I saw yesterday much was being made by the other side about Trump not putting his hand on the bibles that Melania was holding during the swearing in. Haven't had time yet to check around and see is there is any explanation for that today.
Trump's guy started with the oath almost immediately after it was announced, Melania had hardly any time to stand up and Trump was already repeating the words of the oath. At the time she was by his side with what looked like two books in her hands, Trump was already at second or even third line repetition. At that point he was so focused on the guy and what he was saying, it seemed there was no point anymore in locating the books or Melania holding them.
Yes, as msasa says; the guy already started with the oath before any of the family gathered around! I don´t know the procedure, but he should have noticed people coming to front and wait!
By the time Melania came with the Bibles, Trump was already all into repetition. She did move a bit in hope he will notice her, but one cannot interrupt the oath!
X is full of wild theories on that one, and also on hand gestures and all sorts of stupid things, and of course - Melania´s hat.
For me Melania's hat choice was all about shielding her eyes from her enemies. It's been mentioned how angry she is about the feds raiding their home. Gotta imagine she was staring daggers at the Bidens and Clintons.
I was searching a bit on Melania today and, among other things, I found that
sunglasses are sort of a signature of Melania.
Since the whole inauguration was to be inside AND since she was to be surrounded with snakes in suits, no wonder she choose to wear a hat that covers her eyes.
On that note, if some of you ever looked at the designer´s fashion sketches, they draw oversized hats that cover top of the model´s face or half of the face. So, I think that Melania looked stunning - like she popped out of designer´s sketch book! Her fit body and that outfit - like it was made for her!
On the note of that outfit she wore; I personally liked her better in that blue outfit she wore during the first inauguration, but this is more badass vibe "You guys messed with my husband, but now I´m the queen bee so be aware!"
Also, this time she has chosen an American independent designer, as opposed to high fashion European designers she usually wears, and I think that was really thoughtful of her to promote American designers.
Another thing why I think that the hat brought so much attention is that I don´t think that Americans are "used to" (for the lack of better word) women wearing hats at such gatherings. One might think that one of the reasons people worship their politicians is because they have no royalty, like UK has. If you look at the royal gatherings, almost all women wear hats - from simple hats to most eccentric ones. So maybe the hat is also part of the "queen bee" message.