Transplants. A crossroads

I don't remember anything in the transcripts regarding what you said and I'm not going to look for it.

A friend of my father-in-law has had a transplant (I don't remember now if it was a kidney or liver transplant) and has a normal life.

What he does is thank the person who gave him the organ every day he wakes up.

Cheer up and let the decision be yours.
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your input. You’ve indeed provided me with a lot to consider. Several of you have reminded me that I do possess what I’ve learned here. As the Cs said about information, “It’s not what you should do with it, it’s just that you have it.” So with the awareness that there may be some “otherness” at work inside of my machine, I have final say in all matters. And if I know you’re in there, you won’t get away with sneaking around.😄
Hey Evan, wow what a decision you’ve been presented with. I think it’s fair for you to take some responsibility for your actions on (may be) being the cause but you can’t know that for sure, you don’t know what would of happened if you didn’t drink everyone under the table and partied like it was the last time every time. May be by doing those things you were actually bringing about what your soul profile was asking for to balance other karma. What if taking on a donor liver (which would be so unusual, I feel like I’d always feel the foreign ness of it) is part of your lesson profile, what if you gain another 15 years and get to suffer along with the rest of us while earth drowns in the toilet? Don’t tell me you don’t wanna see that?

My opinion is to give it a chance, you might get a liver from someone whose soul mission was to die and give you their liver, so you can live!!
When it comes to decisions like this, it is useful to remember that there are no absolutes (only a Sith deals with absolutes as Obiwan said in a galaxy far far way). It depends on the context, and when it comes to health, that should take priority. It's not like choosing a toothpaste with or without fluoride. In this case, survival comes first and then if there are secondary effects, they can be dealt with in time. To give an example, bread is a no no but in an extreme situation with no other choice, bread is better than starving. osit
Hi Evan, getting new information introduced into your system via a transplant may indeed mean that you have some work to do to counter information that is unhelpful. But on the other hand, it could be information that is helpful to your aims. It could be quite the adventure.

In any case, remember that we will all be with you and hoping for the best possible outcome :flowers:
What do you think about Silymarin, from milk thistle? Maybe while you wait for a transplant if you choose that?

“silymarin has been used to treat alcoholic liver disease, acute and chronic viral hepatitis and toxin-induced liver diseases.” [Source]

It could also help in Hepatic Encephalopathy by improving memory [Source]

Also :“Among six studies of milk thistle and chronic alcoholic liver disease, four reported significant improvement in at least one measurement of liver function (i.e., aminotransferases, albumin, and/or malondialdehyde) or histologic findings”
And this: "The milk thistle arms showed a trend toward improved survival in one trial and significantly improved survival for subgroups with alcoholic cirrhosis or Child's Group A severity. ”…“Two trials specifically studied patients with alcoholic cirrhosis. […]The second study, after treatment for 30 days, reported significant improvements in aminotransferases”[Source]

...On the other hand, someone over here said to not take in cirrhosis complications (such as variceal bleeding or ascites), with no source and another person said it increased his MELD score (bad thing) [Source].
Which I find weird because while reading the studies I read that milk thistle is safe [Source]. "Hepatic impairment: Despite milk thistle's use in patients with and without liver disease, it has not been implicated in altering liver function tests or causing clinically relevant acute hepatic injury." [Source]

If anything, don’t take it if you are allergic to ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigolds, chamomile, yarrow, or daisies. And possible interactions with allergy drugs, drugs for high cholesterol, anti-anxiety drugs, antiplatelet and anticoagulant drugs, some cancer drugs. [Source]

In any case, I wish you well and good health and hope everything turns out very well for you.
Many hearts are with you, Evan. :hug2: The future is open.

Like others here, I also encourage you to explore all your options with an open mind, free as possible from that fear / anger narrative that sounds like it has been running wild for some time, bamboozling your brain. I understand why / how that happens (can relate), but I think the only way you can liberate yourself from that is to get closer to it, listen to what it is really saying, observe what it is connected to on a deeper level, where it originates from. So much illusion surrounds each of us, even more so when we are coming from fear.

I was thinking: perhaps a donor liver will help transform things you have been holding and grieving all your life, give you a whole new perspective and help you to continue to weave a way forward in this 3D reality to sustain you for as long as you choose to be here.

