Understanding Hinduism and Hindu Gods

@seek10 ,

This latest archeological find seems like an important missing link that supports what the Cs were saying about the original IVC and the original meaning of Parantha's version of the Vedas.

The description of the Harappan civilization in Mary Settegast's book When Zarathustra Soke points out how little is known about them.

It made me curious about the Harappan civilization and I did watch a video that is not super detailed but gives a general idea of possible daily life for the Harappans. This video is by a young enthusiastic history buff without a lot of credentials but I found it interesting:

I think this "amalgamation" may explain many of the overlapping story narratives we see in myths and religions worldwide.

The above attribute of Shiva may be an example of the amalgamation of storylines from different cultures. I had not noticed this 3 pronged weapon being one attribute of Shiva. It is difficult to find the exact origin of this weapon/symbol.

Session 27 July 1997:

I have been "seek"ing and maybe @seek10 has part of the answer by adding the "Trishula".

View attachment 67053

I think this symbol may be important and even a little dangerous to know too much about unless it is "time" to learn so to speak.

Session 12 December 1998:

The name Trent is German for Trento Italy where the Counsel of Trent was held.

I am beginning to see a possible "Aryan" connection to this symbol.

One interesting comparison is the Lesser Coat of Arms of Ukraine, the so-called Tryzub. A stylized trident symbol in gold on a background shield of blue.

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The Aryan influence seems to be a thread running throughout history and is not limited to any one country.

Just to give another example I think of the Trident of Neptune/Posiden.

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There is one aspect or characteristic of the Aryan race that the Cs mention that is unsettling to me:

Session 7 October 1994:

I am beginning to think the only thing worth fighting for ferociously is Truth and Love.
I wanted to leave an alms
The bearer of the trent could be a hereditary and ancestral condition of Kantek which is directly related to the Celts and this could be related to the water ritual in the water? since Poseidon had the trident as something useful for power over water, over the Sea.
I wanted to leave an alms
The bearer of the trent could be a hereditary and ancestral condition of Kantek which is directly related to the Celts and this could be related to the water ritual in the water? since Poseidon had the trident as something useful for power over water, over the Sea.
I forgot to mention that Laura in her research on the Grail left open the interpretation of the legend of the Grail about water wells and maidens and there is a range of possibilities about true initiations that take place in another realm of hyperdimensional reality, therefore this could give a key important about natural ecstasy Shaman with his wife Shaman that is (water baptism) that could happen naturally in dreams.
But MSS doesn't include the Kantek arrivals. If some body came from different planet, you expect them to have a different genetic signature. But, that doesn't show up. How could raw data be so incorrect?
The signal is clear in "The Origins of the World's Mythologies" by E.J. Michael Witzel, but from mitochondrial haplogroups coupled with myths, linguistics, etc. Y-chromosome DNA studies are more disputed in mainstream science. Granted, his book was published in 2012, but it's really an magnus opus.

I'll add some screenshots from my kindle version of the book.

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The signal is clear in "The Origins of the World's Mythologies" by E.J. Michael Witzel, but from mitochondrial haplogroups coupled with myths, linguistics, etc. Y-chromosome DNA studies are more disputed in mainstream science. Granted, his book was published in 2012, but it's really an magnus opus.
Thank you Gaby. I will have to reread the book w.r.t mitochondrial studies.
I wanted to leave an alms
The bearer of the trent could be a hereditary and ancestral condition of Kantek which is directly related to the Celts and this could be related to the water ritual in the water? since Poseidon had the trident as something useful for power over water, over the Sea.

Parsing the themes with a intent to track down the origins - Siva, Trident, Kantek folks/celts/Aryans , Water ritual in the water , passing down the ancestral Tradition etc.

Siva - C's said 'Siva' is fictional character. In Vedas, they don't have Siva, but 'Rudra' exist . I think Rudra is cometary symbol of angry destructive force - most probably personification of some comet phenomenon. Trident is plasma phenomenon. When it became a popular symbol? So many cosmic events happened over long stretches of time, it is hard to know.

Water ritual in the water - I saw similar rituals in orthodox Brahmins in my childhood (mainly small towns). Brahmins nearest to Aryans in Indian geography. They wake up early, wants get water before every body else touches (we used to have common well for small apartment complex) and housewife bath with it and cook food for the day. It is quite possible it came from Kantek.

Passing down the ancestral Tradition: common feature of human affairs across the spectrum.

But, in the Kumara Kandam myth too Siva exist. When it got submerged is not yet clear though C's said 'Closer' than 10K BCE.

