Understanding Hinduism and Hindu Gods

@seek10 ,

This latest archeological find seems like an important missing link that supports what the Cs were saying about the original IVC and the original meaning of Parantha's version of the Vedas.

The description of the Harappan civilization in Mary Settegast's book When Zarathustra Soke points out how little is known about them.

It made me curious about the Harappan civilization and I did watch a video that is not super detailed but gives a general idea of possible daily life for the Harappans. This video is by a young enthusiastic history buff without a lot of credentials but I found it interesting:

I think this "amalgamation" may explain many of the overlapping story narratives we see in myths and religions worldwide.

The above attribute of Shiva may be an example of the amalgamation of storylines from different cultures. I had not noticed this 3 pronged weapon being one attribute of Shiva. It is difficult to find the exact origin of this weapon/symbol.

Session 27 July 1997:

I have been "seek"ing and maybe @seek10 has part of the answer by adding the "Trishula".

View attachment 67053

I think this symbol may be important and even a little dangerous to know too much about unless it is "time" to learn so to speak.

Session 12 December 1998:

The name Trent is German for Trento Italy where the Counsel of Trent was held.

I am beginning to see a possible "Aryan" connection to this symbol.

One interesting comparison is the Lesser Coat of Arms of Ukraine, the so-called Tryzub. A stylized trident symbol in gold on a background shield of blue.

View attachment 67054

The Aryan influence seems to be a thread running throughout history and is not limited to any one country.

Just to give another example I think of the Trident of Neptune/Posiden.

View attachment 67055

There is one aspect or characteristic of the Aryan race that the Cs mention that is unsettling to me:

Session 7 October 1994:

I am beginning to think the only thing worth fighting for ferociously is Truth and Love.
I wanted to leave an alms
The bearer of the trent could be a hereditary and ancestral condition of Kantek which is directly related to the Celts and this could be related to the water ritual in the water? since Poseidon had the trident as something useful for power over water, over the Sea.
I wanted to leave an alms
The bearer of the trent could be a hereditary and ancestral condition of Kantek which is directly related to the Celts and this could be related to the water ritual in the water? since Poseidon had the trident as something useful for power over water, over the Sea.
I forgot to mention that Laura in her research on the Grail left open the interpretation of the legend of the Grail about water wells and maidens and there is a range of possibilities about true initiations that take place in another realm of hyperdimensional reality, therefore this could give a key important about natural ecstasy Shaman with his wife Shaman that is (water baptism) that could happen naturally in dreams.
But MSS doesn't include the Kantek arrivals. If some body came from different planet, you expect them to have a different genetic signature. But, that doesn't show up. How could raw data be so incorrect?
The signal is clear in "The Origins of the World's Mythologies" by E.J. Michael Witzel, but from mitochondrial haplogroups coupled with myths, linguistics, etc. Y-chromosome DNA studies are more disputed in mainstream science. Granted, his book was published in 2012, but it's really an magnus opus.

I'll add some screenshots from my kindle version of the book.

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The signal is clear in "The Origins of the World's Mythologies" by E.J. Michael Witzel, but from mitochondrial haplogroups coupled with myths, linguistics, etc. Y-chromosome DNA studies are more disputed in mainstream science. Granted, his book was published in 2012, but it's really an magnus opus.
Thank you Gaby. I will have to reread the book w.r.t mitochondrial studies.
I wanted to leave an alms
The bearer of the trent could be a hereditary and ancestral condition of Kantek which is directly related to the Celts and this could be related to the water ritual in the water? since Poseidon had the trident as something useful for power over water, over the Sea.

Parsing the themes with a intent to track down the origins - Siva, Trident, Kantek folks/celts/Aryans , Water ritual in the water , passing down the ancestral Tradition etc.

Siva - C's said 'Siva' is fictional character. In Vedas, they don't have Siva, but 'Rudra' exist . I think Rudra is cometary symbol of angry destructive force - most probably personification of some comet phenomenon. Trident is plasma phenomenon. When it became a popular symbol? So many cosmic events happened over long stretches of time, it is hard to know.

Water ritual in the water - I saw similar rituals in orthodox Brahmins in my childhood (mainly small towns). Brahmins nearest to Aryans in Indian geography. They wake up early, wants get water before every body else touches (we used to have common well for small apartment complex) and housewife bath with it and cook food for the day. It is quite possible it came from Kantek.

Passing down the ancestral Tradition: common feature of human affairs across the spectrum.

