Truth Perspective: The Anthrax Deception with Graeme MacQueen

Started to read the Anthrax book, and early on there was a quote he cites that I wrote down by Randolph Bourne (during WWI):

“The moment war is declared the mass of the people through some spiritual alchemy, become convinced that they have willed and executed the deed themselves.”

“The people, with the exception of a few malcontents, proceed to allow themselves to be regimented, coerced, deranged in all the environments of their lives, and turned into a solid manufactory of destruction.” War “automatically sets in motion throughout society those irresistible forces for uniformity, for passionate cooperation with the Government in coercing into obedience the minority groups and individuals which lack the larger herd sense.”

This was cited after MacQueen was discussing polling statistics right after 911 while the rhetoric of it's an "act of war" was on near everyone's tongue. It was like the leaders (media too) were throwing darts at a maps of the Middle East and everywhere they hit a villain appeared for the masses to focus upon - Afghanistan was the first, even though the Taliban immediately said, please, give us evidence and we will ship you Bin Laden; none ever came of course, and than Iraq was next.

His discussion concerning Congress and the "Commander in Chief" shtick, a manipulation requiring the "act of war' words to be quickly sowed was fast out of the gate with only constructed phantoms the enemy - the Islamic people, and at first the list was short...
voyageur said:
His discussion concerning Congress and the "Commander in Chief" shtick, a manipulation requiring the "act of war' words to be quickly sowed was fast out of the gate with only constructed phantoms the enemy - the Islamic people, and at first the list was short...

This was one of my favorite parts of the book, as it really hit home why everyone was in such a rush to declare that these were 'acts of war. I think it was Kissinger who had an article up at 9pm Sepetmber 11th calling it an 'act of war'. Once that was set in stone there would be no investigation, the rule of law would be trashed, and Bush was then voted the 'right' to 'decide' who was responsible for 9/11, and therefore who would have to die.

I was just reading an article up on SOTT about the 'Revolutionary War' in America. Exact same shtick, different era.

Dark secrets of the American Revolution: Who really fired the 'shot heard round the world'?

Indeed, the Lexington affair was sometimes styled the "Lexington Massacre," and uncanny parallels exist between the two events [Boston and Lextingon Massacres]:


In each picture, the colonists, who offer no provocation, are being slaughtered by a synchronous, orderly volley from redcoats upon an officer's command. This in spite of British reports that shooting at both incidents was sporadic and not in response to orders. You might recall the words of John Wilson, a deponent, regarding the Boston Massacre:

"Some small boys coming up made a noise to the soldiers, on which the officer said to them why don't you fire? Damn you, fire! They hereupon fired."

Now look at the words of William Draper, a deponent regarding the battle of Lexington:
"The commanding officer of said troops (as I took him) gave the command to the troops, fire, damn you fire, and immediately they fired."

Two separate incidents five years apart, two different officers. Was it standard practice for British officers to instruct their men to shoot with the words, "Fire, damn you, fire"? One gets the impression that these depositions were scripted by the same writer.

- Indeed, depositions were another common denominator to both events - collected, widely published, and claiming the colonists offered no provocation whatsoever. But as we have also seen, for the Boston Massacre, these claims did not stand up in court. In the case of the "Lexington Massacre," Adams knew the depositions would not be tested by cross-examination, since war had commenced and there would be no trial. However, the Lexington depositions received their own taint 50 years later, when town pride demanded new depositions amending the first ones. (At that point, Sam Adams was long dead and no one feared his vengeance.)
Yes, it seems the crux of the whole thing (in historical examples too) - how to create the conditions for war to help shape policies in a legal perverted framework, and Graeme rightly follows the Anthrax chapter as a big part of this, like when he discusses things prior to the knowledge of the initial anthrax revealing. There was priming going on "and people taking Ciprofloxacin was well ahead of the 'official' toxins entry into mainstream news that resulted from the death of Robert Stevens on October 5th. The fear machine was put into high gear". As the author cites of the Washington Post concerning the term of the public being “jittery”, “citizens were on their knees begging for drugs.”

The upper houses were further primed on the eve of the Patriot Act concerning anthrax - “This FBI warning of October 11 came directly before the crucial discussion and vote in Senate on the Patriot Act. The bill was passed late in the evening of October 11.”

