The Third Person Effect

Laura said:
It's pretty clear that, as pathocrats, they KNOW brainwashing works and they want to have the monopoly on it. What's more, they must be consciously aware of this.

Yep, and just how many people even consider what I think of as this fact? Or... How many people have even thought of the possibility that TPTB want to control a happily ignorant brainwashed populace?

I'm having a hard time with this concept as applying to all. My thoughts keep telling me that I am abnormally skeptic of mostly anything and possibly everything from so-called educational curriculum books, newspaper, radio, television, and yes the internet. Seems most "news" so-called reporting injects bias of the author/commentator and merely glosses over the actual events, facts of the matter. Spin as "they" call it. Seems people want television like drama, not just facts for them to connect dots. People who do not know how to think for themselves have been created. Many years are invested in conditioning people to "live" life vicariously through television like drama, to virtually live a life that they do not have. TPTB want all to believe that is merely entertainment, but in reality it is brainwashing to remove the "real" human being, leaving only a empty shell for the reception and acceptance of lies, osit...
Al Today

How many people have even thought of the possibility that TPTB want to control a happily ignorant brainwashed populace?
i think that nowadays more and more people are becoming aware of this possibility. at least as a possibility.
whenever the hooligans scurry about in order to blur leftover evidence of their control-system, alert-people take notice.
these people then relay their impressions on to others, etc'.
talking about conspiracy doesn't even automatically mean you're a nut in this day and age.
books and movies seemed to be obsessed with the theme of hidden agenda / conspiracy.
of course they are also intentionally and unintentionally riddled with disinfo to keep people interested in investigating the truth busy with nonsense.

My thoughts keep telling me that I am abnormally skeptic of mostly anything and possibly everything from so-called educational curriculum books, newspaper, radio, television, and yes the internet.

IMO, i think being skeptical, is healthy. not taking things at face value just because you are told to induces the questioning of things.
questioning things can lead to insights and can potentially create 'non-zombie' people.

People who do not know how to think for themselves have been created. Many years are invested in conditioning people to "live" life vicariously through television like drama, to virtually live a life that they do not have.

yes, this seems to be so.

it's amazing how different people react differently to the same stimuli.
on the one hand you have people who are completely believing the brainwashing programs and seem to be less able to think independently / creatively, while on the other, you get people who seem to be responding to it by becoming more aware.
for the latter group, it's almost as though the brainwashing not only does not affect them in the original intended ways, it seems to actually galvanize a sense of truth seeking in them.

there's also the fact that within the population 5% - 20% of people seem to be unhypnotizable.
hypnotism being only one tool in the hooligans' toolbox.
RflctnOfU said:
Esote said:
MK Scarlett said:
Actually, I get the fact a lot of people here looks know so much about everything, and I feel lost sometimes by realising all I have to learn, more and more...

We are all learning, all the time there is always more to learn. As much as we may know intellectually isn't enough. We must know with the heart and take action accordingly. Knowing little but acting with the heart is much better than knowing a lot and acting selfishly, IMO

Mod's note: Edited to fix the quotation boxes

I think this (bolded statement) is a somewhat 'trap-riddled-path' of an attitude. If for no other reason than that the action of manipulation is focused towards the feelings/heart.


edit: clarity

I don't really understand what is a 'trap-riddled-path' of an attitude. You may be right "that the action of manipulation is focused towards the feelings/heart", but what I meant is :

It seems to me that there is a knowledge from the heart, which leads to altruistic actions (STO), versus an (only) intellectual knowledge (as big as it can be, there may be no limit to it) which is more likely getting to some kind of a STS attitude.
A deep knowledge, from the core of one's being, resonates much better to me than a massive knowledge from external sources.

So by heart I don't point toward feelings but toward the esoteric heart (from the inside).

I know of the paradox here : altruistic actions coming from a deep knowledge of oneself...
As found in Cassiopedia : "STO is balance because you serve self through others. STS is imbalance. […] STO flows outward and touches all including point of origin, STS flows inward and touches only origin point.
This is why the terms are sometimes defined as service to self through serving others (STO) or serving others through serving the self (STS). Or as Ra puts it, worshiping God in self or worshiping God in creation"

What I understand is that a full heart is able to radiate toward others (STO), when an empty heart can only absorb (STS).