But, in the Kumara Kandam myth too Siva exist. When it got submerged is not yet clear though C's said 'Closer' than 10K BCE.

The words "Kumari Kandam" first appear in Kanda Puranam, a 15th-century Tamil version of the Skanda Purana, written by Kachiappa Sivacharyara (1350–1420).[3] Although the Tamil revivalists insist that it is a pure Tamil name, it is actually a derivative of the Sanskrit word "Kumārika Khaṇḍa".[4] The Andakosappadalam section of Kanda Puranam describes the following cosmological model of the universe: There are many worlds, each having several continents, which in turn, have several kingdoms. Bharatan, the ruler of one such kingdom, had eight sons and one daughter. He further divided his kingdom into nine parts, and the part ruled by his daughter Kumari came to be known as Kumari Kandam after her. Kumari Kandam is described as the kingdom of the Earth. Although the Kumari Kandam theory became popular among anti-Brahmin, anti-Sanskrit Tamil nationalists, the Kanda Puranam actually describes Kumari Kandam as the land where the Brahmins reside, where Shiva is worshipped and where the Vedas are recited. The rest of the kingdoms are described as the territory of the mlecchas.

Submerged lands in ancient literature​

Multiple ancient and medieval Tamil and Sanskrit works contain legendary accounts of lands in South India being lost to the ocean. The earliest explicit discussion of a katalkol ("seizure by ocean", possibly tsunami) of Pandyan land is found in a commentary on Iraiyanar Akapporul. This commentary, attributed to Nakkeerar, is dated to the later centuries of the 1st millennium CE. It mentions that the Pandyan kings, an early Tamil dynasty, established three literary academies (Sangams): the first Sangam flourished for 4,400 years in a city called Tenmadurai (South Madurai) attended by 549 poets (including Agastya) and presided over by gods like Shiva, Kubera and Murugan. The second Sangam lasted for 3,700 years in a city called Kapatapuram, attended by 59 poets (including Agastya, again). The commentary states that both the cities were "seized by the ocean", resulting in loss of all the works created during the first two Sangams. The third Sangam was established in Uttara (North) Madurai, where it is said to have lasted for 1,850 years.

Given that Kantek folks are more or less merged with all others ( for more than 50K + years), it is hard to say who picked up from whom.

It is hypothesized that bearded man from Indus Valley civilization (IVC) is Siva and it got carried to later arrival of Aryans (2nd Millennium BCE). Now, this 2nd Millenium BCE of Aryan arrival is doubtful. It is quite possible that Dravidians carried Siva to IVC. There too Aryans exist (As per C's). The challenge with IVC is no body can read the script.

Parsing the themes with a intent to track down the origins - Siva, Trident, Kantek folks/celts/Aryans , Water ritual in the water , passing down the ancestral Tradition etc.

Siva - C's said 'Siva' is fictional character. In Vedas, they don't have Siva, but 'Rudra' exist . I think Rudra is cometary symbol of angry destructive force - most probably personification of some comet phenomenon. Trident is plasma phenomenon. When it became a popular symbol? So many cosmic events happened over long stretches of time, it is hard to know.

Water ritual in the water - I saw similar rituals in orthodox Brahmins in my childhood (mainly small towns). Brahmins nearest to Aryans in Indian geography. They wake up early, wants get water before every body else touches (we used to have common well for small apartment complex) and housewife bath with it and cook food for the day. It is quite possible it came from Kantek.

Passing down the ancestral Tradition: common feature of human affairs across the spectrum.

But, in the Kumara Kandam myth too Siva exist. When it got submerged is not yet clear though C's said 'Closer' than 10K BCE.

Given that Kantek folks are more or less merged with all others ( for more than 50K + years), it is hard to say who picked up from whom.