Which brings one to the methods; the Strategy of Tension cited by MacQueen:

In its essence, the strategy of tension targets the emotions of human beings and aims to spread maximum fear among the target group. ‘Tension’ refers to emotional distress and psychological fear, whereas ‘strategy’ refers to the technique of bringing about such distress and fear. A terrorist attack in a public place, such as a railway station, a market place, or a school bus, is the typical technique…After the attack-and before this is a crucial element-the secret agents who carried out the crime blame it on a political opponent... {or Muslims in this future case}
- Daniel Ganser
Could not help but notice this article tonight - Strengthening Biological Weapons Convention requires constructive approach from an RT Op-Edge article by "Dr Alexander Yakovenko, Russian Ambassador to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Deputy foreign minister (2005-2011)".

It's interesting in light of MacQueen's discussion and book as the U.S. is pointing fingers once again while hiding its other hand:

Recently, the US Department of State has submitted to Congress its annual Report on Adherence to and Compliance with Arms Control, Nonproliferation and Disarmament Agreements and Commitments.

Among other things, Washington has chosen Moscow as the target for unsubstantiated insinuations and lies on the issue of Russia’s compliance with the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction (BWC). It is becoming ever more obvious that regular verbal attacks against Russia are used to distract attention from the unseemly role that the US plays within the BWC context.

However, it has nobody to blame but itself for this, including the fact that it has blocked any constructive attempts to step up specific work within the framework of the BWC since 2001.

Against this background, the international community witnesses the Pentagon’s dangerous microbiological activities.

The US Department of Defense has been mailing live anthrax spores all over the world for years. Far from being accidental, this occurred on 195 occasions and reached 12 different countries. As a result, not only US citizens but also populations in other countries were exposed to lethal danger. Until now, the scale of these violations has not been revealed or explained, including the real purpose of the Defense Department’s spore-producing “industrial facilities” and the reason for distributing them to US military bases overseas.

For a further example, the Defense Department has been continuously expanding worldwide its military biological infrastructure. These facilities have sprung up in many countries, and in recent years they are being created increasingly closer to Russian borders. For instance, a high-level bio-safety laboratory was built in Georgia, with Washington and Tbilisi making efforts to conceal the true content and focus of this military unit’s activities. The Pentagon is also trying to introduce similar undercover military medical-biological facilities to other CIS countries.
voyageur said:
For a further example, the Defense Department has been continuously expanding worldwide its military biological infrastructure. These facilities have sprung up in many countries, and in recent years they are being created increasingly closer to Russian borders. For instance, a high-level bio-safety laboratory was built in Georgia, with Washington and Tbilisi making efforts to conceal the true content and focus of this military unit’s activities. The Pentagon is also trying to introduce similar undercover military medical-biological facilities to other CIS countries.

Great catch, thanks for sharing. As usual, the US lecturing anyone on any topic (besides how to be a suicidal psychopath) is laughable, and hides ulterior motives. I found this article by Francis A. Boyle, author of the U.S.domestic implementing legislation for the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention. It's interesting reading his perspective of the development of the US' lunatic science and how it was used by the powers that be:


Then the Reagan administration came to power. And I point out that many of the same people in the Reagan administration dealing with these issues are now back under Bush Jr. The Reagan administration took the position that we were going to exploit our superior technology with respect to weapons across the board. Whether it was nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, biological weapons, space weapons, it did not matter. And they began to pour massive amounts of money, hundreds of millions of dollars, into researching and developing what they said were defensive biological agents.

Now what had happened in the meantime to the technology after Nixon was that DNA genetic engineering had come to the forefront. The technology itself, that is gene splicing. And the Reagan administration decided to exploit it. They engaged in dual-use research and development of biological agents, that is research that could be put to both offensive uses and defensive uses at the same time. The technology is the same.

To have a biological weapon as a weapon you need three things. First you need an agent. Second you need a delivery device. And third you need a vaccine to vaccinate your own troops and your own people. Using a biological agent you are going to send an army in there, they are going to occupy the territory, they need a vaccine.

The way the Reagan administration did this was to say that we are going to go out and investigate every exotic disease you could possibly imagine for the purpose of developing vaccines to deal with them despite the fact that there was no real evidence that anyone else was investigating these things and therefore we fit within the loophole of the Biological Weapons Convention for prophylactic purposes. While of course the technology to get the vaccine, using the DNA gene splicing, is exactly the same technology to get the agent. Indeed you use the DNA gene splicing to get the agent first and then you develop the vaccine. After you have created the agent then you create the vaccine and then you come up with an aerosol delivery device. Then you have a bioweapon.

