OPULENCE is the nature of the Universe and when you are spiritually aligned with the Creative principle the OPULENCE is YOUR nature as well.
And so, let's look at some things:
1) Know that money is, indeed, spiritual as is all that exists when perceived correctly. Remember that to be "spiritual" means to be alive, vigorous, energetic.
2) The real nature of money is to INCREASE. A child sees only part of the world, as an adult he sees more of it. So, too, will abundance in your life increase for you as you progressivly discover more of the infinite Universe in Truth which is aligned to the creative principle.
This means that as you shed your illusions, you will unlock your own creative potential in all areas of your life.
3) Know that your TRUE nature is "rich and affluent" just like Nature. The Universe itself is infinite and unending, and so are you.
By becoming your true self, your real, permanent "I", you will have the only real security and happiness available in the Universe. This will reflect in your outer life. Because certainly we know that the material expression - the symbols - are material and impermanent and constantly change in the flow of life.
4) Money is made of "mind stuff." The fact is that nothing exists external to you. Money consists of consciousness of energy and thus is part of you.
In the final analysis, Knowledge is acquired by the expenditure of energy. "Knowledge application generates energy, which, in turn, generates light."
Knowledge protects.
The more knowledge you have, the more you APPLY it, the more "richness" you will have in your life in ALL respects, including money.
Acquiring knowledge is like building a magnet inside you. It will attract people and circumstances to you that will literally change your life.
Regard everything in your life as an opportunity to be as creative as the Universe is.
And never forget that giving of yourself must be done as the Universe does it: completely and infinitely and without strings. To give of yourself is to receive.
If you are unable to recive without immediately offering something in return or becoming embarrassed, or you accept something from another without appreciation, you violate the law and it means that you do not know how to give.
At the same time, if you are constantly giving your work, time, money, or energies of any kind away without expecting and receiving proper payment (which doesn't always mean money), you are violating the law. That which you give therefore cannot and will not be appreciated by the recipient. To be ONLY able to give, is selfish and egocentric. When you understand that it is your true nature to share your life with all of Life, you will give intuitively to the right people at the right time.