Top 5 / Worst 5 foods?

EGVG said:
foofighter Today at 07:18:11 AM:
There is a bit of irony in this whole situation though, because one of the main reasons I included Buckwheat in my list is because of the "Buckwheat castle" videos that Laura did, and which we had just watched. So, I would agree that is indeed very difficult to provide truthful information about food, and teach about it, even with the best of intentions.

I really enjoyed those videos, but the real point is that you ,as a forum member with aspirations of sharing your knowledge with others in this retreat, should known better. Anyway, regardlees of a video, you have learnt a lot about diet and nutrition here ,in the forum, and in your personal life, I suppose, so there's really no irony here, or at least I don't share the feeling. I most get the feeling your reluctant to getting the point that your first 5 top choices where really off and that they reflects on your actual view of a healthy diet, and that consequently shapes your world and understanding of it.

The diet has changed here many times as new information comes out, if you don't have time to read some of the longer threads on diet, a good start is just to read some of the administrators posts.

You can click on anyone's name and click show posts, it's the most efficient way I've found to keep up to date on important topics and from there you can view others replies and so on.
Jerry said:
foofighter said:
Ailén said:
You have to be kidding. If that's the only consideration, and you haven't thought about any other dangers or disservice to others, then I'm really flabbergasted and your humungous ego.
I'm really sorry about all this, and we have obviously not done our homework well enough (hence the initial question about food). On that note, I would like a clarification on this one: when you say "dangers or disservice to others", are you saying that it is possible to do pipe-breathing so wrong that it is actually harmful? Or is it something else? What exactly are the dangers that you foresee, and which we are missing? As it is we are still learning. Thank you.

Hi foofighter,

Some additional thoughts:

If the technique is learned incorrectly or lacking in efficiency the vagal stimulation would be weak to none at all, leading a student to eventually drop it due to not receiving the benefits for feedback necessary in any discipline.

If too many pipe breaths are performed in a row, the vagal stimulation may lower blood pressure to levels of risk.

If proper instruction in the need for diaphragmatic breathing is missing, there’s the danger of the practice literally reinforcing bad breathing.

Pipe breathing has been showing results of emotional cleansing similar to round breathing though on a milder scale. Without due awareness (instruction) regarding this process, there’s a possibility of psychological confusion or trauma.

I'd like to add to this.

Being able to do the pipe breathing and teaching it are two very different things, for all the reasons Jerry gave. But, also, if you have not been trained in the EE teaching, how do you think you will be able to answer the many questions that will pop up without doing damage to those you are "teaching"? Were you just going to wing it? Do you really think that you can teach things that you no little to nothing about?

If that is the case, which it seems it is from what you have posted, then it is true, you are not doing this for the people who may be duped into coming to this "retreat", but doing it for your own ego.

I am amazed that you would have even considered teaching these things that you no nothing about. But, then, your idea of teaching and mine are probably quite different.
Franco said:
The diet has changed here many times as new information comes out, if you don't have time to read some of the longer threads on diet, a good start is just to read some of the administrators posts.

You can click on anyone's name and click show posts, it's the most efficient way I've found to keep up to date on important topics and from there you can view others replies and so on.

I'm not able to do that, nor does the link referenced above work for me.
.... this is one of those things that I gain access to after more posts, isn't it?

SUPER tip by the way. I have to admit, I kinda get lost navigating sometimes.
HifromGrace said:
Franco said:
The diet has changed here many times as new information comes out, if you don't have time to read some of the longer threads on diet, a good start is just to read some of the administrators posts.

You can click on anyone's name and click show posts, it's the most efficient way I've found to keep up to date on important topics and from there you can view others replies and so on.

I'm not able to do that, nor does the link referenced above work for me.
.... this is one of those things that I gain access to after more posts, isn't it?

SUPER tip by the way. I have to admit, I kinda get lost navigating sometimes.

Hello HifromGrace,

I'm not sure if this is disabled until 50 posts like some features afaik, maybe an admin can comment.
Girls,and I use that term with trepidation,you know exactly what you are doing .If you think about it.THINK,being the operative word.The wishful thinking seems to say ,"Lets be these conscious entrepreneurs,who will learn as we go,and MEANWHILE,bond with and seduce our newfound customers into parting with their money and time so we can feel comfortable and needed." I'm not surprised,and I doubt it would take off because you can't serve 2 masters,and you don't sound like you could pull off even a scam,which it would be.So either be outright liars,not caring about others or delude yourself into thinking otherwise,they are both the same. Only one is total phycopathy,and one is just mindlessness.STS agendas .They both harm,and I believe you know that.Which is probably why it won't go anywhere.Much of what the world offers is based on this ,I think.When we have unresolved conflicts we imagine these type of delusions.I've imagined them in my lifetime and ended up hitting bottom by finding out what these delusions are really about. They are about cutting corners,free lunches,narcissism,lying. I'm certainly not in judgement.It's just that it is obvious and I have been there. I usually tell my students, if anyone asks about diet,to go to this forum. Because I don't pretend to think I can give a full assessment of whats good for them.Or how to find out WHAT they need to know to learn to THINK for themselves. THAT is why this whole site is invaluable to everyone. The info is here to open the gates of knowledge within. At least for me.So I say GIRLS, because you sound young,but maybe not. I've been immature only yesterday,sooo. In any event.If anyone asked for advice I'd say STOP,breathe.and start asking yourself why are you here.And ,like everyone else,we're here to learn.Again ,you are far from unique.It's the rare person that gives selflessly and THAT can begin at any given moment in a lot of us.OSIT
supriyanoel, Could separate your posts into paragraphs so that the lecture becomes easier for others?
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