In other words, I'm talking about the quality of knowledge, as opposed to the quantity...

I don't really understand what is a 'trap-riddled-path' of an attitude.

the thing is, when reading/hearing something along the lines of "knowledge from the heart", there is room for confusion.
"knowledge from the heart" is a VERY abstract and subjective phrase.
what one person finds inside their "heart" is totally different than what others find.

this is what i find problematical with such a phrase. it leaves the meaning open to interpretation to a great extent.

i do however agree with your point that "knowing a lot and acting selfishly" is quite a negative mode to be in.

this is an article that i think ties-in to the issue;
Citation de: MK Scarlett le 05 décembre 2011, 22:28:44
Actually, I get the fact a lot of people here looks know so much about everything, and I feel lost sometimes by realising all I have to learn, more and more...

I feel lost sometimes because I am alone at home with all these knowledges to learn and understand for applying the good choice in our life.

I feel lost sometimes, because the English is not my natural language and because of it, I am not able to translate my thoughts like I would like, and I am not able to understand easily what I am reading, without talk about the meaning behind the reading.

I feel lost sometimes, because all around me (except for my husband and younger daughter), nobody, I repeat nobody think as we think, nobody look for as we do, nobody can feel how complicated are our own vision of the World, our own vision of Human people, my own vision of myself.

I feel lost sometimes because I would like to cry and cannot do it.

I feel lost sometimes because my own life is full of sadness and suffering, received and gave.

But what I know today, is I do not want anymore make a choice without know. Know more for more sharing and more acting in a better way.
Absorb knowledges to keep it to us is absurd in my thought system. Maybe we would not be able to do this work if it was only for us. I almost am sure about that, at least for me.
Quote from MKScarlett:

I feel lost sometimes by realising all I have to learn, more and more...

What you do have in you have in your favor is that you know the direction in which you want to go.

When my daughter was very small sometimes she would get very tired and say that she couldnt walk any further. If I didn't have her stroller with me, and if I had packages and couldn't carry her I would tell her to take one step. Then I'd tell her to take another, and then another. Our conversation went like this: "One step. One step. One step....." and in this way we would get home.
transientP said:

Thank you TransientP for this interesting link.
It's easy to get confused or to add confusion. That's one of the reasons why this forum is very helpful, allowing anyone to get real clear about one's assumptions...
I found the Quote of the Day while reading the article, which is also pretty much in tune with this issue :

It is easier to perceive error than to find truth, for the former lies on the surface and is easily seen, while the latter lies in the depth, where few are willing to search for it. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
webglider said:
What you do have in you have in your favor is that you know the direction in which you want to go.

I do agree, it helps of course to know the direction, and know it does not make the thing easier. I also got that suffering is a part of this way.

He who learns must suffer
And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget
Falls drop by drop upon the heart,
And in our own despair, against our will,
Comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.
Agamemnon, Aeschylus

webglider said:
When my daughter was very small sometimes she would get very tired and say that she could not walk any further. If I didn't have her stroller with me, and if I had packages and couldn't carry her I would tell her to take one step. Then I'd tell her to take another, and then another. Our conversation went like this: "One step. One step. One step....." and in this way we would get home.

Step by step, thank you for your empathy and for sharing your own experience - beautiful by the way because it is about your child - and I often repeat it to my own younger daughter... I guess some days are harder than others to make me forget this basic. Thank you for reminding. :flowers:
Perceval said:
Esote said:
Our minds are conditioned in such a way that we may even deny being conditioned.

And hence the idea that the people can be brought to defend and even love their own slavery. It's pretty horrific because that idea is not just an idea, today it is an on-the-ground reality.

Yeah, and it's always been this way and continues to recycle. And to think another 309,000 yr cycle will commence starting the whole thing over again.
Boggles the mind.
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