I am surprised the forum sees Daniel Kahneman’s two centered model of man worthy of our time and effort. The two-brained model of man is the model of a psychopath, a being centered in the intellect, connected to the instinctive-motor center’s survival function without a feeling center of value of relationship. Mr. Gurdjieff’s model of man is a three-brained, self-developing being with thinking, feeling, and instinctive-motor centers or brains. Why bother trying to reconcile Kahneman’s two-brained model with Mr. Gurdjieff’s ancient esoteric three-brained model of man’s psyche? OK, even a blind pig finds an acorn once in a while. I am not a blind pig to spend my time reading Kahneman’s wiseacreing, to find a few acorns.
Daniel Kahneman is known as the father of behavioral economics. He is a central figure in weaponizing psychology and finance. Kahneman is an expert on human behavior, in the context of uncertainty. This is valuable data for those whose well-being depends on the ill-being of others. Kahneman’s
Nobel Prize Lecture includes the experiment on perception of pain in colonoscopy depending on ending amplitude, rather than duration of the pain is useful data to determine the most efficient application of pain to human populations via financial manipulation. The famous colonoscopy experiment echos the use of Kahneman’s research by the Lords of Finance in the current controlled collapse of the world economy.
http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=14216 Anton Chaitken’s historical research on the ideas of behavioral economics and its advocates .
http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/22750/1/04064.pdf Utility Theory from Jeremy Bentham to Daniel Kahneman by Daniel Read.
http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/economics/laureates/2002/kahneman-autobio.html Daniel Kahneman’s Nobel Prize Autobiography from the IDF to Nobel Prize.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Kahneman for general information.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prospect_theory for behavioral economic theories of Daniel Kahneman.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremy_Bentham for Daniel Kahneman’s ideological ancestor.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panopticon for Jeremy Bentham’s vision of a vast prison for mankind under the watchful eye of psychopathic, two-brained overseers.
The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed for context of Daniel Kahneman’s origin and agenda.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NupXR8aLgc4&feature=related The Chief Culprit in the Destruction of All the Very Saintly Labors of Ashieta Shiemash: Part 1-Part 5 by HaroldComingGood offers Mr. Gurdjieff’s insight on wiseacreing of learned beings of new formation and the destruction of man’s possibility of self-developing in the image of God.