Truth memes

Something about protein? Though why the 2 o'clock position?
Well, in a way, diet does have something to do with it, but it's only a small part of a more complex idea.

The meme is connected to Jonathan Haidt's ideas of moral tastebuds and how they relate to ideological differences between liberals and conservatives. Notice the piriform shape of the steak and the avocado and how they are used as a visual representation of the heat map in this image...

Emotional heatmap.jpg

This image is taken from a study in Nature Magazine - Ideological Differences in the Expanse of the Moral Circle, where respondents were given a diagram questionnaire asking them to measure the extent of their moral circle - ie: what groups of individuals and things have the highest moral value for them.

Unsurprisingly, conservatives tended to give a higher rating to those individuals closest to them in terms of friends and family, whereas liberals tended to give greater moral value to larger, general and more abstract groups like all living beings on earth - mammals, fish, reptiles and trees, etc.

This explains why a typical liberal might throw a can of soup at a painting or disrupt traffic to "save the planet" and in the next breath, chastise and alienate members of their immediate family for voting for Trump or not being vaccinated.

From the article...
Finally, we assessed the heatmaps generated by participants’ clicks on the rung they felt best represented the extent of their moral circle. These qualitative results also demonstrated that liberals (individuals who selected 1, 2, or 3 on the ideology measure) selected more outer rungs, whereas conservatives (individuals who selected 5, 6, or 7 on the ideology measure) selected more inner rungs (see Fig. 5). Overall, these results suggest conservatives’ moral circles are more likely to encompass human beings, but not other animals or lifeforms whereas liberals’ moral circles are more likely to include nonhumans (even aliens and rocks) as well. Study 3a revealed these patterns also when asking about participants’ ideal moral circles. This suggests that both liberals and conservatives, although differing in their moral allocations, feel that their pattern of allocation is the ideal way to adjudicate moral concern in the world.

I thought using a steak and avocado instead of a the heat map diagram was interesting because vegetarians in general tend to lean liberal, whereas carnivores tend to be more conservative oriented.

Anyway, I thought the meme was clever in how it was able to convey and very complex idea in a simple, straightforward and humourous way.

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