UFOs Nasa's Big Secret Unveiled Great Footage

Green_Manalishi said:
I also find it hard to believe that somehow the PTB are able to silence all the astronauts that have been up there.

This is an often used excuse to discredit conspiracy theories of any kind: "a conspiracy wouldn't work - SOMEONE would have blabbed".

Of course, as one investigates these things further and further it becomes pretty obvious that they simply don't work like that. There are myriad ways to keep someone silent - anything from blunt fear tactics, blackmail etc, to inducing delusion and false belief systems or pathological / misguided sense of duty or false ideologies ("It's for the greater good", "God told me to do it..." etc) - this is all a core part of what sustains the growth of pathocracy. And then when information does come out, again there are numerous highly sophisticated methods of 'damage control', not least the global lockdown of mass media information, large scale COINTELPRO, and also the iron grip of control over the general population's sense of reality and their ability to perceive.
AI and Nomad have added some ideas. The astronauts could also be getting the line that "Most people aren't ready for the truth". And when you look at the crazies that are promoting all these ideas of 'our friends the greys', etc., you can imagine the astronauts would just nod their heads, 'Yup! Ain' that the truth!'
Approaching Infinity said:
I don't see it the same way. Think of everyone who works for secretive agencies like NSA and CIA. And what about plain old "company secrets". If it's you're job not to say, chances are you won't, especially if you sign some non-disclosure agreements. Seems like the normal human response to me.

From my point of view the people who work in secretive agencies, and known of similar secrets like the one we are discussing, are either psychopaths or severely infected. I always thought that astronauts were normal people (perhaps it is a assumption of mine that is erroneous, perhaps because they are presented as this brave men and women that risk their lives to explore space in favour of humanity). For me the normal human response to such a big discovery would be to not be able to contain it and speak.
Perhaps the only method of success to keep a lid on it would be the "Most people aren't ready for the truth" kind of line.
dant said:
There was several scenes in that "movie" that reminds me
of looking into the Sun on a spring day and my, oh my,
lookit all of those floating particles flying around, some
fast and some slow with an occasional "bug" whizzing by?

And also, a couple of other scenes that reminds me of
looking into a Petri dish with all of those moving objects
under a microscope and I cannot for one second ignore
all of these "busy bees" buzzing around while focusing
on a singular object under observation. It is too dubious
for me...

I think there is clearly too little objective data in this movie
to get even get a single objective conclusion, me thinks.

That was my impression as well.
The video could be real - it looks real - but we just can't tell for sure.

As for the music, it's really exaggerated - like playing Conan the Barbarian music over a video showing a few white dots moving across the black / gray background... yes, that's really exciting...

Truth About The Moon- NASA Black Box Transcripts

This has to go down as some of THE BEST smoking gun evidence that NASA failed to cover up.

YouTuber "LunaCognita" has done a fantastic job by searching through the NASA archives to share this information with the world. Check this video out!

In this examination into NASA's "black box" transcripts, we will look at just a few of the many interesting and revealing comments made by the astronauts throughout the Apollo program that were captured by the CSM's DSE system, as well as touch on some of the scripting protocols employed during the various TV broadcasts made from the CSM during the journey to and from the Moon and while in lunar orbit. Contrary to what many think, those TV broadcasts were in fact elegantly scripted affairs, designed to rigidly control the amount of data that we, the general public, would have available to analyze. Because of this, the DSE and DSEA internal crew conversation transcripts can provide us, in the astronauts own words, an unscripted and less-guarded insight into some of the incredible things they really witnessed during their journey to and from the Moon.

During the Apollo lunar landing program, NASA made use of two primary flight telemetry/voice recording systems aboard their spacecraft. One of these systems was inside the Command/Service Module, and the other was mounted within the Lunar Module. These two systems were known as the DSE (aboard the CSM) and the DSEA (aboard the LM). The "Data Storage Equipment" systems essentially served as Black Box cockpit voice recorders, designed to tape some of the internal conversations between the astronauts while they were out of radio contact with Mission Control in Houston. After contact was re-established during the flight, Mission Control could then dump (downlink) the recorded data from the CSM to Earth, where it would be analyzed.

Unfortunately, NASA today claims that the original DSE Black Box tapes from the Apollo missions are missing and are presumed lost. However, these DSE recordings were transcribed shortly after the contents of the tapes were originally dumped from the CSM to the Earth, and several years after the Apollo program ended, these transcripts finally were declassified and then released to the NASA archives.

In coming segments, we will examine many more impressive statements made by the NASA astronauts that were captured by the various cockpit voice recording systems utilized during not only the Apollo program, but during the earlier Gemini Earth-orbital flights as well. There is much more to come!


This is video about it:



The Moltke Crater Featured In The Video.

Notice the tubular legs evenly spaced coming down from the raised center.


