Transplants. A crossroads


The Living Force
It’s been clearly stated on the forum that organ transplantation is a no go. However, I am now in Stage 4, decompensated liver cirrhosis. My liver can no longer filter ammonia from my blood, and that results in bouts of Hepatic Encephalopathy. When that happens my brain basically shuts down cognitive function. I cannot speak, don’t know where I am, or even remember my name or recognize my loved ones. The treatment is a vile liquid called lactulose, the details of its function I will spare you. My hepatologist says it’s time to put my name on the transplant list. If I don’t, I’ll remain dependent on the lactulose, and will continue to decompensate until ultimately my liver fails, which I understand is a particularly nasty way to go. On the other hand I can receive the transplant (and be on anti-rejection drugs for the rest of my life), but what I’ve read here says mixing organs with another person is at best a violation. So I was wondering if anyone here can help me locate the passages from the Cs regarding this question, and maybe the more medically knowledgeable (@Gaby) could weigh in. Sincere thanks in advance to all.🙏❤️
It’s been clearly stated on the forum that organ transplantation is a no go. However, I am now in Stage 4, decompensated liver cirrhosis. My liver can no longer filter ammonia from my blood, and that results in bouts of Hepatic Encephalopathy. When that happens my brain basically shuts down cognitive function. I cannot speak, don’t know where I am, or even remember my name or recognize my loved ones. The treatment is a vile liquid called lactulose, the details of its function I will spare you. My hepatologist says it’s time to put my name on the transplant list. If I don’t, I’ll remain dependent on the lactulose, and will continue to decompensate until ultimately my liver fails, which I understand is a particularly nasty way to go. On the other hand I can receive the transplant (and be on anti-rejection drugs for the rest of my life), but what I’ve read here says mixing organs with another person is at best a violation. So I was wondering if anyone here can help me locate the passages from the Cs regarding this question, and maybe the more medically knowledgeable (@Gaby) could weigh in. Sincere thanks in advance to all.🙏❤️
First I want to say that I am so sorry you are dealing with all this. I don't have the C's passages located and I'm not a a medical specialist. I can, however, offer moral support and my own thoughts on your options.
Somewhere deep inside of you, are you leaning towards one path (suffering/death) or the other (transplant)? Does one of them feel more right to you than the other? If you have people still relying on you here this decision is serious and difficult.
You do still have free will to make this decision based on what seems best to/for you and perhaps others. I doubt many people would judge you for this decision.
It's hard to do something, or not do something, regarding what is healthy or right, especially when it's coming from the C's. I personally cannot afford much food, so no supplements either, and I no longer care what my pre-packaged food contains because if I worried about everything trying to kill me...the stress of that would kill me. My body is permanently injured and I no longer have a family doctor so who knows how healthy I am (or am not).
But I am not in your situation facing this huge decision. Are you ready to go, or wanting to stay and keep fighting for your life and the lives of all who you love and love you? I know you will make the right decision for you and as I wish you much success, I hope you have a good support system.
I don't know the Cs passages either, but I've know a few people with liver transplants. I'm not sure why "mixing organs" would be a violation, surely the "donor" has given their consent, and you obviously want to live, so that is your consent. I can see that perhaps a worry would be an entity attachment from the transplanted organ?

I wish you well. 🙏
Thank you both. I don’t believe the “violation” is a matter of free will, but rather having to do with mixing/corrupting your DNA, which is why I’m looking for the relevant posts. Honestly I’m leaning toward letting nature take its course. Of course my wife will absolutely insist on the transplant. And lord knows that the availability of those anti-rejection medicines will be dodgy when the stuff hits the fan. But the way I see it is that if it’s in my lesson plan to suffer, I should accept that. The fact is I spent half my life a hard partying guitar player who could proudly drink anyone under the table. It’s not like I accidentally contracted hepatitis. I earned my condition by being a major practicing alcoholic. I got sober after I was hospitalized from the damage done (and unfortunately before I discovered this place). Otherwise who knows if I’d ever have quit? But there’s no point in hypotheticals. It is what it is. Again thanks for your input and well wishes.🙏
Like @Mrs. Peel I don't know were the idea of not using transplants came from. If your life depend of it just go for it. I think that what can happen is perhaps having some energetic/cellular memory from the donor but your body will adjust and transmute it after some time. Not a big deal.

Let's hope you heal soon.
I’m pretty sure I read it on the Cass website (or in one of the Wave books). I’ve been digging. I’m fairly certain it’s not here on the forum (all searches lead to fecal transplants 😄). But again I think it’s something to do with your frequency and DNA and mixing it with someone else’s. I agree with what you said about cellular memory. That’s the direction I’m aiming for. I just wish I could pin it down.
If the liver is needed, and they give you an opportunity for it, I would go ahead. Don't worry about the energetic imprint of the donor, same principles of the Work to deal with spiritual attachments and the multiple Is applies here.

