UFOs Today - 70 Years of Lies, Misinformation, Cover-up by Irena McCammon Scott

Speaking of John Keel and mysterious sounds from the sky, there are of course the "skyquakes" and the connection between possible overhead explosion and the UFO phenomena. Very good to hear that Keel isn't the only one talking about such things! Although it appears that he didn't consider skyquakes having to do with overhead meteor explosions. Thanks for the recommendation!

Here's the relevant quote from Keel's "Disneyland of the Gods".

Well, they could be UFOs "breaking the density barrier" or they could be comet fragments exploding in the upper atmosphere. They could be sounds from space, too, I think.
"What was called a "City in the sky" UFO event occurred in Columbus, Ohio ... on June 22 1985." She goes on to recount the stories of the various witnesses and it sounds pretty much like they are describing the UFOs in "Independence Day", like freaking aircraft carriers in the sky, low, slow and mostly silent EXCEPT "The object briefly emitted a "blaring sound" that stopped after a few seconds. ... The blaring noise was replaced by 30 seconds of a 'banging sound' like that of heavy machinery. After this there was silence."

I have had numerous CT Scans & MRIs. I have always thought about the strange sounds they make when powering up, calibrating for the scan. They made "funny" sounds, clicking and banging, and swirling/swoosh sounds. This excerpt brought this observation to mind...
For faster access, here are links to the book:

UFOsToday: 70 Years of Lies, Misinformation and Government Cover-up.


I have had numerous CT Scans & MRIs. I have always thought about the strange sounds they make when powering up, calibrating for the scan. They made "funny" sounds, clicking and banging, and swirling/swoosh sounds. This excerpt brought this observation to mind...

Now that you mention it, yeah, there is some similarity between the sounds of the scanner and some of those "sounds in the sky" recordings I've listened to. Even that weird intense humming of the scanner that it does between banging and thumping.

Most interesting idea.... Thanks!
Well, they could be UFOs "breaking the density barrier" or they could be comet fragments exploding in the upper atmosphere. They could be sounds from space, too, I think.
Perhaps they could be both. By this I mean, that perhaps comet fragments cause a tear in the veil which then gives a view to all these UFOs hanging around. In other words, the UFOs are always there, but under certain circumstances due to temporary changes in the veil, they are not only seen but are also causing physical abnormalities in our realm.

Richard Dolan does mention the UFO flap in 1973 in his book UFO's and the National Security State (and also in his second book vol 2.):

In October 1973, an intense UFO wave hit the United States, coinciding with some critical developments in the American and international scenes. On October 10, Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned from office. Ten days later a spate of resignations and firings spread through the Nixon administration. On the twenty-fourth, U.S. nuclear forces, in response to Middle East war and possible Soviet intervention, went on DEFCON 3 alert, the highest possible.(p.383)

That reminds me of the cold war being used as a distraction from the cosmic events as Victor Clube said. It is also quite likely that it is the reason why we are experiencing a new Cold war at the moment due to the Russophobia. Those in high places surely knows that the fake Russia news is all BS, but continues with it perhaps because it serves as a much needed distraction. The cosmic environment is certainly appearing to be getting quite active.
Speaking of John Keel and mysterious sounds from the sky, there are of course the "skyquakes" and the connection between possible overhead explosion and the UFO phenomena. Very good to hear that Keel isn't the only one talking about such things! Although it appears that he didn't consider skyquakes having to do with overhead meteor explosions

Now that you mention these sky quakes, I might have heard them at least three times last autumn! In connection with the sounds the strange annoying fact in our area were party-going youngsters usually had the habit of throwing firecrackers on Fridays and weekends: in the usual "party-goer time frame", like between 22:00 and 00:30am -, but very rarely on other workdays. When one exploded near the house, those were easy to identify, having that characteristic sound "Oh, those youngsters again!". However these youngsters were operating all over the city on streets further away too and the origin of those explosions were harder to ascertain. Are there people shooting somewhere? No. They could not have been automatic weapons / handgun fire, because we don't have those in our country.

Especially now in retrospect its annoying, because on workdays, late at night or around 01:00am - 03:00am, when I was working, I heard these strange explosions, a deep sound, like remote massive artillery fire rattling the window blinds and the priming effect of the firecrackers made me wonder:
- WTH is going on here?!
Youngsters were usually deep asleep by that time, so the sounds couldn't have been remote firecrackers: they were too deep, echoing and sounded massive anyway. Also we live in a peaceful country, so there is no war, no live heavy weapons fire.

They sounded as if a plane exploded midair or was going down and exploded hitting the ground. Probably what bombing of cities must have sounded during WW2? The sounds had the characteristic echo of like "large mortar heavy artillery".

Despite obviously not being firecrackers or of human origin, the thought still ran through my mind: "Who the heck could be playing with firecrackers so late?", as a result of priming: thanks youngsters!
Now that you mention the low, deep sound, rattling windows, etc, I've noticed something quite a bit lately. Let me give some background. This house we live in is massive and solid. The walls are 2 feet thick, or more in places; it's difficult, if not impossible to get a cell-phone signal inside without being by a window. The windows have all been replaced so they are very solid double paned. When it storms, it has to be pretty violent to even hear anything at all from outside. I never hear ordinary rain. In short, hearing things from outside is rare. However, there is a mirror in my bedroom mounted on a brass wall stand and quite a bit lately I've been noticing this mirror "shudder" in its holder. That is, it rattles. Now what the heck could be making this massive pile of brick and stone and plaster and giant beams freaking RATTLE??? Even if a person is running in the house, slamming doors, playing music loud, you can't hear it from one part of the house to another generally.

