Twisting facts? Large Asteroid will Impact in the Atlantic ocean in 2014

seek10 said:
If UFO denizens are STO, they can't interfere with our free will, If STS they don't care. If STS guys care, they won't be breeding new human proto types for all these thousands of years.

In fact, i wasn't giving any hope that some "good" alienz could save us from comets - i was just thinking loudly, so to say... But it seems logical to me that, elite who knows what is ahead of us, would try to "defend" only their "zone of retreat" - not the whole world. They have funds, and there are snake oil pushers at least - aka advanced technology corporations who see opportunities for good profit... and if i understood Ra correctly they weren't thinking about ICBMs (they are rather obsolete?)...

Thx seek10 for technicalities of meteorids!
Here's a recent video on FEMA preparing for something that I stumbled upon today. IF it's factual, could be Fukushima, could be the possibly soon to come pandemic due to cometary dust, or something else. What is interesting, that this time they apparently require all this equipment on a short notice - 24-48 hours (Or maybe that's normal? I don't know how emergency services work in US), and the fact that they probably will fail to organize it properly anyway.

FEMA is seeking contracters who can supply MEDICAL BIOHAZARD disposal capabilities and 40 yard dumpsters to 1,000 TENT HOSPITALS across the United States; all required on 24-48 hour notice.

Based on this and other previous (insane) bizops orders from FEMA its pretty obvious they are spooling up the National Disaster Medical System to respond to some national catastrophic. The obvious candidates are a H7N9 pandemic or a worsening of the current H1N1 epidemic.

The effort seems to be geared towards deploying Federal Medical Stations to 1000 locations across the USA and staffing them each with 100 medical personnel. In that regard, FEMA has attempted to order 200,000 pairs of Doctor's Scrubs for 24hr delivery @ 200 pairs per tent hospital. Not surprisingly, industry informed FEMA this was impossible. FEMA also attempted to order mobile showers and toilets to support the effort, again industry informed FEMA that they could not handle the "Armageddon Scenario". At least this time FEMA seems to have learned something and is first asking for capability assessments before putting out unsupportable purchase orders.

So what does it all mean? It means a clustermess should such medical services actually be required. Given the number of current H1N1 patients using the very limited number of available artificial lungs, ECMO machines, such a spool up of the National Disaster Medical System is a clear near term possibility. Unfortunately the possibility of 1000 tent hospitals each handled with the same alacrity as Hurricane Katrina is also highly likely, AKA CLUSTERMESS.

Earthquakes and Tsunamis: The Time to Get Ready is Now

Release date:
March 18, 2013
Release Number:

SAN JUAN, PR – Every year approximately 800 seismic events occur in the Puerto Rico region. While some of them are imperceptible, others remind us of the urgency to prepare ourselves better to survive no notice emergencies, such as earthquakes and tsunamis. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) emphasizes the role of prepared communities that become stronger and smarter by planning and practicing what to do to survive and recover faster from this type of events.

This week FEMA joins efforts with the Puerto Rico Emergency Management Agency, the Puerto Rico Seismic Network, the Puerto Rico Broadcasters Association and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) through LANTEX 2013, an exercise that will take place this Wednesday, March 20, 2013. This drill will test the Emergency Alert System (EAS) during an earthquake/tsunami event and the communications and response processes of local, state and federal governments, as well as the private sector during an activation of this kind.

A destructive earthquake can occur anytime and once it happens, it's too late to prepare ourselves. We encourage everyone in our communities to be ready NOW as you might not be with your family, your children might be at school or you could be at work,” said FEMA’s Caribbean Area Division Director Alejandro De La Campa. “This exercise provides everyone with a great opportunity to practice their emergency plans and become involved in their emergency preparedness.”