The words "Kumari Kandam" first appear in Kanda Puranam, a 15th-century Tamil version of the Skanda Purana, written by Kachiappa Sivacharyara (1350–1420).[3] Although the Tamil revivalists insist that it is a pure Tamil name, it is actually a derivative of the Sanskrit word "Kumārika Khaṇḍa".[4] The Andakosappadalam section of Kanda Puranam describes the following cosmological model of the universe: There are many worlds, each having several continents, which in turn, have several kingdoms. Bharatan, the ruler of one such kingdom, had eight sons and one daughter. He further divided his kingdom into nine parts, and the part ruled by his daughter Kumari came to be known as Kumari Kandam after her. Kumari Kandam is described as the kingdom of the Earth. Although the Kumari Kandam theory became popular among anti-Brahmin, anti-Sanskrit Tamil nationalists, the Kanda Puranam actually describes Kumari Kandam as the land where the Brahmins reside, where Shiva is worshipped and where the Vedas are recited. The rest of the kingdoms are described as the territory of the mlecchas.

Submerged lands in ancient literature​

Multiple ancient and medieval Tamil and Sanskrit works contain legendary accounts of lands in South India being lost to the ocean. The earliest explicit discussion of a katalkol ("seizure by ocean", possibly tsunami) of Pandyan land is found in a commentary on Iraiyanar Akapporul. This commentary, attributed to Nakkeerar, is dated to the later centuries of the 1st millennium CE. It mentions that the Pandyan kings, an early Tamil dynasty, established three literary academies (Sangams): the first Sangam flourished for 4,400 years in a city called Tenmadurai (South Madurai) attended by 549 poets (including Agastya) and presided over by gods like Shiva, Kubera and Murugan. The second Sangam lasted for 3,700 years in a city called Kapatapuram, attended by 59 poets (including Agastya, again). The commentary states that both the cities were "seized by the ocean", resulting in loss of all the works created during the first two Sangams. The third Sangam was established in Uttara (North) Madurai, where it is said to have lasted for 1,850 years.

Given that Kantek folks are more or less merged with all others ( for more than 50K + years), it is hard to say who picked up from whom.

It is hypothesized that bearded man from Indus Valley civilization (IVC) is Siva and it got carried to later arrival of Aryans (2nd Millennium BCE). Now, this 2nd Millenium BCE of Aryan arrival is doubtful. It is quite possible that Dravidians carried Siva to IVC. There too Aryans exist (As per C's). The challenge with IVC is no body can read the script.

Parsing the themes with a intent to track down the origins - Siva, Trident, Kantek folks/celts/Aryans , Water ritual in the water , passing down the ancestral Tradition etc.

Siva - C's said 'Siva' is fictional character. In Vedas, they don't have Siva, but 'Rudra' exist . I think Rudra is cometary symbol of angry destructive force - most probably personification of some comet phenomenon. Trident is plasma phenomenon. When it became a popular symbol? So many cosmic events happened over long stretches of time, it is hard to know.

Water ritual in the water - I saw similar rituals in orthodox Brahmins in my childhood (mainly small towns). Brahmins nearest to Aryans in Indian geography. They wake up early, wants get water before every body else touches (we used to have common well for small apartment complex) and housewife bath with it and cook food for the day. It is quite possible it came from Kantek.

Passing down the ancestral Tradition: common feature of human affairs across the spectrum.

But, in the Kumara Kandam myth too Siva exist. When it got submerged is not yet clear though C's said 'Closer' than 10K BCE.

Given that Kantek folks are more or less merged with all others ( for more than 50K + years), it is hard to say who picked up from whom.

It is hypothesized that bearded man from Indus Valley civilization (IVC) is Siva and it got carried to later arrival of Aryans (2nd Millennium BCE). Now, this 2nd Millenium BCE of Aryan arrival is doubtful. It is quite possible that Dravidians carried Siva to IVC. There too Aryans exist (As per C's). The challenge with IVC is no body can read the script.
If Shiva is fictional, would Krishna be fictional too?
I am really skeptical about these issues and it is a good help to have the Cs sessions. Since we do not fully know how powerful some beings can be and that we are at a disadvantage.
I'm going to tell you something that something very strange happened to me in my dreams. I somehow managed to get a message transferred to me without verbalization. I think it was through telepathy, but honestly this encounter was different or at least that's what I can say when I saw this being that was. blue in color but it allowed me to see something very important like a key, it was in the first instance his feet everything happened in an instant (I recognized it instantly) then something happened to me as if I had to hold or carry with me the weight of the memory
of my entire life as if I saw each animal and person paying such an immense value to come to Earth. After that something else happened to me, it was as if I had left the personality and the attachment, there was no longer an "I" I have no words to describe more but it happened in dreams there are more details but I don't see it necessary to say it.
@Chetofloj, when considering their attributes, all gods are fictional, be it Shiva or Krishna. The name Krishna emerged from the Western part of India, could have been a local cow-herder who might have saved some cows etc and became a local hero. Heroes, in general become immortalised and take on additional attributes and “powers” over time as part of story-telling and also, as a tool for confounding and mesmerising the populace. E.g. the name, Rama has survived 50K years and quite likely what we know of him today is highly distorted and fictionalised. He is supposedly an incarnation of Vishnu, who also incarnated as Krishna. Go figure!!

Shiva, I think was a tribal hero who smoked weed and danced around, and a legend formed around him. It could be like this or something else. What matters is that, its mostly distorted and does not represent real history or characters or any powerful beings as such.
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