It is interesting... and a theory of a cover up, but still,
no smoking gun? Ought we, to be extremely careful and
to see/hear & research the data given to us, to be objective
as possible, to recognize our anticipatory weaknesses, so as
not to be completely mislead towards a subjective conclusion?

With that said, I see that there is a strong possibility that
the PTB has technology that are years ahead of us - they
had [military] tracking and recognition [control] systems
that was not available to the public at the time, until now,
that these very [military] systems are now available to the
"big brother" states, in more compact digital forms, used to
track and control the sheeple via their senses? It makes me
think about why we have moved from analog to digital forms
so that it is MUCH easier to conceal and hide things from the

Indeed, it is very interesting...
The pictures of the strange objects appearing over the horizon of the Moon remind me of Richard Hoagland and his "Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA" book.
If I remember correctly he theorizes, based on his findings, that those images taken on the Moon aren't actually flying saucers or UFO's but actual reflections of glass (or reflective) structures and that these "buildings" have been removed from the pictures on purpose to hide "the truth" of what's really on our Satellite (and Mars). I enjoyed reading his book; although there is a level of interpretation to his views, he always tries to give a scientific explanation to his findings.

Apollo 10's amazing encounter with a VERY bizarre anomaly while behind the far side of the Moon. This segment will give you an up-close look at an astounding audio transcript from the Apollo 10 mission that has never before been publicly analyzed - and that NASA and the Apollo 10 astronauts to this day still refuse to talk about.
You will follow Tom Stafford, Gene Cernan, and John Young as they become only the second crew in history to journey behind the lunar far side. During this period of "LOS" (Loss Of Signal), the astronauts encounter something truly incredible - they discover MUSIC behind the Moon!

Throughout the Apollo program, the CSM and LM spacecraft carried what were known as DSE and DSEA "black box" flight data recorders. These instruments recorded the internal LM and CSM crew conversations while the astronauts were around the lunar far side and out of radio contact with Earth. Although NASA has never made the actual DSE/DSEA audio recordings public, transcripts of these far side conversations are available in the NASA archives, and as you will see, they offer up some truly AMAZING surprises!

Here is a link to the Apollo 10 DSEA voice transcript (in PDF format) for those who are interested.
Hi dannybananny,

Your PDF link to the voice transcript doesn't work for me. Could you verify the link again please? Thanks. :)
Is this what you are referring to as "music"?

pp 197 said:
04 06 13 02 LMP That music even sounds outer-spaeey, doesn't it?
You hear that? That whistling sound?
04 06 13 06 CDR Yes.
04 06 13 07 _4P Who0ooooo. Say your - -
04 06 13 12 CMP Did you hear that whistling sound, too?
04 06 13 14 _P Yes. Sounds like - you know, outer-space-type music.
04 06 13 18 _4P I wonder what it is.

pp 198 said:
04 06 17 58 LMP Boy, that sure is weird music.
04 06 18 01 CMP We're going to have to find out about that.
Nobody will believe us.
04 06 ].8 07 LMP Yes. It's a whistling, you know, like an outerspace- type thing.
04 06 18 10 CMP Yes .... VHF-A ...

pp 199 said:
04 06 18 16 L}_ Yes. I wouldn't believe there's anyone out there.
Okay, Tom, I'm going to call up P20.
04 06 18 26 LMP We want to pressurize our APS here. You get your
04 06 18 29 CDR Oh, yes. I'm locked on to him.
04 06 18 31 LMP Okay.
04 06 18 22 CDR There may be a side lobe.
04 06 19 01 CDR It's weird, isn't it?
04 06 19 03 _4P Isn't that weird?
04 06 19 11 CDR I think that's a side lobe.
04 Q6 19 15 _ Is it?
Nomad said:
Green_Manalishi said:
I also find it hard to believe that somehow the PTB are able to silence all the astronauts that have been up there.

This is an often used excuse to discredit conspiracy theories of any kind: "a conspiracy wouldn't work - SOMEONE would have blabbed".

Of course, as one investigates these things further and further it becomes pretty obvious that they simply don't work like that. There are myriad ways to keep someone silent - anything from blunt fear tactics, blackmail etc, to inducing delusion and false belief systems or pathological / misguided sense of duty or false ideologies ("It's for the greater good", "God told me to do it..." etc) - this is all a core part of what sustains the growth of pathocracy. And then when information does come out, again there are numerous highly sophisticated methods of 'damage control', not least the global lockdown of mass media information, large scale COINTELPRO, and also the iron grip of control over the general population's sense of reality and their ability to perceive.

Yes there are numerous ways of keeping silent not only the astronauts, but also the people involved in all the Apollo missions and those responsible for image releasing (they get to see some nice pictures). There is some evidence that intense mind-control through hypnosis has been used on the astronauts prior and after each mission in order to conceal parts of their memory. I think it's likely that such techniques are used as they are very effective to manipulate and silence the people involved in such projects.

