Trans madness: jokes & memes

In the meantime, Evil (the product of the Humans’ choices) did not doze off…

In Washington state, Democrats voted unanimously for a new law that would allow children to be taken away from their parents if parents do not agree to sex reassignment surgery for their children. Under this law, children can also be ‘hidden from their parents in safe shelters’.3E912D18-7E01-41D7-9C46-5168BC52832C.jpeg

'Wasted' first class plane passenger forced kiss on air steward after being denied wine​

The first class Delta Airlines passenger made a pass at a flight attendant, kissing him on the neck, after going ballistic for being refused a glass of red wine.

Moral of the story-for god’s sake- give a person a wine especially in business. Otherwise people go astray😂😂😂
I was just watching Tucker Carlson where he is asking what that's mean "+" in the term LGBTQIA+ and here we goes:

  • L - lesbian
  • G - gay
  • B - bisexual

I know, everyone knows that;-).

  • T - trans, transsexual, transgender
  • Q - questioning (when a person is exploring their sexuality, gender identity and gender expression), queer (an inclusive term or as a unique celebration of not molding to social norms)
  • I - intersex (used for individuals who don’t fit into specific gender norms of woman or man; can also be used for those with reproductive anatomy that isn’t biologically typical)
  • A - asexual (uses for those who don’t feel sexual attraction to either sex or that don’t feel romantic attraction in the typical way)

The plus sign at the end of LGBTQIA+ can include members of other communities including allies - people who support and rally the LGBTQIA+ cause even though they don't identify within the community itself. Other identities included in the LGBTQIA + are:

  • agender - refers to those who do not identify as any gender at all
  • demisexual - describes someone who requires an emotional bond to form a sexual attraction
  • genderfluid - describes one's gender identity as self-expression and not static
  • graysexual - refers to the “gray area” between asexuality and sexuality
  • non-binary/genderqueer - a term used for those who do not conform to binary gender identities
  • pansexual/omnisexual - a term for individuals with desire for all genders and sexes
  • polyamorous - a term for those open to multiple consensual romantic or sexual relationships at one time
  • sapiosexual - describes a person who is attracted to intelligence, regardless of a person’s gender identity
  • two-spirit - a term used by Native Americans to describe a third gender (sometimes included as 2S in the main acronym as LGBTQIA2S+)

This is clearly madness and joke.
Danish Woki-Woki...

Deeper and dumber is always possible!
Women's Museum in Denmark is now called Gender Museum

The Museum writes:

The Women's Museum in Aarhus has changed its name: KØN - Gender Museum Denmark. With the name change, the range of topics has also changed. It now includes the entire field of gender - cultural-historical, gender-specific, body and sexuality, as well as taboos and provocatively set boundaries, which are put up for discussion and encourage debate about the meaning of gender - historically, currently and in the future.

With a founding general assembly in 1982, the Women's Museum was established and opened its doors in 1984 to present the role of women in society - culturally and historically - to a broad public. With the change of gender-specific role models, the tasks and demands on women and men in society have changed significantly since then. With the change of name and the broader perspective KØN - Gendermuseum Denmark shows the overall picture of gender development.

The story of boys and girls
The basic exhibition "The Story of Boys and Girls" tells the cultural history of childhood and the different life experiences of the sexes. The focus is on work and duties, school and play, and much more, of girls and boys over the past 150 years. In addition, changing special exhibitions on various topics are shown.


The new statue that (supposedly) stands in front of the museum.

In German

In Danish

Gender Blender
Gender Exhibition "Køn Redelighed - Gender Blender"

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