
So, i'm not sure whether the Music forum is exactly the right place for these kinda thoughts, but I already have background in this thread and some of my theories are related to music. I have been trying to figure out what kind of experience I had had. I apologize for having been noising but being able to post and then reflect later on my own words helped me to look from new points of view while not in a heightened emotional state of mind. Now I am not claiming I "figured it out", but what I have been figuring I could definately use some feedback from people who have studied more than myself. I imagine that what I am about to say could be dangerous and I am in no way promoting what I am doing, just trying to understand more at this point...
After some conversation with another individual, we found that we both had a similair trance-like state that we would enter into when studying spirituality or other moving materialing, wherein this trance-like state every thought seems extremely clear and in this clear thought feeling like you are able to "figure a lot out". I seen that when I was in this state of mind i felt I could fully understand whatever is what I have been studying. Also music seemed to reach deeper to me (all and any music, not just Tool) and the music i was listening too would help me to understand more about whatever I would be dwelling on at that point in time; Also conversations...pretty well anything/everything.
Any how, I believe that myself and that person I talked with (who also kinda tested what I was saying with the music "reaching to you" while in this state of mind), have been falling into self hypnosis. While under hypnosis, from what I have been reading, a person becomes very open to suggestion. Which this could be understandable that alot of people on this forum have suggested to be careful taking to music or anything for that matter too literally as it can be dangerous. But under this state of mind with all the clarity and the music and/or reading materials helping me figure out what ever it is I am trying it seems to me that maybe I am pattern-matching things buried in my sub-concious to whatever new material I come in contact with, taking from it whatever I have deemed I learned and discarding the rest. We all do this in life, learning. The music or such may not mean at all what I am taking from it, but it feels i am letting my sub-concious pattern match whatever topic I am studying at that point in time. This has been giving me very powerful "breakthroughs" into my own mind. Where this could also be dangerous is as we know, the brain can contain bad pattern matching, like things that cause social anxiety, shyness, compulsive behaviors, anger issues, ect... So where I am wondering now is how much would I trust my own subconcious (and I have been trying to study on anything that I come up with to validate)(studying hypnosis now), or on a complete othe extreme, what if we make our own fate according to this sub-concious pattern matching, possibly even reaching into past-lives. Where as everything we are exposed to teaches us something new because the brain has a built-in style of teaching us life's lessons and making it instinctual and maybe our own brains lead us on our path therefore our fates are already built in to take us where we need to be...learning more. Just sayin' ;) a maybe-not so far-fetched idea. And if this is all basic crap that everyone already knows, having this realization in my own mind and maybe being able to "tap" it could be a powerful tool.
Where I stand now is that,while in these "trances", I am going to start studying some self help materials :) Start trying to re-program my bad pattern matching and help myslef in the meantime and try not to let it get too spiritual.
Crystla24 said:
Any how, I believe that myself and that person I talked with (who also kinda tested what I was saying with the music "reaching to you" while in this state of mind), have been falling into self hypnosis. While under hypnosis, from what I have been reading, a person becomes very open to suggestion. Which this could be understandable that alot of people on this forum have suggested to be careful taking to music or anything for that matter too literally as it can be dangerous.

About music being "dangerous," a quote by Dr. Estes from her book Women Who Run With the Wolves came to mind. I think it sort of highlights the importance of being able to "sort the wheat from the chaff," to develop our SEEing of the world:

WWRWW said:
There is very little right/wrong or good/bad in this world. There is, however, useful and not useful. There are also things that are sometimes destructive, as well as things which are engendering. There are actions that are properly integrated and intentioned and those that are not. But as you well know, a garden has to be turned in the fall in order to prepare it for the spring. It cannot bloom all the time. But let your own innate cycles dictate the upsurges and the downward cycles of your life, no other forces or persons outside yourself, nor negative complexes from within.

I think it's possible to connect the idea of our "innate cycles" with the Law of Octaves of the Fourth Way. I apologize if I'm veering off tangent from Work-related material by posting the quote, but I found her writing to be very uplifting, in the sense of being able to see ourselves as being in the influence of the "natural cycles" that make up life.

Crystal said:
Where I stand now is that,while in these "trances", I am going to start studying some self help materials :) Start trying to re-program my bad pattern matching and help myslef in the meantime and try not to let it get too spiritual.

I think our objective is to be able to discern between truth and lies, in ourselves and outside, which is not exactly the same thing as a deliberate re-programming of ourselves. Self-change comes with repeated self observation and practice of discernment. Here's another quote from Lost Christianity:

It was a disaster for Christianity, according to Father Sylvan, when it adopted the notion that the soul of man already exists in finished form within human nature. The assumption about the given existence of the sooul led to our identification of ordinary kinds of thoughts, emotions and sensations with the soul, the higher part of ourselves, and hence to the futile and mistaken effort to perfect our being by perfecting our thoughts, emotions or sensations, i.e. the futile effort of thought to alter emotion or vice versa. The Christian teaching, as Father Sylvan presents it, says on the contrary that these psychological functions are incapable of altering each other. Change, transformation, can come only through the action of an objectively higher force: the Spirit. And this Spirit cannot find channels of action unless there exists something in man that can receive it and pass it on to all the parts of himself.

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