Uk - Horrific Stabbing & other events


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Today in the UK there has been a horrific stabbing event in Southport.

The news is currently reporting that 2 children have died. There are 2 adults and 5 other children in critical condition. The attacker entered a Taylor swift dance workshop and the kids were aged 6-11 years of age from what I can gather.
This comes after a recent riot in Harehills in Leeds. When police removed children from what was described as Romanian Roma family. This caused riots and led to numerous arrests.
A soldier was recently stabbed in Kent multiple times. Then after that two individuals attacked police officers at the airport. One of the police kicked one of the attackers in the face and stamped on his head.
Social media of that event initially showed the police aggression. Then this weekend the full footage came out and the men who had come into the UK from a flight in Qatar and seen to be throwing punches hitting the female officers The whole event was covered extensively on mam channels and all over social media.
Things were building up here before the stabbings in Southport.
Social media or particularly X is now up in Arms about the stabbings. The attacker is rumoured to be a young migrant who came over last year. Supposedly known to MI5.
All the authorities are saying at the moment is the attacker is from Cardiff. If he is 17 he won't be named anyway but X appears to have named the individual of course that may be incorrect.
I'm not sure if any of this has been reported in another thread. If so please move the post into the correct thread.
It appears here in the UK that tensions are high and there is a lot of hatred been spewed. It's concerning and it appears many are reaching a breaking point.
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We have further trouble in Southport where the stabbings took place. Rumours on X that a Muslim man was arrested with a balaclava and machete. This in turn led to further aggression and now rioting. The reports are far right groups are there clashing with the local Muslim community.
I'd agree with Mr Galloway that the way the ptb have handled the situation has escalated things. The Secret service/government are playing this one and building the tensions up on both sides. It's too coincidental all these events have happened in such a short space of time.
I think calm heads are needed! With the Israeli/Lebonan situation now escalating off the back of the slaughter in Gaza things could get very messy here, very quickly.
It feels like events are starting to move now around the world. We all need to be aware and alert. Stay safe people.
To me all these feels like orchestrated moves to in-flame tensions within the population with some end goal in mind.

I think it's also important to be aware of "amplification" of certain events by media whilst the opposite is happening with other events. When media amplifies, it makes things appear like they are literally at your doorstep and fear is heightened. For example, COVID is spreading quite badly now but because there is no media amplification it doesn't feel like a threat and so the fear isn't heightened (even though probably millions have had it over the last few weeks alone). Then you have these events, a particular incident at a particular airport with security which is so hyper amplified that it makes it appear that something is happening to a much greater degree than it is in actual reality. That's how I'm reading the situation.

Added: I suppose amplification then has the added effect of influencing behaviour in certain ways and perhaps that's a goal in all these. Behavioural psychology at play.
I agree, it seems like too much of a coincidence coming after events in Leeds and now this as well:

The weather is likely a factor, in terms of the crowds and rioting, but attacks on children are always significant and people will look for an explanation. Most of them are unlikely to accept that people just 'go off' and commit crimes like this, and they won't entertain some of the more obscure reasons why we think this might happen. Some of them are undoubtedly just looking for an excuse to vent their anger, or direct it towards immigrants. Divide and conquer always works to a certain extent, but my fear is that a more developed and widespread 'strategy of tension' is unfolding.

The 17 year old arrested in Southport was from Cardiff, born to parents from Rwanda. He had been in the area since 2013.

Merseyside Police confirmed that armed police "detained a male and seized a knife" following the incident, and said there was no wider threat to the public.

The force later said a 17-year-old boy from Banks, a Lancashire village to the north of Southport, was arrested on suspicion of murder in connection with the stabbing. He was originally from Cardiff, they added.

He remains in custody on Tuesday where he will be questioned about the incident, as police work to establish the motive for the attack.

One witness said the person they believed to be the attacker arrived in a taxi wearing a face mask and refused to pay the fare.

The BBC understands the teenager, who cannot be named for legal reasons, moved to the Southport area in 2013. His parents are from Rwanda and he has an older brother also born in Cardiff.

The riots seem to have been instigated during a vigil held for the victims, by people from outside the area. Witnesses, a local MP and Merseyside police have all confirmed this. EDL are being mentioned but I imagine this was organised using social media and that could be the main angle, like Telegram was linked to the rioting in Dublin, we shall see.