U of Illinois Contracts

We had two of these contracts here on the University of Illinois campus. I have read these contracts. They were clearly biological warfare contracts and the tip-off on any of these contracts is they call for the development in the contract of an aerosol delivery device. That is how biological warfare agents are delivered, by air. All of this type of research then was being farmed out all over the country to large numbers of life-science researchers. Meanwhile the Reagan administration was cutting back funding for the National Science Foundation, on other hand. So what we had was second and third rate scientists who were no longer able to get money in the life-sciences from NSF had to go to the Pentagon in order to get funding. Now the Council for Responsible Genetics then responded to this by putting out a Pledge saying the signers would not accept any money from the Pentagon for any reason.

You can read these biowarfare contracts. It clearly says “military justification” for this contract. Indeed the ones here on campus, they were gassing pigs and sheep and rabbits over there at VetMed. And the contract said that we picked pigs because they have a circulatory system and respiratory system most akin to human beings. You can read it there in the contract.

CRG Congressional Briefing

Now the other thing the Council for Responsible Genetics did was to have a Congressional Briefing on Capitol Hill on September 13, 1985. They asked me to go in there and explain what was going on here, what the Reagan people really were up to and how dangerous this really was. Notice we were deliberately proliferating this technology. We were encouraging these scientists to go out and develop this dual-use technology, we were funding it. It was going out all over the country and indeed around the world.

So I went to Washington and I gave this briefing, I answered questions, went through the whole thing and said we really need domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention to make it a serious felony in order to stop this research because it is too dangerous. You have proliferation of biowarfare technology. Even the safety, if you analyze these contracts, the safety levels were atrocious. You have these dirty little agents out there that could easily escape into the environment.

Bio-Weapons Anti-terrorism Act

So then I was requested by CRG to draft the legislation to deal with this problem and in particular the abuse of DNA genetic engineering technology for biowarfare purposes. I worked in conjunction with the CRG scientists and we also worked with the biotech industry. At that time the biotech industry had no desire to get into biowarfare technology — Monsanto and the others. So they supported our legislation.

What happened? The Reagan administration fought it tooth and nail. They knew full well that my legislation was designed to stop what they were doing at the Pentagon. I made it very clear that research, development, testing of such biowarfare agents would be punished by life in prison. I do not believe in the death penalty for any reason so I did not put it in there. But it is in there now – life in prison.

What we did not know at that time when the Reagan people were fighting us tooth and nail is that they had also authorized at least forty shipments of weapons specific biological agents to Iraq from the American Type Culture Collection, which is a big scientific institute. It has for scientific purposes cultures of every type of exotic disease in the world. You name it, it is there. It was clear the Reagan administration was shipping all this to Iraq knowing full well Iraq was going to develop biological weapons and use them against Iran, and yet they did it anyway. Now at the time my legislation was coming through we did not know this. It came out later. So we got nowhere with the legislation.

Bush Sr.

Bush Sr. was elected and then the question was whether should we continue under Bush Sr. or just junk the legislation. I took the position: Look, the Reagan administration also developed a new generation of chemical weapons – binaries. It was hotly contested and CRG opposed that too. It came down to a tie vote in the Senate and George Bush as Vice President broke the tie vote in favor of the binary chemical weapons. However, his mother then publicly stated she was very disappointed. I said my guess is that really indicates he is trying to send a message here and that really indicates where he stands. So I argued we should go forward with Bush Sr., maybe we will see a change in policy.

To the credit of Bush Sr., the moment they came into power all opposition to our legislation stopped by the Executive Branch. We were advised, however, that it would help on the Hill if we would repackage it as a piece of legislation designed to deal with biological warfare out there in the Third World. That there were the crazies out there in the Third World who were going to develop biological weapons and our legislation was designed to deal with that. So I said fine, I am concerned about the crazies in the Pentagon and the private sector working with them, but if that is the advice we get from the Hill then fine. So we redid it, we did not change the legislation just repackaged the way we presented it and finally it was adopted unanimously by both Houses of Congress, signed into law by President Bush Sr., and he to his credit, wound down this program.


However to get back to the biological agents shipped to Iraq. As you know in the fall of 1990 as we were going to war against Iraq, Bush and Cheney ordered all U.S. armed forces to take experimental medical vaccines for anthrax and botulin. I had no idea why but the reason why was very simple. It came out later. Under Reagan they had shipped these biological agents to Iraq, Iraq had weaponized them, and we knew full well our troops would be vulnerable. So using some of the same technologies, we put these experimental medical vaccines into our own troops, 500,000 of them. Today they suffer from the Gulf War Syndrome. The Pentagon still denies it, but it is a lie.