It is hypothesized that bearded man from Indus Valley civilization (IVC) is Siva and it got carried to later arrival of Aryans (2nd Millennium BCE). Now, this 2nd Millenium BCE of Aryan arrival is doubtful. It is quite possible that Dravidians carried Siva to IVC. There too Aryans exist (As per C's). The challenge with IVC is no body can read the script.
If Shiva is fictional, would Krishna be fictional too?
I am really skeptical about these issues and it is a good help to have the Cs sessions. Since we do not fully know how powerful some beings can be and that we are at a disadvantage.
I'm going to tell you something that something very strange happened to me in my dreams. I somehow managed to get a message transferred to me without verbalization. I think it was through telepathy, but honestly this encounter was different or at least that's what I can say when I saw this being that was. blue in color but it allowed me to see something very important like a key, it was in the first instance his feet everything happened in an instant (I recognized it instantly) then something happened to me as if I had to hold or carry with me the weight of the memory
of my entire life as if I saw each animal and person paying such an immense value to come to Earth. After that something else happened to me, it was as if I had left the personality and the attachment, there was no longer an "I" I have no words to describe more but it happened in dreams there are more details but I don't see it necessary to say it.
@Chetofloj, when considering their attributes, all gods are fictional, be it Shiva or Krishna. The name Krishna emerged from the Western part of India, could have been a local cow-herder who might have saved some cows etc and became a local hero. Heroes, in general become immortalised and take on additional attributes and “powers” over time as part of story-telling and also, as a tool for confounding and mesmerising the populace. E.g. the name, Rama has survived 50K years and quite likely what we know of him today is highly distorted and fictionalised. He is supposedly an incarnation of Vishnu, who also incarnated as Krishna. Go figure!!

Shiva, I think was a tribal hero who smoked weed and danced around, and a legend formed around him. It could be like this or something else. What matters is that, its mostly distorted and does not represent real history or characters or any powerful beings as such.
@Chetofloj, when considering their attributes, all gods are fictional, be it Shiva or Krishna. The name Krishna emerged from the Western part of India, could have been a local cow-herder who might have saved some cows etc and became a local hero. Heroes, in general become immortalised and take on additional attributes and “powers” over time as part of story-telling and also, as a tool for confounding and mesmerising the populace. E.g. the name, Rama has survived 50K years and quite likely what we know of him today is highly distorted and fictionalised. He is supposedly an incarnation of Vishnu, who also incarnated as Krishna. Go figure!!

Shiva, I think was a tribal hero who smoked weed and danced around, and a legend formed around him. It could be like this or something else. What matters is that, its mostly distorted and does not represent real history or characters or any powerful beings as such.
They are just dreams, a magical world, nothing more.
The first person I told about that dream experience told me that it was Shiva and I didn't really understand. I didn't really have a theoretical framework about what or who those mythological beings are. I started looking for images on the internet and I saw that the one I saw didn't have one. necklace snake nor a trident much less tiger clothing so I went back to see other images and there were others very similar only they did not have the clothing or earrings like Krishna, Vishnu and Brahma I was blessed in a Catholic environment and I did not know anything about deities from India then over time after coming across information about Laura the Cs told her about soul division and fractals and I remembered the image from the dream (the feet, the knees and her face) and I saw replicas and more replicas as if they came out of me and it was endless. But the point is that we have to know that there are traps and there may be beings that are very skilled that can place images on us and make us see certain things in our minds.
Anyway, I don't know what I saw but it was a starting point for more strange dreams for other things that happened to me including the delivery of the Grail (the Cs left a good description) but I didn't become immortal nor did I become a King although that made me happy. I prepare for other dreams in water wells with women, dances with maidens in circles and other things that only happen in dreams.
I wouldn't be skeptical unless I had real proof that in reality in the real world you can use certain powers but I didn't get any younger I don't have any kingdom nor can I fly so let's see if time tells us that's cool true or not.

Idol dates back to 26500 BCE ( Atlantean period) shrouded in mystery.

The legend of Kalpa Vigraha, an ancient and sacred idol, has captivated the minds of historians and enthusiasts worldwide. Linked to Hindu mythology and shrouded in secrecy, the tale of this enigmatic artifact has taken a mystical turn over the years. In this article, we unravel the intriguing journey of Kalpa Vigraha and its connection to a covert CIA experiment that piqued curiosity and raised eyebrows.

The Origins and Journey of Kalpa Vigraha

Around 1959–60, a Tibetan monk, accompanied by Khampa bodyguards, allegedly presented a heavy chest containing the Kalpa Vigraha to CIA officials for safekeeping at Lo Monthang, known as “Mustang” in CIA records. The monk emphasized the chest’s importance and its contents, sparking curiosity among the CIA officials.

Unfolding the Mystery

Shortly after receiving the chest, a skirmish erupted with Chinese forces, resulting in the death of the Tibetan monk and his guards. Perplexed about the chest’s significance, the CIA officials transported it to a secret airbase in India and later to Camp Hale, an abandoned Army base near Vail, Colorado. There, it found its place in a CIA store-room in Washington DC, labeled as “ST Circus Mustang-0183.”

