypnosis involved but an inert survival reflex of "fight or flight" to get away from imminent danger. I lack to use the term "evil" to describe the feeling but for what I have experienced, it most certainly sits on the edge to it.
angelburst29 said:
Quote from: Daenerys
Think of it maybe as very strong predatory vibrations energy forcing a resonance with one's prior wounding, inducing a hypnosis in someone in much the way a snake does a mouse if one's warning system is swept under the rug and one engages further with the "path". Hope that makes sense.

The experience does have a very strong sense of an intense negative predatory nature but "forcing a resonance with one's prior wounding, inducing a hypnosis"?

No hypnosis involved but an inert survival reflex of "fight or flight" to get away from imminent danger. I lack to use the term "evil" to describe the feeling but for what I have experienced, it most certainly sits on the edge to it.

To reiterate, I stated that the resonance (hypnosis) is induced if one ignores one's internal warning system ( fight or flight response) and engages with them.

We are taught to ignore these types of responses in ourselves. Our " Be Nice" program or maybe a " All people are good" program kicks in and we shove it under the rug.
Quoted from: Daenerys
To reiterate, I stated that the resonance (hypnosis) is induced if one ignores one's internal warning system ( fight or flight response) and engages with them.
We are taught to ignore these types of responses in ourselves. Our " Be Nice" program or maybe a " All people are good" program kicks in and we shove it under the rug.

In what I have stated, in regards to the occasional experiences, I acted on survival instinct to remove myself from the immediate area, due to an overwhelming feeling of intense danger.

We have all interacted and dealt with Psychopath's, at one time or another. I'm not suggesting that some are not capable of some of the worst crimes, for they are all predatory in nature. But I have, as of yet, found myself in a position of being alerted to immense danger and immediately, know in which direction it's coming from. The intensity of the experience doesn't seem to fit within the stated guildline's of essential psychopathy but may be another trait. Or as JAFaura has suggested, "something else."

In what you have quoted above, how does that relate to the experiences I have described?
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