Immunosuppression drugs have come a long way and in case of shortage, I would imagine that you can still get a hold of them through China or elsewhere. My cousin was a guinea pig back in the 80s for the drug that nowadays everyone uses. She was born with a congenital liver problem and had liver cirrhosis before the age of 9. Money was collected from donors and my aunt, grandparents and cousin traveled to San Francisco to have the transplant with my aunt as a donor. My cousin rejected her liver. She was lucky to find a second donor who died in a car accident at short term while she was in the intensive care unit, and the second transplant was done promptly. She has had a fulfilling life with the optimized immunosuppression drug. Furthermore, she mothered a healthy child despite the drug and nothing changed with her personality.
I’m pretty sure I read it on the Cass website (or in one of the Wave books). I’ve been digging. I’m fairly certain it’s not here on the forum (all searches lead to fecal transplants 😄). But again I think it’s something to do with your frequency and DNA and mixing it with someone else’s. I agree with what you said about cellular memory. That’s the direction I’m aiming for. I just wish I could pin it down.
I'm also trying to find what the C's said about transplant recipients but so far no luck.

Evan, I hope you aren't feeling that you deserve this because you played guitar and drank and did it to yourself. If you knew all that you know now...then...yours/mine and everybody's life would be very very different now. If you've had enough of this mental fecal transplant via BS constantly hurled at you here (earth), if you are ready to check out...then I can understand and respect that too.

I hope it's not offending you, but I really believe that you need to have the really hard conversations about all options, before you make a final decision. Often partners and family don't want to have the hard conversations because they don't want to think about losing you. Maybe here, you can toss it around and read comments until you have come to a very clear decision that isn't emotion oriented.
Hi Evan, I'm sorry to hear about your health issues. I don't remember reading about it being a no-go on the forum or in the transcripts.

There are numerous reports of people taking on new behaviors or preferences after an organ transplant and while it's certainly quirky, it doesn't seem to be dangerous, maybe it's not even permanent. If the option is there and the success rates are good then I don't see a reason not to.
I’m pretty sure I read it on the Cass website (or in one of the Wave books). I’ve been digging. I’m fairly certain it’s not here on the forum (all searches lead to fecal transplants 😄). But again I think it’s something to do with your frequency and DNA and mixing it with someone else’s. I agree with what you said about cellular memory. That’s the direction I’m aiming for. I just wish I could pin it down.
You are right about someone elses, the donor organs owner, adds their frequencies, habits, likes and dislikes to your frequency. However, in your situation you are now aware of this. So you know yourself and you will know what is of 'other'.
Could you stockpile the anti rejection remedies?
The pros and cons you are obviously considering and ultimately it should be your choice to make.
I do feel that with prior knowledge of the frequencies possibly affecting you that you will be more in control of them. Also I think the example given was a heart transplant. So maybe the hearl 'feels' more than the function of the liver? Maybe.
I think in your case knowledge does protect. Plus prayers and those of everyone in the forum will help tremendously and could result in a smooth transplant and lessen any after effects?

I think Jacygirl has given a lot of thought to her reply and given some good reasons to consider in making your decision.

It is far from an easy decision.
But also the slow and painful wasting away is not an easy option to have either, and will necessitate more medications etc to manage the pain, which also can take away your thinking ability, which you say is what happens currently when it gets particularly bad.

You know you will get objective advice here, which is good under such circumstances, as they will not be emotionally driven.
I don't know the success rates of liver transplants, but that is also something to consider. Or any other complications that may arise with a liver transplant operation.
But they are fairly commonplace now.
I know you wish to make an informed decision, and rightfully gather all the facts..
I can only give my own OPINION. And that if I was needing a liver transplant, regardless of any other facts that need to be taken into consideration, but on the frequency/DNA information alone - I would not let that stop me going ahead with a transplant. I feel my prior knowledge of this possibility and the unseen help and support that I could maybe have, (because my decision was not solely based on selfish intentions), I feel there would be more factors in my favour than otherwise. Plus my positive approach and belief OF that.
I also feel that although you brought this on yourself, you are aware of that. So karma can come in many other ways, if not evn through your current suffering so far. But obviously we cannot know this for sure. But you seem to sincerely 'repent' regret and are aware of your actions to your current state of health. That also goes a long way if genuine.
So does making reparations by service to others. So by prolonging your life are you able to be of more service to others in the future, currently, dependents that 'need' you around for your current 'knowledge'?
There are so many different seen and unseen factors.
Ultimately, although you are currently under 'time' pressure, and most probably have an element of fear, unconscious or not, as well as coping with pain, it must be a very difficult decision for you.
Rationally, (without the frequency factor), if there is a good track record of successful liver transplants. Then it boils down to give up or fight for a life extension.
If we are granted a life extension, it is what we do with that extra 'time' that matters.
Whatever your decision, I am praying for you.
I also wish you to know that I always enjoy your posts here. :-)
It’s been clearly stated on the forum that organ transplantation is a no go. However, I am now in Stage 4, decompensated liver cirrhosis. My liver can no longer filter ammonia from my blood, and that results in bouts of Hepatic Encephalopathy. When that happens my brain basically shuts down cognitive function. I cannot speak, don’t know where I am, or even remember my name or recognize my loved ones.
This sounds really bad Evan, I'm sorry to hear your health has deteriorated so badly. I found your post about being in the queue for a transplant from April this year, so you've been suffering with this condition for a longer while. I'd say even if there were any issues with transplants that we're not aware of, if the operation will help you function normally then it's preferred to your current state. I hope it all goes well for you!

The only reference I found in the transcripts was about fecal transplants. The C's just cautioned about who you get the poo from.
That's all I could find, and I don't remember anything else offhand...
That's all I found in the sessions too. I've also searched for 'transplant' on the entire forum and gone through the 10 pages of results. There's nothing there about transplants being bad in any way either, just normal mentions of transplants in different contexts.
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