Radiocarbon Dating and Astonishing Discoveries

Months later, a strange manuscript found inside the chest, along with its unique design and age-worn appearance, prompted the CIA officials to conduct a radiocarbon test on the timber. Astonishingly, the results indicated that the chest and the idol dated back to approximately 26,450 BCE, making it over 28,450 years old today. This would make it significantly older than the legendary Hindu Kurukshetra war mentioned in the Mahabharata.

The Sacred Kalpa Vigraha Idol

The Kalpa Vigraha idol is a small, crude brass figurine of approximately 5.3 cm tall, depicting a deity resembling Lord Shiva kneeling or seated on one knee. The figure holds a discus or circular weapon, possibly representing the “sudharshan-chakra” from Hindu mythology. The idol’s unique design, coupled with its preservation in the chest, suggests its extreme importance and ancient origins.

Secret Experiments and Curious Discoveries

A retired CIA agent revealed that based on the manuscript’s translation, a series of top-secret experiments were conducted using the Kalpa Vigraha. The CIA charged water with the idol and conducted experiments on human subjects, monitoring their lives for extended longevity, beyond the age of 100.

The Kalpa Vigraha’s Disappearance

Inexplicably, the Kalpa Vigraha went missing, and the CIA was unable to trace its whereabouts. The chest’s manuscript was recovered from a microbiologist who had analyzed the charged water, but the idol remained elusive. After the discovery of the manuscript, a series of mysterious deaths of microbiologists ensued, fueling conspiracy theories.

A Call for Recovery

Recently, the CIA circulated photographs of the Kalpa Vigraha worldwide and offered an enormous cash reward for its recovery. Sources suggest that the ancient artifact might be in the possession of software employees or IT professionals in Hyderabad, India, or hidden in an interior location in Andhra Pradesh.


The tale of Kalpa Vigraha, an ancient sacred idol lost in time, continues to intrigue and bewilder. Its journey from Tibet to CIA custody and subsequent disappearance has given rise to numerous conspiracy theories and whispers of clandestine experiments. As the search for the Kalpa Vigraha continues, its profound significance in Hindu mythology and its potential to bestow longevity on those connected to it remain veiled in mystery.

What is the importance of Kalpa Vigraha idol depiction and what Lord Shiva had done with Sudarshana Chakara will be covered in the next article.
If Shiva is fictional, would Krishna be fictional too?
According to C's Kishna is semi-fictional character. 9-march-2024
(seek10) Is Krishna a fictional character based on cometary activity?

A: Only in part.
Krishna , a major god in Hinduism was part of many many popular stories - not just Bhagavat Gita or Mahabharata or puranas . Which story fragment is fiction and which one is not? One can read present version on Wiki. Few Krishna stories that prompted me to ask the above question in the first place
  • As a kid, he has lot of physical power to move objects
  • He killed a many headed serpent that is threatening the ocean by jumping on its head. ( cometary symbology)
  • He is depicted as a favorite of girls , good flute musician and danced with them. Krishna Iconography . ( This too cometary symbology - broken pieces )
    • Obviously this dancing with girls went into all sorts controversy suited one's own agendas ( colonial or other wise) related to status of Woman in Indian society and a dirt to be thrown on Hinduism.
  • He killed a big evil king ( or Rakshasa) named Kamsa. It was predicted in advance that Child of Devaki will king King Kamsa, he has swapped and he comes back to kill Kamsa later. ( Most probably this too cometary symbology)
In the Krishna Charitas, Krishna is born to Devaki and her husband, Vasudeva, of the Yadava clan in Mathura.[111][page needed] Devaki's brother is a tyrant named Kamsa. At Devaki's wedding, according to Puranic legends, Kamsa is told by fortune tellers that a child of Devaki would kill him. Sometimes, it is depicted as an akashvani announcing Kamsa's death. Kamsa arranges to kill all of Devaki's children. When Krishna is born, Vasudeva secretly carries the infant Krishna away across the Yamuna, and exchanges him with Yashoda's daughter. When Kamsa tries to kill the newborn, the exchanged baby appears as the Hindu goddess Yogamaya, warning him that his death has arrived in his kingdom, and then disappears, according to the legends in the Puranas. Krishna grows up with Nanda and his wife, Yashoda, near modern-day Mathura.[112][113][114] Two of Krishna's siblings also survive, namely Balarama and Subhadra, according to these legends.[115] The day of the birth of Krishna is celebrated as Krishna Janmashtami.
Few words ( or "entities") comes into highlight in the above quote - Vasudeva, Yadava's, Mathura. The theme of prediction of Death of ruler, powerful man trying to avoid it, counter measures and prediction coming true with death is rather common theme in many myths.