There isn't much more to go on yet. Farage questioned whether the classification of this as a 'non-terror incident' is truthful, or is this information being withheld? Now he's accused of whipping up the crowd.

It's not normal to go about randomly stabbing people, let alone kids. Take the 17 year old teenager from Rwanda heritage accused of this - he was born in Cardiff. Why's this teenager stabbing kids? To me feels like he's had some influence that has led him to do so - the question is what influence has he had?

The easy answer the EDL will latch onto - oh, he's from Rwandan heritage and that's what they do? 🤷 (But why? Don't ask why, that's what barbarians do because #barbarians). The more likely answer is he's probably been influenced by external forces to carrying out this attack perhaps because he was in a position to fall prey to such influence.
It's not normal to go about randomly stabbing people, let alone kids. Take the 17 year old teenager from Rwanda heritage accused of this - he was born in Cardiff. Why's this teenager stabbing kids? To me feels like he's had some influence that has led him to do so - the question is what influence has he had?

The easy answer the EDL will latch onto - oh, he's from Rwandan heritage and that's what they do? 🤷 (But why? Don't ask why, that's what barbarians do because #barbarians). The more likely answer is he's probably been influenced by external forces to carrying out this attack perhaps because he was in a position to fall prey to such influence.
Yes, I think you are right. Manipulated mentally. Why? Distraction of what is happening elsewhere the massacre made by Israel and also the assassination of two important leaders, one from Hamas, the other from Hezbollah. Everything to bring terror on people, the doctrine of the shock.
I don‘t know if this has anything to do with this, bit I found it curious that one article in a swiss journal (if I remember well) mentioned something about Taylor Swift being shocked, since the little girls who died at their dance class or something were dancing to her music when they got attacked.
Was her music a kind of trigger for the attacker? Like some kind of programme?
Apparently a third little girl has now died in hospital. Some of the other children are still critical. It is quite rare for small children to be targetted in such a situation. It does feel that other forces are at work here aimed at causing and inciting mayhem and violence. There seems to be a huge number of stabbings occuring in the UK these days. I was quite shocked to read that a 21 year old man had been arrested for attempted murder of a 60 year old after cutting his throat. This is in a quiet, peaceful village only 3 miles from where I live, and which I visit fairly regularly.

Dozens of arrests have been made as protests following the Southport knife attack spread to different parts of the country.

More than 100 people were arrested in central London on Wednesday evening as officers clashed with protesters on Whitehall, close to Downing Street, during a demonstration.

Disorder also broke out in Hartlepool where eight people were arrested, several officers were injured and a police car was set on fire.

Disorder and intimidating behaviour was also reported in Manchester and Aldershot. No arrests have been made.

Greater Manchester Police said protesters were dispersed in the Newton Heath area after "objects were thrown, towards the police and public".

In Aldershot, local MP Alex Baker said a peaceful protest "descended into intimidating behaviour" at a hotel in the Hampshire town.

"This incident was exacerbated by people from outside our community who came here determined to cause unrest," she said.

Many people I know have been predicting some kind of social unrest in the UK for the last couple of years, with a triggering event of some kind, as is usually the case. I thought it would be related to the economic situation, and it probably is, but indirectly. It's too early to say how sustained this might be, but we should keep a close eye on events because another trigger may not be far away. I am very glad I no longer live in the city, there are so many areas where tension is high at the best of times.
IDK; but this reports that the guy was from Rwanda sounds like an attempt to shift the focus of people. Like: "People, look, he´s not an immigrant, we swear! Immigrants are peaceful people! This is just some random guy that went off!"

I also wouldn´t be surprised that if the guy from the photos is actually Rwandan - but a wrong guy, so not the person who actually did the stabbings.

To all of the members in UK: Stay safe!
I was in central London the other week and a few weeks prior I was in central Paris. I got to compare the two. My conclusion is that at the current time, London is a better city than Paris.

The reasons
  • Generally, London is much much cleaner. Paris was quite dirty
  • Paris seemed excessively expensive compared to London (and that's saying something)
  • Paris has A LOT of idle people on the streets, migrants with nothing to do. In London, it's like everyone has something to do - very little idleness on the streets.
To me, London seems much better integrated, the population feels like "one" but in Paris it was quite disintegrated (there was a clear separation).

