Transplants. A crossroads

This is a tough one. But the choice is potential survival for X more years versus embracing the fact that your number is being called. A big question for me is: am I complete with this life? Is there a burning desire or unfulfilled mission left on the table? If I can grab some “extra time” what am I going to do with it? (Or do I just want to stick around to see what happens in La Pelicula de Mierda?)(also valid, in my book) I think your soul can handle it, either way.

If you are literally starving to death, have a splitting headache and are getting delirious and all you have is a jar of GMO Skippy and a loaf of Wonder Bread, what are you going to do? Vegas odds are that you’ll slap together that sando and chomp it down. It’s amazing what we can endure and how our priorities can shift (and be unequivocally revealed) when presented with life/death choices.

I just had a heart attack and surgery 14 days ago, so these issues are fresh in my mind. I’m as anti-drug/organic as anyone but you better believe I’m taking the Big Pharma poison as directed! (For now, anyway)

Again, The key question-what do you still want to stick around for? The thing that inspires your soul, or that needs completing in this life?
Hi Evan, sorry to hear about your issues.

My point is this - all there is, is lessons! No matter which path you choose, there will be lessons involved. A liver transplant is no easy road. Some transplants go swimmingly, and others … not so much. I would say, listen to your gut feeling. Some might find that they feel they’ve done all that they set out to achieve and are looking forward to going home, others still feel responsibility towards others or need finish still open tasks and need to stick around a while longer.

I think there is neither a right or a wrong way in your case - just your way.

My best wishes for the way ahead.
@Evan please get the liver transplant. I, too, do not remember the Cs saying anything about not getting a transplant (well, except for the poo variety). Nor did I find anything in the sessions.
Ditto. I don't remember anything about the C's weighing in on the merits of organ transplants. It's easy to misremember stuff from the sessions because the body of knowledge is so vast, so always double-check if the topic is in regards to something important.

Evan, I for one would temporarily miss your sense of humour if you decided to take the 5D route to 4D, but certainly would understand it; things are a bit of a farcical s*show here on Earth at the moment. If you feel you've got a bit more to contribute, it would be good to see you continuing to do so. Best of luck for whatever you choose!
Hi Evan,

I haven't read all the replies, but just wanted to say that my dad is a 24 year liver transplant survivor. And I've heard a few anecdotal stories where some have weaned their selves slowly off the anti rejection medication. Nonetheless, I'd say go for it and it's the soul that counts.
Thank you all for your wonderful words of encouragement and wisdom. I do admit that as @nicklebleu said, my biggest inner debate lay between feeling I’ve done all I set out to achieve and just wanting to go home, and feeling responsibility to others and finishing open tasks. I feel both. I really do wish to take a rest and hopefully face the next set of challenges reset so to speak. On the other hand, who’s to say I go in with the things I’ve learned here? I’m exhausted, but I don’t want to give up the Cs lessons. I’ve had 13 spinal fusions, 5 splinted ribs, half my spleen removed…I don’t know if I have another battle left in me. Yet I have so much that I don’t want to lose or leave behind.

At this point I’ve decided to just let things play out. The odds of getting a transplant are roughly 65%, and the chances of a successful one are 50/50. So if I’m lucky enough to get one, and then survive it, I’ll consider it meant to be.😄
I am so sorry for your troubles Evan. You have my support and prayers. Please keep us up to date and try to remain positive.
Oh not to worry. If there’s one lesson I’ve gained here, it’s not to hold on too tightly to things. It’s a fine line between concern and fear, and my defense against fear has always been laughter. So I don’t permit myself to get too caught up in it all. Either way I’ll go out making a joke, and I hope we can all laugh together when the time comes. Though I don’t feel that’ll be anytime soon, I’m just trying to tick off any potential karmic boxes. I’m completely fine with going if it’s my time, though I have no desire for drama, which does kinda present a catch-22: How do I discuss it without focusing attention on myself?😂 But like I said, I’m all good. My interest was in the potential to create karmic repercussions by accepting a transplant. The consensus seems to be that I shouldn’t be concerned about that, so I’ll say I feel much better about the process, thank you all for your input and support.🙏
Sorry to hear this struggle you have been going through, Evan. I agree with other members that if you have the opportunity for a transplant, why not take it? What have you got to lose? If you stick around you have the possibility to help others by sharing the experiences you've had. Of course, it is your choice and we will support you either way. 🙏
Oh not to worry. If there’s one lesson I’ve gained here, it’s not to hold on too tightly to things. It’s a fine line between concern and fear, and my defense against fear has always been laughter. So I don’t permit myself to get too caught up in it all. Either way I’ll go out making a joke, and I hope we can all laugh together when the time comes. Though I don’t feel that’ll be anytime soon, I’m just trying to tick off any potential karmic boxes. I’m completely fine with going if it’s my time, though I have no desire for drama, which does kinda present a catch-22: How do I discuss it without focusing attention on myself?😂 But like I said, I’m all good. My interest was in the potential to create karmic repercussions by accepting a transplant. The consensus seems to be that I shouldn’t be concerned about that, so I’ll say I feel much better about the process, thank you all for your input and support.🙏
I really love your attitude. I think it's very healthy. I just want to give you a different perspective on your line:
"My interest was in the potential to create karmic repercussions by accepting a transplant."

Maybe you're due for a break, a little good karma. (What goes around comes around, and I feel you've earned it!)
Perhaps this new organ comes with some sweet little upgrades for you. You might suddenly become an excellent musician, or have cellular access to memories on how to decode the Sumerian Tablets...or something. (Do you want to miss out on that??)
Humor is good, and I'm just teasing. You have got a lot of people and love on your team though, and I too wish you the very best.
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