But Krishna is also tied many other fragments in many storylines.

- Dwarika: He was the King of Yadava's took them to Dwarika after Mahabharata war and later Yadava's fought with each other. It was predicted that Krishna gets killed by accident and after that Dwarika will submerge in ocean. Authors like Graham Hancock says it is antlantean submergence period ( Noah's flood, Meltwater Pulse 1B,cometary activity, Younger Dryas period and so on). Lot of research had been done at this site with carbon dating, under water archeology etc, some goes as back as 20,000 Years ago. Even Indian government actively promoting under water submarine tourism to these sites.
(seek10) Did Dwarika of Krishna legend (the western coast of India) submerge during the "Noah's Great Flood" event?

(L) Is Dwarika a person or a place?

(seek10) It's a place.

(L) Okay. Did it submerge during the 12,000 year-ago event? That's the Noah's Great Flood event, I guess.

A: Yes.

(seek10) Is it an Atlantean colony?

A: No.
Q: (seek10) Vdeveer Arya's hypothesis is that the south Indian Kingdoms (AKA early Dravidian) were created by migrants from submerged Dwarika in India's West coast during or after the Noah's flood event. Is this correct?

A: Close

Mahabharata: Krishna is more like Godly mentor to good guys (Pandava's) in Mahabharata and supposed to have preached Bhagavat Gita in the middle of battle and shown his Vishwarupam( having all shapes) to convince Arjuna to do his duty without the expectation of results. All sorts of theories or explanation existed related to Bhagavat Gita. Some are psychological commentaries of human mind ( Paramahansa Yogananda) , nut case ISKON gang interpretation related to Bhakti movement to Ambedkar's version of supposed Brahmin supremecy and social politics.

Session 27 Aug 2022​

(seek10) C's mentioned that the Hindu epics Ramayan and Mahabharat are representations of cosmic events. Are they the same event or different events?

A: Multiple events!

Q: (seek10) Is Mahabharat event happened at 1100BC end of bronze age event? If no, what is the event date? If yes, is it related to Victor clube's Enke disintegration event ( 1000 =/- 300 BC )?

Close enough. But the main event was the 12900 event.
The date I asked is 1000BCE period, but C's said 'Close enough' , but they said main event is 12900 BCE. How to reconcile this. Actually, it is easy as long as one keeps in mind all these characters and myths are 'Composite' rather than single event or person , who watched it, depicted it in verifiable proof , transmitted to us unchanged etc.
(seek10) When were the bits and pieces of information packaged into the Vedas? Was it before the Younger Dryas Event around 16,000 BCE?


(seek10) Where were they packaged together, in the Indian subcontinent or in the Caucasus?

A: On the way but mainly India.
I picked this 16000 BCE date from VedVeer Arya's (VA) book "The Chronology of India: From Manu to Mahabharata". C's answer was a surprise to me and made me pay attention to what he wrote as I mentioned it here.

VA's above mentioned book is the most coherent story related to Hinduism I read, though he considers some of these characters are "real" despite obvious cometary symbology in the story. Some of the data points I still needs some validation, but, many data points fits into his chronology. How did VA reconciled these characters and events that spanned over 10,000 years. Some comments about Author's background and methods he used to come to his conclusions and books .

  • VA is not professional historian ( he is a defense Financial Advisor), but he has higher education in Sanskrit, obviously read original Sanskrit texts( instead of some body translated texts), read all sorts of controversies and tried to reconcile his dates through wide range of Sanskrit texts.
  • Given that he read Sanskrit texts to make his mind and reconcile the chronology ( not all perfect w.r.t other events C's mentioned), he started find many layers aka change of context and meaning related to these characters.
  • Given that he read , he separated characters and often split the characters and events . So says Krishna I, Krishna II.
  • But there is OCEAN of sanskrit texts on wide range of subjects, one based on another, with different meaning for common words like time cycles ( Yuga, manvantara and so on).
  • I don't think he is right when he tries to put the dates in the framework of 'Out of India' theory. i.e. Vedic civilization evolved in Saptha Sindhu region ( Modern day Pakistan and North India) before younger dryas period and spread across to rest of the world due to YD period.
Coming back to Krishna, there are two characters as per VA - Karthikeya Vasudeva Krishna ( before YD period) and Another Krishna who belong to Mahabharata era (VA's dating is around 3000 BCE). I am still not convinced of his 3000 BCE date yet due to some "anchor points" he used doesn't consider the cometary nature of Venus and Venus only settled in its orbit only during 3000 BCE. He has 3 500 pages books with his chronology of India and a separate book what titled it as 'Christian Era: Fact or Fiction". He wrote:
I have conclusively established that Devakīputra Krishna lived in the Rigvedic era, around 11150-11050 BCE, whereas Krishna of the Mahābhārata era lived around 3211-3126 BCE.