Indeed, I worked over in Britain on an expose over there “The Dirty War” a documentary film. Finally the British government admitted there is such a thing as the Gulf War Syndrome. I personally believe they go back to these vaccines. They were experimental medical vaccines in violation of Nuremberg Code on medical experimentation. I argued this point in the court martial proceedings of Captain Doctor Yolanda Huett-Vaughn, who was court martialed in part for refusing to give these vaccines. And later Senator Jay Rockefeller held hearings in which he also accused Bush, Cheney and Powell of committing a Nuremberg crime on our own troops. Today approximately a minimum of 50,000 U.S. military personnel suffer from what is called the Gulf War Syndrome. The tip off here, the French Army rejected the vaccines because they knew they were experimental. They had been burned once before in IndoChina. Of course, there were multiple agents that worked there – depleted uranium, carcinogenic substances in the air, etc.


Then what happened? For some reason, in the last two years of the Clinton administration, Clinton decided to get back into this dual-use biological warfare work. And again began putting hundreds of millions of dollars into the stuff, to again research and develop every known exotic disease one could think of, developing the components that then get turned over to the Pentagon where they could be assembled into weapons. This is going on as we speak now.

Finally, the New York Times broke the story. Yes, the United States government is violating the Biological Weapons Convention. The CIA operation Bacchus. We are developing an immune resistant strain of anthrax with DNA genetic engineering. We have developed super weapons grade anthrax in quantities and strengths that have no legitimate defensive purpose at all. We had a bomb factory down there where we are simulating the production of biological agents. It is very clear that we are now back into the business of research and development of biological agents, in clearcut violation of the Biological Weapons Convention and my statute the Biological Weapons Anti-terrorism Act.

Bush Jr.

That then is why the Bush Jr. administration repudiated the verification protocol for the Biological Weapons Convention. These negotiations had been underway for quite some time. The Convention has no verification provisions. Finally, this Fall all of a sudden out of nowhere, Bush Jr. repudiated the whole thing and tried to kill it. Why? Because it is clear we are involved in this type of work. Whether the Pentagon, the CIA, or their contractors, or all of them.

Anthrax Attacks

Now this gets us to the anthrax attacks on the United States government. Obviously it was not clear what was going on, at least to me, until the New York Times published the technology behind the Daschle letter. The technology behind the Daschle letter, later the Leahy letter, was very sophisticated. Trillion spores per gram. That is super-weapons grade. Second, tied in there was a special treatment to eliminate electrostatic charges so it would float in the air. You have to have special equipment, special treatment, special everything. The only people who would have the capability to do this would be individuals who either are currently employed by the Department of Defense or the CIA doing biowarfare work, or had been employed by the Department of Defense or the CIA doing biowarfare work. And would probably have access to one of the government’s biowarfare labs. This stuff is so dangerous. You could not do it unless you were wearing one of these space suits. And there are only a handful of these labs in the country.
Hesper said:
...I found this article by Francis A. Boyle, author of the U.S.domestic implementing legislation for the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention. It's interesting reading his perspective of the development of the US' lunatic science and how it was used by the powers that be:

Thanks Hesper, Boyles name indeed comes up in the Graeme's book a few times, wow though, these are interesting statments and MacQeen alludes to the last one:

...Anthrax Attacks

Now this gets us to the anthrax attacks on the United States government. Obviously it was not clear what was going on, at least to me, until the New York Times published the technology behind the Daschle letter. The technology behind the Daschle letter, later the Leahy letter, was very sophisticated. Trillion spores per gram. That is super-weapons grade. Second, tied in there was a special treatment to eliminate electrostatic charges so it would float in the air. {think this relates to clumping too}You have to have special equipment, special treatment, special everything. The only people who would have the capability to do this would be individuals who either are currently employed by the Department of Defense or the CIA doing biowarfare work, or had been employed by the Department of Defense or the CIA doing biowarfare work. And would probably have access to one of the government’s biowarfare labs. This stuff is so dangerous. You could not do it unless you were wearing one of these space suits. And there are only a handful of these labs in the country.

As for this one below, it was plain to see that the antibiotic (Cipro) was spread around well before the letters were know about, like from the Washington Post guy, Cohen, explaining how he had been told from someone high up in the governments administration - probably early in September, to start taking Cipro.

To have a biological weapon as a weapon you need three things. First you need an agent. Second you need a delivery device. And third you need a vaccine to vaccinate your own troops and your own people.

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