A few things to remember, if you have not thought of them.
Check your tire pressure, and make sure your spare tire is in good condition and/or bring a can of "fix a flat".
Check your oil and bring a couple bottles of oil with you.
Check your radiator fluid level and bring water (an aside here... bring some kind of razor blade. If you blow a leak in a hose, 9 times out of 10 you can let it all cool down, cut down the hose and re-clamp it. So bring a philips head and screwdriver and if you have to tighten something down... make it plenty tight.) Also bring along black pepper :O . Yeah I know ... crazy, but see here http://www.ehow.com/how_5751053_use-pepper-seal-head-gasket.html. This saved me on a drive from Boston to Missouri. A friend of mine who knew my car well, told me to do it.
And plan ahead for snacks etc. The food at rest stops is deadly.
Wishing you a very safe journey with no problems what-so-ever.