The Living Force
I just read the following article:
I spent some time yesterday on the Candida thread, finally putting together a list of good and bad foods (I failed the spit test where you test your saliva first thing in the morning in a glass of clear water), and it is too bad that three of the foods recommended in this article are on the 'Bad' list for the anti-candida diet (sigh):
Edited for clarity: Its not as bad as I thought now that I listed them -- three out of twelve isn't too bad I guess...
I spent some time yesterday on the Candida thread, finally putting together a list of good and bad foods (I failed the spit test where you test your saliva first thing in the morning in a glass of clear water), and it is too bad that three of the foods recommended in this article are on the 'Bad' list for the anti-candida diet (sigh):
1. Unpasteurized Grass-Fed Organic Milk
2. Fermented Foods
3. Raw Organic Eggs from Free-Range Chickens
4. Grass-Fed Beef or Organ Meats
5. Coconuts and Coconut Oil
6. Locally Grown Organic Vegetables Appropriate for Your Nutritional Type
7. Blueberries and Raspberries
8. Mushrooms
9. Chlorella
10. Propolis
11. Teas (Green Tea and Matcha, Tulsi)
12. Herbs and Spices
Edited for clarity: Its not as bad as I thought now that I listed them -- three out of twelve isn't too bad I guess...