Truth memes

I’m not laughing.
I’ve received death notices and funeral notices for over a dozen cousins, a beloved Uncle, as well as friends and acquaintances, all within the last 6 months.
The ones I did have close connections with, more or less wrote me off.
So, I guess my meme only asks the question...
Too soon?
My cat, each time he notices the dot originates from the thing in my hand, just sits and stares at my hand. Is that what will happen when we see where UFOs come from?
Most of my cats have been ninjas and didn't fall for the red dot too long. However, a few made it their life's purpose to catch the dot. They are still in training like myself I suppose, and we love them all the same. I guess the UFO's can come from anywhere, but I will be watching for the holographic projector first before I look up.
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