But the mirror has been rattling once or twice a day recently.
That reminds me of the cold war being used as a distraction from the cosmic events as Victor Clube said. It is also quite likely that it is the reason why we are experiencing a new Cold war at the moment due to the Russophobia. Those in high places surely knows that the fake Russia news is all BS, but continues with it perhaps because it serves as a much needed distraction. The cosmic environment is certainly appearing to be getting quite active.

That actually makes sense. Otherwise, this whole Russia hysteria is so idiotic it defies explanation.

I've made a start on this book as well.
Now what the heck could be making this massive pile of brick and stone and plaster and giant beams freaking RATTLE???

Perhaps a new phenomena in our atmosphere?

Russian satellite spots light explosions in Earth's atmosphere

MOSCOW, Feb. 12 (Xinhua) -- Russian satellite Lomonosov has discovered unexplained light explosion in the Earth's upper atmosphere, according to a Russian scientist.

"During Lomonosov's flight at an altitude of several dozen kilometers, we have registered several times a very powerful 'explosion' of light," Mikhail Panasyuk said.

"It looks like we have encountered new physical phenomena... We do not yet know their physical nature," the professor on cosmic rays at Lomonosov Moscow State University said in an interview with Sputnik.

The explosion happened in the clear sky high above the planet's surface where there were neither storms nor clouds, which makes the discovery baffling as similar electrical bursts are always associated with storm clouds.

Lomonosov satellite was launched in 2016 to observe gamma ray bursts, high energy cosmic rays and transient phenomena in the Earth's upper atmosphere.

This is interesting:

Well, it is all just getting curiouser and curiouser! And I imagine that all these sound and EM effects are having an impact on humans, their emotions, maybe even their DNA?!

Talking about effects, in the last year or so, I had trouble sleeping, waking up like if my brain was in a fog or loaded with heavy thicky oil and not well-rested and recharged. I was having problem with my feet. A feeling like I was freezing but it was not exactly that rather something like as if my feet were living flesh. I tried many things to solve that going from osteopath to acupuncture but nothing solved the problem.

After reading the book : The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs: How to Fix Our Stupid Use of Technology: Nicolas Pineault: 9781976109126: Gateway - Amazon.ca

I bought this little EMF meter: ENV RD-10 | EMF Meter Electromagnetic Field Radiation Mini Handheld Detector | RF - LFM - LFE | Android & PC Connection: Amazon.com: Industrial & Scientific

So when I got it a couple of weeks ago, I tested it and got the idea to test it where I pass most of my day, at my desk. And what a surprise to find that the meter for the LFM(low frequency magnetic field) was at the top in the red zone just where my feet stand beside the box for the computer speaker. I moved the box far away and I tested it again and the signal was green in the low zone. Two weeks later I can tell you that the problem with my feet is almost gone and I really think that in another couple of weeks it should be solved.

I also tried the EMF meter in our bedroom. I must say that on each side of our bed we have two electric outlets. The LFM and the LFE(low frequency electric field) were very high and again in the red zone. So, I decided to switch off the power supply in putting at off the circuit breaker for our bedroom. I re-tested our room and both the LFM and FFE were in the green zone. So the next morning, my wife and I have observed that we have had a very good night of sleep, no fog and very well-rested and recharged. Since that time, every night before going to bed, I switch off the circuit breaker.
I discovered to be very sensitive to space weather events. If I can't use my brain for 2 or 3 days then it becomes depressing and emotionally disturbing. I wonder how many people go berserk because they get pushed to their limit by such events.
(L) So we should really try to avoid the sun right now because it's weird?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Can it make some people crazy even?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Can it increase mental disorders?

A: Yes
I got a slight headache just today after earths magnetic field got shaken.

Since that time, every night before going to bed, I switch off the circuit breaker.
I'm also experimenting with this since some weeks, i.e. switching off at the junction box (except for the fridge). I noticed a slight voltage on the electric ground, and ground won't be decoupled by the switch, so I also pull most cables off from the wall outlet to reduce an antenna effect through all the distribution cables and devices. Though I barely know what I'm doing electricity wise, and there is a lot of neighbor wifi going on too!
Well, it is all just getting curiouser and curiouser! And I imagine that all these sound and EM effects are having an impact on humans, their emotions, maybe even their DNA?!
In light of DBB's thread, it's a very interesting remark. On SOTT, we read weird stuff about people becoming crazy, cannibal or other strangeness. I was just reading a 1996 session, about 36 millions nephalim coming with the wave. Now i understand it as 36 millions people on Earth having residues of nephalim genes that could be revealed, ie non-transcribed genes becoming transcribed under influence of contributing factors ( EMF, sound as waves)
Q: (L) Would these Nephilim genetics be passed down in the natural way, or would they be the result of genetic manipulation by genetically altering a fetus and then putting it back?

A: No to latter. One clue: double Y chromosomes.

Q: (W) That's male...

A: Nephalim were.

Q: (L) They, were male. Women are a double X, men are XY.

A: Prisons are filled with double Y's with monstrous personality disorders, almost always Caucasian and over- sized. Also, "bikers" often carry the gene. We suggest you not share this in a general way on the net!!!

Q: (L) On TV they interviewed a serial killer. He was HUGE! He described killing. The shrink who was analyzing said he did it because he wanted to get caught. I did NOT get that feeling. I think he did it just because it was what he did. Bikers often carry the gene... and this is why they form 'gangs.' Nephalim. Bikers. Big. Caucasian. My, my, my. Is there any other clue you can give?

A: Nephalim are not currently on your world, just trace residuals.

Q: (L) Trace residuals in people. And there are supposed to be 36 million of them coming...

A: With the wave.
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