Thomas Sheridans books and videos on youtube about Psychopaths

cassandra said:
ReBecca.S said:
Thanks for the thread with this book suggestion. I am preparing to conduct a class about psychopaths in and out of power at occupy charlotte, and I am sure it will be quite helpful along with what I have learned here.

Please keep us posted as to how it went!

The class went okay. Only about about 15 out of 50 people showed up. The rest were not interested after just hearing the title, and had a social event instead that I had to talk over. You could say there was a lot of resistance. There was some leader guy who I felt was trying to sabotage my class, because he tried to get it postponed right before it was supposed to happen, didn't announce it when he did all the other announcements for the assembly, and then didn't show up until then end to tell people it was wrong to discriminate against psychopaths who couldn't help their condition. I know I got through to at least four people though that were involved leader types who didn't know about psychopaths before. They asked me to do the class again in the spring when it was warm and they could get a bigger crowd. I also got a parking ticket in a lot that I usually pay $5 to park in on the way out. It was open so I thought I could just park their, and they ticketed me $25 with out giving me a chance to pay right at the end of my class. Overall I would have done better if I would have expected attack, known modes of the same, and known how to counteract as the C's say. I did have a feeling about that guy, and I knew what he was doing, but I could've played a much better defense. I wish I could say lesson learned, but this one bites me regularly.
Finished the book a few days ago and really appreciated it. It helped me to better visualize the psychopath in his/her every day apperances and actions. Thanks for recommending it.
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