Tri-Monic, Let Your Light Shine - Stefan Verstappen kickstarter

nicklebleu said:
Turgon said:
nicklebleu said:
Pledged CAD 10 - would have pledged more, but all other pledges up to CAD 75 are off-limits for Ozzies - would have like to get his book.

Really? That's odd. Have you tried logging back into the kickstarter campaign? There is an option available where you can change the amount you originally pledged.

Did that and lo and behold! - pledged more (but still won't get the book - only ships to US, Canada and EU) ...

I just emailed him about and asked about Australia. I'll let you know what he says.
I just said I didn't want any gift because that's money out of his pocket.
I didn't see the 'no reword option' while I did the original pledge. I updated that now. Didn't pledge 25 CAD at first because book shipping was too expensive for me. That resolved the problem :)
Laura said:
Well, there are
33 backers


$2,499 pledged of $5,000 goal

Which is half the amount and 4 days to go. Hopefully, we have more forum members who appreciate Stefan's work who will kick in a pledge ASAP.

I just pledged a donation to Stefan's project. The project looks very interesting and very positive and hope the project reaches it's goal! If all goes well it would be nice to see interactions people had with Tri-Monic. :D
Thebull said:
I didn't even think about that or see it for that matter when I donated.

If you log back in to kickstarter, you can manage your backed projects. You should be able to change the reward option to nothing (it's the first one on the list).
You can also enter more dollars that a reward specifies.
RedFox said:
Thebull said:
I didn't even think about that or see it for that matter when I donated.

If you log back in to kickstarter, you can manage your backed projects. You should be able to change the reward option to nothing (it's the first one on the list).
You can also enter more dollars that a reward specifies.
A word of note I had to cancel the selection as though I selected the no reward check box I was still been charged the shipping cost when I'd reset my donation. I reset it and donated the amount i had previously plus the shipping cost. I'll have to have a look at his book another time. :)
Still a bit to go hopefully more people can contribute.
Pledged just now... Good luck Stefan!

Also Fwiw, there's an option right off the bat when you pledge to decline a gift and just support the project. It's the first option...
Well, it's getting closer to the goal! Looks like the main surge in help came from our forum members and NOT from FB "friends". There's something of a lesson in this.
This project looks really cool, kudos to Stefan and all other members contributing. It would be great to see something creative like this go ahead. I could only afford 30 CAD to pledge, but every little helps aye.

Good luck to all those involved! :thup:
Nienna said:
Laura said:
I just said I didn't want any gift because that's money out of his pocket.

Yeah, that's what I did, too.

Me too. I figured I didn't really need any of the gifts offered and it would mean more money going to the project itself. Just pledged $50 CAD :) Looks like there's about $1500 to go!
Hi all, Good find! Very, very cool idea. I donated...i didn't see where to decline the gifts...

I was wondering if the amount needed for the project would not also include the promo distasteful as advertising sometimes is, it is necessary to make enough people aware so it succeeds....IOW maybe declining the "stuff" don't matter?

..anyway, the first thing that hit me upon seeing this was, what would various songs "look like"? ...a device that can give us a kind of artificial ? synthsasia? ...( that thing where you hear colors and see sound.) My curiosity was so piqued i gave enough to go play in it! :O...if the fund drive succeeds. Sure hope it does.

ps: if it succeeds and i get a spot and the economic roller-coaster i ride doesn't allow me to make the trip, i will donate the spot to a musician from the forum who don't have enough to donate, but lives close enough to go there and do it.

Thanks, Dave
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