London was actually quite vibrant when I was there the other week whilst Paris to me seemed like it was a bit melancholic / depressed.

Just my personal impressions.

The reason for saying all these is I think France is in a more precarious position than the UK.
To all of the members in UK: Stay safe!

It's currently getting pretty F$%king freaky folks on the "The Big Blue Marble"

Video Opinion:
Jerry Marzinsky and guest Jenny on the subject of negative entities which can take over their victims with devastating results. Jerry was a licensed psychiatric practitioner and worked in the largest mental health institutions in the US. Our previous shows with Jerry include “Are Demons real” This is a follow on from our many interviews on the subject. See our previous shows at
The Daily Mail reported that Axel Rudakubana was featured in a BBC Children In Need (charity event) advertisement where he starred as Dr. Who when he was 11 years old, he was also in a drama club and part of a church choir:

The clip featuring Rudakubana, filmed in Blackpool in 2018, was deleted earlier today by both the BBC and the Ology child talent agency that represented him.
A source at the corporation said: ‘Children in Need has no relationship to Axel Rudakubana.

'The individual was contracted by the BBC for the campaign video through a casting agency in 2018 and has never had an affiliation with any of our funded projects.’

Rudakubana, now 17, appeared in court on Thursday charged with murdering Bebe King, six, Elsie Dot Stancombe, seven, and Alice Dasilva Aguiar, nine, at a dance studio in Southport, Merseyside.
The talent agency - which is co-run by Laura Beckford, wife of former Everton footballer Jermaine Beckford, and her older brother Andrew - declined to comment, but managers are understood to be ‘very upset’ at learning of the association.

The agency last night deleted a series of Facebook posts about Axel's budding acting career.
What caught my attention was that something similar happened with the would-be Trump assassin, Crooks, who featured in a Blackrock advert that was later deleted.

Another report from the Mirror stated that a neighbor said Rudakubana was a “quiet choir boy” with a family heavily involved in the local church.
Rudakubana's Christian father and stay-at-home mother were described as “ordinary” and “struggling to make a go of things here”. A source said the family was heavily involved with the local church.
Neighbours in a quiet cul-de-sac in Banks, Lancashire, said Rudakubana could sometimes be heard singing in the family home and even appeared in a musical in Shaftesbury Theatre in the West End with a school drama group. A nearby resident who asked not to be named, said: "It's a massive shock. He would come in from school and be singing. He never went out, we never saw them. We never spoke to them more than to say hello in seven years."

A neighbour who lived close to the suspect in Banks said: “All the time I have lived here, I have never spoken to the lad. I’ve never seen him out on his own. I think I’ve probably only ever seen him on two or three occasions. They just seemed like a normal family. They were very quiet. Dad would say ‘hello and how are you?’ that sort of thing."
Rudakubana appeared in court yesterday, his name revealed following the judge lifting automatic reporting restrictions protecting his identity. The suspect refused to speak to confirm his name and address in two court hearings and also kept his sweatshirt pulled up to his hairline.

Liverpool Crown Court heard how the teen had been "diagnosed with autism". It also heard "unwilling to leave the house and communicate with family for a period of time". He was remanded to youth detention accommodation and will next appear in court in October.
Could something have happened to Rudakubana between the ages of 11-17 that made him switch from being a fairly normal boy with a budding acting career to a deranged child killer? Or maybe he was unhinged from the start but hid it well. Either way, the effect of the event on the British public is more division with fear and anger rapidly building.
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Given the apparent flareup of riots in the UK, I'm wondering (from a bigger picture point of view) if they haven't been allowed to happen - for, what? Ireland is kicking off too, as well as other protests in Europe.
Israel seems to be 'preparing' for a greater war, although I can't tell if it's posturing or actual war.
Ukraine is failing. Nothing (yet) has happened at the Olympics (disease X or a 'terror' attack).
Are we looking at the PTB stirring up anti-migrant sentiment in preparation for a war in the middle east (and a 'war' at 'home')? It would also serve to destroy support for Palestine too.

I had a dream earlier this week (Monday/Tuesday) that had the flavour of a HAARP to it.
Whatever is going on, its starting to stink as badly as the failed Trump assassination attempt.
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