Don't know if it so much about his intentions or how he expresses himself differently than most politicians (some dislike it but others find it refreshing), than it is about his character IMO. Talking to people, the first reaction I get is disgust at his personality, about him being a narcissist and (supposedly) a misogynist and a racist who doesn't have good intentions, only personal interests and grandiose ideas that reflect his big ego.There is a point many people complain about in regard to Trump, even alternative people: He tends to say the same things over and over and over again. Now I would like to ask: Isn't it sort of what most politicians do, also? If so, why do people find it so offensive when Trump does it, even though he isn't really a normal career politician? Is it because he sometimes, or even often, exaggerates? If so, why do people find it so offensive when Trump does it, even though many real politicians do it as well? Is it because he sometimes lies or doesn't appear to know what is really going on or what the real situation is? If so, why do people find it so offensive when Trump does it, even though many real politicians do it as well?
Now, why is it that people find it so offensive when Trump does it? Even though when he does it, it is not seldomly, it seems, because he really wants to do good stuff, in contrast to most real politicians? Or is it because he says it in ways that don't sound sophisticated, like a typical political robot? Or because it sounds very self-prais like or childish? If so, why do people find it so offensive when Trump does it even though most politicians do similar things, while they tend to mask it behind a facade?
Also, have you noticed that even the best politicians out there (Putin, for example) tend to say the same things over and over again? Ok, he does it quite more sophisticated than Trump, but still, it is basically the same thing.
Anyway, Trump might know it or not, but there is a pretty basic concept that seems to work almost always: If you repeat things often enough, they stick, no matter if they are true or not. Negative Propagandists all over the world have realized that simple fact long ago and used it ever since to their advantage. But if Trump is doing something similar now, WITH GOOD INTENTIONS IN MIND (positive Propaganda, if you will), it is all of a sudden very offensive?
I don't understand that.
Another thing: No matter if it is done on purpose or not, isn't it sort of skill to answer in the same way over and over again, and stay polite, patient and none aggressive towards people, when you know that you have said what you are just saying a zillion times already? Could you do it? There also might be a sort of openness involved when people of that caliber do something like that: They might know at some level that there might be someone listening to your answer right now who hasn't heard it before, or hasn't understood your point previously.
Many people judge a person's substance based on their form so it's not surprising that they hate Trump given how he has been portrayed over the years. The media has done a great job at taking his more negative personality traits and attaching false ideas to picture him in such a way that they would still prefer Biden unfortunately.