UFO In Jerusalem Over Mt Temple: Look For Flash ( Excellent Footage! )

Stones said:
Looks like the C's confirmed it was real! But what was it doing?? That's what I want to know.

who knows ?
will we ever know it ? I don't think so .
Concerning the debate about the validity of the 'Jerusalem UFO' video, maybe I could offer some help with a bit of meta-analysis. I think we should be connecting the Jerusalem videos with the following:


softbeard said:
Concerning the debate about the validity of the 'Jerusalem UFO' video, maybe I could offer some help with a bit of meta-analysis. I think we should be connecting the Jerusalem videos with the following:



Hello and welcome to the forum softbeard! :) Make sure to post a brief introduction in the newbies section. Nothing fancy; just a little about how you found the site and why you are interested in these topics.

Regarding the videos, my first impression (which could be wrong) is that they are real, especially the first one. The second one is very impressive and I also tend to think it's genuine; but I'd like to hear from someone who speaks Brazilian Portuguese to tell us what they are saying, and if they sound genuinely impressed or not. (Sometimes you can tell a video is fake or not if it's bad acting or not.)

If it's genuine, then wow, the 'veil is thinning' indeed!

By the way, what is your meta-analysis? Thanks for the links.
Wouldn't it better to do some research and try to figure it out for yourself rather than relying on government agencies with an agenda?

I think (I could be wrong) that the easiest way to find out is to use night vision camera in the night and watching the sky.
there is lot of movement. just a sample


or more advanced here

softbeard said:
Concerning the debate about the validity of the 'Jerusalem UFO' video, maybe I could offer some help with a bit of meta-analysis. I think we should be connecting the Jerusalem videos with the following:



Thank for sharing softbeard.

There seem to be a lot of sighting in south America recently and most impressive one.
Windmill knight, the first one may or may not be real but the poster of the video claims he made it:

This "UFO" was launched Feb. 14 2011 from my back yard. It consisted of garbage bags full of helium with flares suspended below (with steel wire for obvious reasons, and a few other details have been left out). This launch consisted of five flares with model rocket fuse to delay ignition so they only illuminate once they were several thousand feet up. I know a lot of people are upset about this being a "hoax" or whatever you want to call it. Bottom line is, it is what it is, and it looked awesome!! I am not trying to debunk real UFO's, I tend to lean more towards them existing than not, either extraterrestrial or not. I know there are a lot of people who spend some serious time and devotion researching and looking into sightings.
This is one of the reasons I came forward, (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgYTaptE­gZw) I didn't want people wasting there serious time and effort on a "snipe hunt". Fun as it would have been to sit back and watch, I decided to "let the cat out of the bag" out of simple respect. I'd like to think that is something still worth having these days.
Some people have had good fun with it (http://cryptoworld.co.uk), some still have no idea, and others have acted flat out childish in their response, (as can be seen in the comments of the video, and the phone calls and emails I have been receiving)
For those who still refuse to believe it was me, please refer to video response ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufbSi-... which not only shows the ignition of a third flare, along with smoke, but it is of the "UFO" that started this whole situation in the first place, on 1-26-2011. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4X8AzsOZ­bkg and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hb1EGs...

Were you aware of this before you made your post? Do you think he is lying and it is still a real sighting?
softbeard said:
Concerning the debate about the validity of the 'Jerusalem UFO' video, maybe I could offer some help with a bit of meta-analysis. I think we should be connecting the Jerusalem videos with the following:



Huh, this Brasilian one is pretty impresive! If not hoxed one of the best I saw so far!
softbeard said:
Concerning the debate about the validity of the 'Jerusalem UFO' video, maybe I could offer some help with a bit of meta-analysis. I think we should be connecting the Jerusalem videos with the following

Uhm, so you think the Jerusalem UFO is a fake then ?
Are you trying to disprove the Jerusalem UFO by putting it side by side with fake UFO's videos ?
Ask_a_debtor said:
Were you aware of this before you made your post? Do you think he is lying and it is still a real sighting?

No, I wasn't aware of his claim. I don't know if he is lying. I need to follow his links and watch carefully to form an opinion (don't have time right now).
A fifth video as been release on you tube today about the Jerusalem UFO. A late comer with what appear to be a different angle.

Here is amazing 3 second 6th,


and 6 sync videos all in one plus one from weather camera footage

bronz said:
Here is amazing 3 second 6th,


and 6 sync videos all in one plus one from weather camera footage


Jerusalem UFO Amazing new 6th video shot at close range from Western Wall.mp4 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVJ6uGE7kkE&feature=related
Pashalis said:
bronz said:
Here is amazing 3 second 6th,


and 6 sync videos all in one plus one from weather camera footage


Jerusalem UFO Amazing new 6th video shot at close range from Western Wall.mp4 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVJ6uGE7kkE&feature=related

This last one is really amazing. If this is real, it is the best ufo video I ever seen.
here is the full video of the "6th video" : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QCPXXe4vNk&feature=channel_video_title
I had to laugh when I saw it :lol2:

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