Richard Hoagland makes an example with Buzz Aldrin who doesn't actually remember what he saw when he landed on the Moon. It's as if his memory has been in some way removed. He did hypnotic therapy (which are recorded) but even that didin't seem to work.


Joan d’Arc: Your book alleges that Buzz Aldrin is completely
unable to describe what it “felt like” to be on the moon. Do you
believe then that part of astronaut “debriefing” is “brainwashing”?
Mike Bara: Yes, I think there is ample evidence that the astronaut’s
memories have been tampered with, which we present
in the book. Even the recent documentary by Ron Howard, In
the Shadow of the Moon, spends tons of time on all aspects of
Apollo, but virtually nothing on the actual Moon walks themselves.
Aldrin just seems to repeat the same quotes we’ve all
what he saw on TV, not what he actually experienced.
Anecdotally, Richard [Hoagland] once had a long discussion
with one of the doctors who helped to hypnotize the astronauts
for their debriefings, and she said she couldn’t remember
anything about the sessions either. But, that was essentially
hearsay, so we didn’t put it in the book.
Joan d’Arc: So then “debriefing” is more than intelligence
gathering, more than simply, OK, whatever you saw up there
you’re not going to talk about it. You’re saying that when astronauts
are “debriefed” their memories are pretty much cleaned
out and maybe even replaced by screen memories or faux memories?
And this is pretty much well known? And even the hypnotists
have to be hypnotized? Do you have any other examples
of astronauts who can’t remember things?
Mike Bara: There are lots of examples in Dark Mission, but
again Ed Mitchell comes to mind. He was so frustrated with
not being able to recall the experience that he went through
years of hypno-therapy to try to remember. That’s all in his
autobiography (The Way of the Explorer: An Apollo Astronaut’s
Journey Through the Material and Mystical Worlds).
And honestly, I’m not sure about all of the Apollo astronauts
having memory issues. Neil Armstrong’s behavior
strikes me as that of someone who’s ashamed of his role in
the mission of Apollo 11. That would imply that he remembers
what he did and isn’t too proud of it. Most of the astronauts
can recite all of their scripted tasks chapter and verse.
You know, “at such and such a station we deployed the
ALSEP experiment.” But when it comes to answering questions
about what they saw and felt, they seem to clam up.
A few years ago I was talking to a friend that grew up Virginia (US) near the military base by the coast. She said all sorts of weird stuff came flying by. That the military were always "testing" some new equipment. The people that lived all around the base and then some, were "proud & loyal Americans" that kept the secrets well because they were loyal to the government. So no one even talked about it to each other she said. So it is quite easy for secrets to be kept by average citizens of the US. Just play on their patriotic & proud to be an American mentality.

Not to mention the fear factor....

The History channel has been airing a lot of UFO documentaries of late and they also have a new program called "The Nostradamus Effect" Can not find the link to the UFO documentary.


FWIW - The video could be real on some of the footage, but some of it did look like dust. Had some ghost hunters come to my house a few years back and what looked like orbs of a supernatural nature were just dust. It looked so real though. The mind can play wondrous tricks on us.

The UFO sightings in Texas & Arizona in the late part of 2007 & early 2008 were real I believe. Even though they are brought to us by our friendly neighborhood Fox & CNN news. I guess way to many people saw it, including the Governor of Arizona. Which by the way refracted his statement that it was a military test.


Fox News
Hi. Sorry if i didn't clarify my thought, it wasn´t my intention to give any excuse to discredit this conspiracy theory, i was just pointing out the fact that i find it very difficult that the traditional methods of covering up something like this doesn't seem plausible to me, especially when there are so many people involved that need to be told to shut up. I mean, they could apply fear tactics, but in a death bed some astronaut could hint something because he knew he was going to die (of course they could always involve some loved ones, like sons and so on making it more difficult for an astronaut to speak about such matters), they could apply the old patriotic excuse but wasn't there a single astronaut or person involved in these programs with two neurons firing, that could see beyond the patriotic lie, etc.
Now the mind-control through hypnosis seems to be a good way to conceal the truth, as pointed by Eboard10, it is quite astonishing that Buzz Aldrin couldn't remember what it was like in the moon.

Bluestar said:
She said all sorts of weird stuff came flying by. That the military were always "testing" some new equipment.

Well, one thing is military equipment, other totally different is the "prof" of extraterrestrial live and some kind of unnatural structures in the Moon.

This makes me thing of the high requirements to be an astronaut, apart from the obvious characteristics, could they be looking for some kind of special personality characteristic, could we say some deviant personality disorder?
NASA UFO footage

Nice little compilation here of alleged Nasa vids of UFOS. I found it stimulated some thought on the origin and nature of these things


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