The first thing that came to my mind when I read your post was: has Evan even considered the possibility that he could receive a transplant from a high vibrational souled being who is deeply connected to the Light, one who is perhaps leaving because they have completed their soul mission? Perhaps a part of that mission is leaving a legacy of love to you; you could have a karmic agreement with another soul around this. A bit like the Universe throwing something extra into the cosmic 'recipe', replying to your prayers: 'Here's a little something I prepared earlier'. :lol:

Whatever it takes for you to stay in this spacesuit and continue in this school of life, IMO it is absolutely worth considering - if that is what your higher self is choosing. This is such an incredible time to be alive: to have the added blessings to have found this path / forum, to have real Knowledge to support your soul to grow and deepen - no matter how long or limited our time here - I think that is just... WOW.

Strength, love, light and prayers to you ❤️
What do you think about Silymarin, from milk thistle? Maybe while you wait for a transplant if you choose that?

“silymarin has been used to treat alcoholic liver disease, acute and chronic viral hepatitis and toxin-induced liver diseases.” [Source]

It could also help in Hepatic Encephalopathy by improving memory [Source]

Also :“Among six studies of milk thistle and chronic alcoholic liver disease, four reported significant improvement in at least one measurement of liver function (i.e., aminotransferases, albumin, and/or malondialdehyde) or histologic findings”
And this: "The milk thistle arms showed a trend toward improved survival in one trial and significantly improved survival for subgroups with alcoholic cirrhosis or Child's Group A severity. ”…“Two trials specifically studied patients with alcoholic cirrhosis. […]The second study, after treatment for 30 days, reported significant improvements in aminotransferases”[Source]

...On the other hand, someone over here said to not take in cirrhosis complications (such as variceal bleeding or ascites), with no source and another person said it increased his MELD score (bad thing) [Source].
Which I find weird because while reading the studies I read that milk thistle is safe [Source]. "Hepatic impairment: Despite milk thistle's use in patients with and without liver disease, it has not been implicated in altering liver function tests or causing clinically relevant acute hepatic injury." [Source]

If anything, don’t take it if you are allergic to ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigolds, chamomile, yarrow, or daisies. And possible interactions with allergy drugs, drugs for high cholesterol, anti-anxiety drugs, antiplatelet and anticoagulant drugs, some cancer drugs. [Source]

In any case, I wish you well and good health and hope everything turns out very well for you.
Unfortunately one of the issues caused by the liver disease is idiopathic thrombocytopenia (low platelets). I underwent a partial splenectomy (splenameglia and pancreatitis here been problems) by embolization to keep my platelets from attacking each other. Milk thistle (silymarin causes lowered platelet aggregation), so it’s not an option. But thanks for the suggestion.
Sorry to hear of your serious health issue. My opinion is that you should go forward with the liver transplant given the alternative your faced with. From a soul development perspective do what you need to do to get your health back, It will be hard to work on yourself in an ill state and deteriorating terminal condition. Perhaps having a different liver has some objective negative effect on your development but i think they are far outweighed by the positive side of being able to work on your three centers.

I hope you the best moving forward.
@Evan please get the liver transplant. I, too, do not remember the Cs saying anything about not getting a transplant (well, except for the poo variety). Nor did I find anything in the sessions. Do not go into the transplant with fears of what could be, but with the knowledge of what can be done if anything should develop. Gaby has already given you good advice. Keep us posted here as you go through the steps leading up to the procedure and how things are going afterwards. :hug:❤️
Hiya Evan - youre much in mythoughts and prayers.

I know at least four people (recovering alcoholics/addicts ) whove reached end stage liver disease ,they all had sucessful transplants and are not only in good shape but are leading active productive lives ,walks ,jogging(2 of them! ) .
Having progressive liver disease as a result of chronic hep c as wll as 15 years of full on hard substance abuse(and all that goes with that!) I was reassured by personally meeting these individuals -knowing that if my liver started to fail I would deffo go for the transplant option ;)
Its no easy task living with progressive liver disease as you well know -
I love your presense here and value you greatly -I hope you stay around v much buddy ;)

do reach out to me any time by pm if you like I m here for you fellow wayfarer

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