Thinking about Board Experiment(s)?

Puck said:
It was more like I was lending books to my younger friend and he was curious about boardwork, that was back in the spring and I advised him that there's a lot of preparation involved. He kept reading through a lot of my RPP books and other stuff I've picked up off the reading lists and when my best friend moved in he was very curious with regard to spirit attachment thinking he definitely had that as an issue. I'm curious as well, but if there's an easier way to remove spirits from my aura I'm all for it.

There is and it is mentioned in another thread about the guy who does it via a medium by phone consult. If your friend is anxious about it, he should try that.

It almost sounds to me like someone who really doesn't grok the deeper levels of the thing is acting as a vector for you. The ancients understood that it was a shamanic type of work and that shamans were born to be made, not just made out of curiosity. It can take years to do this kind of work and you really need to decide if you have been "hailed" by the universe by a long and careful analysis of your life.

Puck said:
I've brought it up with the NE group, mentioned that in the first post, we discussed it a bit and perhaps our next book will be on topic. Just to be clear I wasn't planning on forging ahead without a general consensus here that we had covered all the required reading and prepared properly. I also thought there might be other folks doing some preparation so I wanted to get a discussion rolling so we could compare notes on required reading, protocols, dangers, etc.

I think that making the necessary choices to move out of that reality into one where the conditions for undertaking such activities might be more clear should be a priority. Like I said, I've got a couple more videos coming along that may help and also a final one to make.

I think that you (and others) should be acutely aware that you are at a sort of crossroads where decisions have to be made and all sorts of forces will be brought to bear on you to induce you to be "food for the moon".
Puck said:
I've brought it up with the NE group, mentioned that in the first post, we discussed it a bit and perhaps our next book will be on topic. Just to be clear I wasn't planning on forging ahead without a general consensus here that we had covered all the required reading and prepared properly. I also thought there might be other folks doing some preparation so I wanted to get a discussion rolling so we could compare notes on required reading, protocols, dangers, etc.

Well Puck, you surprised me(probably others too) with raising the topic in our last NE meeting since I felt that the answer ( STOP, LISTEN) from your subconscious is too straight. It ended up telling what laura told me about i ching. Don't think 'Since Laura is rolling out these things now, means we are ready for it'. More than enough warnings were given on that.

Given how we respond to sirens/temptations, It may be better to dig and spell out how and when this interest started as honest as possible. You ( OR some body else?) look very impatient on this topic my friend.

Reading is one thing and make it sink into brain to respond enough is another thing. Decade back, I played with 'un quite dead' exercises and I even worked with a psychic with getting rid of my( real or perceived, only God knows) attachments. Often the problem is, honeymoon didn't last for 3 or 4 days ( Of course thinking my impressions are correct). I felt embarrassed and insufficient for years until Laura mentioned that attachments are like common colds. Now they don't bother me as much as they are before. Probably, diet and realization that "reading and today I understand" doesn't mean it will be there forever might have changed.

Small weaknesses in our simple understanding is sufficient enough to create havoc, particularly when stream of comets are in our backyard. Risking just for getting rid of attachment is a sufficient reward?. I am not sure. I think, We are still machines of system 2 narration with no awareness of system 1.
I think that, more than anything, I am making the videos because I know that a lot of foolish people are going to try such things and I am hoping that by making the procedures clear, it will make them acutely aware of how little they know, and how incompetent they are to undertake such activities. But, IF they do, at least they will know what NOT to do and what can lead them to a better understanding.

I think that anyone who really wants to undertake such a process sincerely is going to find one main drawback: the lack of a good working partner who is dedicated to finding truth and is willing to sit through the endless loops over and over again. People want some kind of "OOOOH!" factor in their lives and something that makes them feel speshul so they often are taken in by subconscious dynamics and led down the primrose path. And believe me, this self-deception factor is a big one. So, getting someone to stick with you regularly, over months and even years, is a bit problematical. The person may say "oh, I just want to clear up some attachments..." but they are secretly thinking that "I'm chosen and god is gonna speak to me..." That's a deadly delusion.

Anyway, I'll get some warpaint on and try to finalize the topic soon.
seek10 said:
It ended up telling what Laura told me about i ching. Don't think 'Since Laura is rolling out these things now, means we are ready for it'. More than enough warnings were given on that.

Is it possible to tell me what Laura said about the I Ching?

I am "asking" the I Ching on and off for about 15 years - sometimes very often - sometimes not at all for months - sometimes just now and then. I tried to "ask it about the future" for some topics. Or I tried to find out what could happen if I go this way or that way. I got some very good answers and some left me puzzling what the answer means. Sometimes it was just comforting to get some answer for questions I had and could not get an answer otherwise. It was never connected to spirituality or occult. For me it gives some hints about buds of future development(s). Its answers give me some belly feeling about the topic of my questions. The I Ching is just "something/someone else" I could ask when there are somewhat burning questions. For me it just "works somehow".

It never occurred to me that doing this is potentially dangerous for me. I know here is no free lunch (Maybe I already somewhat paid with the problems and lessons of the last 10 years?). It seems I should have second thoughts and get some more knowledge...
Dirgni said:
seek10 said:
It ended up telling what Laura told me about i ching. Don't think 'Since Laura is rolling out these things now, means we are ready for it'. More than enough warnings were given on that.

Is it possible to tell me what Laura said about the I Ching?

context: Once or twice, My parents used some indian version of some divination board to make some decision when we are stuck with uncertainty of what to do related to a family crisis. It's so long back I don't remember what it is.

My Question : Once grid goes down, we will not have communications to figure out what is right or wrong or where to head etc. what is the best approach ?. I have asked this question w.r.t recent video's in my mind.

Laura's answer is : Use I-Ching
Thanks a lot for your answer, clarification and sharing this, seek10.
Thank you very much for your answer, Laura. I will keep this advice in my mind.

It seems I am not too far from track concerning the I Ching. :rolleyes:
I found some additional information in some posts of topic iChing Politics:,2638.msg15987.html#msg15987
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