Understanding American Capitalism, Its Consequences & Alternatives


Padawan Learner
I have wanted to bring this subject up for some time and this article by Patrice Greanville has underscored its importance. One of the primary tools that the pathocracy uses to control society, especially in this country, is through economics. The extent to which the people of this country have been fooled into believing the lies being fed to them by the media and academia about capitalism should make it clear that capitalism is a powerful lie that has been used with great effectiveness. The reason I believe it is so powerful is due to the attachment of people to prosperity. People want to live better lives and so believe that capitalism can improve their standard of living. They see the rich living in dream houses and driving around in BMW's and so there goes all the proof they need.

Throughout the article Greanville quotes from "Mindful Economics" by Joel Magnuson. Of special note is the term "false consciousness", which should be quickly recognizable by any SOTT reader. I recall one interesting and altogether shocking dinner party conversation with an economics professor from Wellesley College who was so indoctrinated with current and accepted capitalist propaganda that even accomplished business consultants at the table were embarrassed by her blind acceptance of doctrines that they knew to be misleading at best. This is how the lie of capitalism gets perpetuated.

It is my hope that here at SOTT we can expand into the world of economics and provide readers with more and varied sources of information to help them better understand the relationship between ponorology and capitalism, communism or any other form of political economics. It is not enough to expose miscreant behavior in sections like the Loan Gunman. I would like to see a section on this forum devoted to Political Economics so that we can have a place to share ideas and sources. Under "The Real World" there is a science section but not one for Political Economics. It seems that with fiat currency systems spinning out of control the time is right for focusing on this aspect of our current situation.
Re: Understanding American Capitalism, Its Consequences & Alternatives

Viral Video Shows the Extent of U.S. Wealth Inequality

The issue of wealth inequality across the United States is well known, but this video shows you the extent of that imbalance in dramatic and graphic fashion.

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