This war with Iran thing that the neocons/Mossad have been dreaming about for decades - I don't see how it's possible. Their weaponry is quiite far advanced from that of Iraq in 2003, including missile defence (they have their own native version of the S-500) and offensive hypersonics.
Plus, they have nukes. I'm not sure, but this is probably known by US/Israeli forces. So an outright war on Iran is off the table, because you literally cannot start a war between nuclear powers. If US/Israeli forces don't know about those nukes, 4D STS sure does, and so will likely prevent their attack dogs from starting a war. Basically, Iran is just too powerful - and the American elites hate it.
So I think their only options are the same tactics that Prouty wrote about in Secret Team, commenting on the changing nature of warfare between nuclear-capable enemies - economic warfare, information warfare, and social warfare, ie. terrorism, psyops, creating internal strife through sanctions, maybe trying to create a West-aligned internal fifth column, something like a domestic ISIS. Or their proxies will continue to fight it out elsewhere. Stuff like that.
But hard times make strong men, and Iran is currently strong because of the imposed hardship, and Iran has strong alliances, too, including military. Increasing the hardship may only strengthen their resolve and those alliances. Even a major false flag directed against the US, blamed on Iran, would run up against the military facts on the ground. I mean, the Pentagon can't even take out the Houthis.
So Trump is making noise, but I don't think it will go anywhere.
I absolutely agree, not to mention the obvious consequences for the oil trade. So obvious that I would have to conclude that it was intended. It doesn't seem likely, or make any financial sense, yet it's always been on the cards. Because of Israel.
The issue, as always, is Israel. The C's have warned us about insane people in power. There is a certain cold, calculating rationality to their actions but there is also a kind of madness. We don't know how far they would go. We don't know what the changing cosmic environment might also be doing to their rationality, or the disposition of their overlords as they feel the pressure of the approaching changes.
Whatever happens, Trump will fail to deliver on his promises because of Israel. How willingly, I can't say. He doesn't seem particularly disturbed by their actions. They just violated the ceasefire again last night, as predicted. They will resume massacring people. He owns that conflict now and I have little respect left for him.