A great first step to include in your emergency plan is to look for information about emergency plans in places where you and your family spend time: work, daycare and school. If no plan exists, the following simple steps can help you begin developing your family emergency communications plan:

Identify an out-of town contact. It may be easier to make a long-distance phone call than to call across town, so an out-of-town contact may be in a better position to communicate among separated family members.
Be sure every member of your family knows the phone number and has a cell phone, coins, or a prepaid phone card to call the emergency contact. If you have a cell phone, program that person(s) as "ICE" (In Case of Emergency) in your phone. If you are in an accident, emergency personnel will often check your ICE listings in order to get a hold of someone you know. Make sure to tell your family and friends that you’ve listed them as emergency contacts.
Teach family members how to use text messaging (also known as SMS or Short Message Service). Text messages can often get around network disruptions when a phone call might not be able to get through.

In addition to being aware of your risks, learn what to do during diverse emergency situations. Here are a few tips to remember:

When an earthquake hits:

DROP to the ground;
Take COVER by getting under a sturdy desk, table or other piece of furniture. If there is none around to get under, get down near an interior wall and cover your head and neck with your arms and hands; and
HOLD ON to the furniture or to your head and neck until the shaking stops.

Pay attention to some of these tsunami warning signs:

A strong earthquake, or one that lasts for 20 seconds or longer
The ocean withdraws or rises rapidly
A loud, roaring sound (like an airplane or a train) coming from the ocean
Tsunami warnings broadcast over television and radio, by beach lifeguards, community sirens, text message alerts, National Weather Service tsunami warning center Web sites and on NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards

When a tsunami hits:

Keep calm;
Immediately move to the local tsunami shelter using defined tsunami evacuation routes.
If there are no evacuation routes defined, move to higher ground that is at least 100 feet in elevation, a mile inland, or to the highest floor of a sturdy building and STAY there.
If you are already in a safe location, STAY there.
Move by foot when possible - do not drive - this keeps the roads unobstructed for emergency vehicles.
Stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or news broadcasts for changes in tsunami alerts.
Stay away from the coast and low-lying areas until local officials say it's safe to return.

This is the article mentioned by David Vose in this video "IT HAS BEGUN - GOVERNMENT WARNING - PUERTO RICO - REGION 3"

In another video he claims that the ISON debris will hit the Earth not in January (as NASA said), but in March 2014 (close enough to "April Drop Dead Date"?):
The bubble thingy looks like an artefact of the imaging equipment.
Including the cluster of "something"? It's real pity, that there isn't anyone really knowledgeable and open minded, who would spend their time in front of these satellite images and spot a truly anomalous occurrences.
I did a search in Russian and found this link:

Although scientists basically explained to us the danger coming from the asteroid 2002 NT7, which was originally registered as dangerous strike in 2019, was recently defined a new object that may pose a threat even before, writes Being about 1 , 2 km wide, 2003 QQ47 substantially less than 2002 NT7 (2km), he was named "event that deserves careful monitoring" by astronomers. If the impact or shock occur, it can happen March 21, 2014. Discovered August 24, 2003 as a research project to study the Lincoln Near-Earth asteroids (MIT Lincoln Laboratory program funded by the U.S. Air Force and NASA) in New Mexico, 2003 QQ47 was classified as 1 on a scale of risk from Torino. Scientists have called for calm, but say that the chances of a catastrophic collision are about 1 of 909,000. orbit of this asteroid was calculated based on only 51 observations during a seven-day period and requires additional observations to ascertain whether there is any danger to the Earth. For the asteroid will be closely watched in the next two months. Previously a lot of fuss about the message that is expected to drop the asteroid into the Atlantic Ocean and the emergence of mega-tsunami. Referring to the Russian military said in particular that the military part (missile troops), where the "source" extends the service began definite redeployment. It is associated with the ability to drop a large asteroid or meteorite in the North Atlantic. States that before the military tasked to strike the object or its parts. Currently, over training and training scenarios are launched. Says that the Russian military coordinate with the Ministry of Defence warned the United States and about his movements. this a google translation, so sorry for misunderstandings

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