The way VA connected the dots is VERY interesting( quoting the texts). - Krishna and his clan Yadavas, Dwarika( or Dvarawati), Dravidians (Tamils or others) with his Aryan Sanskrit though he tries to fit into 'Out of India' framework.

The legend of Kāliya Mardana informs us that Krishna was the contemporary of Kāliya Nāga. Kāliya was a descendant of the Nāga lineage of Kadru and Rishi Kaśyapa. The Garuḍas were the descendants of Vinatā and Rishi Kaśyapa Prajāpati. Admittedly, neither the Garuḍas were vultures nor the Nāgas were serpents. They were cousin brothers. The Garuḍas were always in conflict with the Nāgas. Kāliya Nāga was forced to leave his ancestral place Ramanaka dvīpa (probably, a place between Yamuna and Charmaṇvatī Rivers) and took shelter in a place near Kālindī Hrada to avoid conflict with the Garuḍas. Rishi Saubhari was also residing near Kālindī Hrada. He warned Garuḍa not to enter Kālindī Hrada. Evidently, Kāliya Nāga and Garuḍa were contemporary of Rishi Saubhari who married fifty daughters of the Ikśvāku king Māndhātā (11150 BCE). Since Kāliya Nāga started harassing the people of Kālindī Hrada, Krishna taught him a lesson and asked him to leave Kālindī Hrada and go back to Ramanaka dvīpa. The Puranic updaters mythologized the legend by assuming Kāliya Nāga as a venomous serpent. Chronologically, Devakīputra Krishna and Kāliya Nāga lived during the lifetime of Rishi Saubhari.
Garuda's (eagle vehicle of Lord Vishnu) in war with 'Naga(snake) Lineage'. It could be initial cometary activity, that is taken as lineage later by some ruling "party" that got associated with Indian subcontinent locals around YD period - aka dravidians ( aka descendant of paranthas as per C's).

When so many cometary activities going on every few thousands of years, wiping generations, forcing people to reevaluate and
Since Purāṇa updaters mistakenly assumed Devakīputra Krishna to be a contemporary of the Mahābhārata era, they had no other option but to accept that King Bali was a Chirajīvī and lived up to the Mahābhārata era. In fact, there were no Asuras or Rakśasas during the Mahābhārata era.
When so many cometary activities going on every few thousands of years, wiping generations, forcing people to reevaluate and rewrite it as concise stories in the composite stories for posterity.
According to Harivaṁśa Purāṇa, Kālayavana was the son of Rishi Gārgya’s Śyāla (brother-in-law) and Apsarā Gopāli. Kālayavana became the King of Yavanas and attacked Mathura. Krishna left Mathura and proceeded towards Dwārakā. Following Vāsudeva Krishna, Kālayavana entered a cave in Raivataka Hills (Girnar) and got killed by Muchukunda. This legend of Kālayavana clearly indicates that Devakīputra Krishna was a contemporary of Muchukunda, son of King Māndhātā (11150 BCE). Confused, Purāṇa updaters mistakenly started believing that Muchukunda was a Chirajīvī.
Mathura is a place in current day northern state of Uttarpradesh and Dwaraka is Western coast state of Gujarat. As per Mahabharata, Krishan went to Dwaraka after Mahabharata war ( VA's date is 3000 BCE- which Venus precipitation to current orbit date as per C's)

At this point, it looks to me Devakiputra Krishna of pre YD period is cometary "personality" ( depicted as Krishna's childhood lila's or escapades or ventures - killing monster snakes and dancing with thousands of Gopikas (swirling shining rocks) ) overlapped with 'some' Krishna of Mahabhara era ( let's assume VA's date of 3000 BCE) and restored it in the Mahabharata as a compilation of "any thing and every thing" of the past as a "place holder library" around 1000 BCE. There are many more "dimensions" to this picture ( like languages, astronomy, technical siddantas etc.)

(Sid) What was the real motivation behind the mythological Indian texts of Mahabharata and Ramayana?

A: Record events of great significance.

Regarding Dravidian connection:
Bhāgavata Purāṇa relates that Devakīputra Krishna married Jāmbavatī, daughter of King Jāmbavān. Jāmbavatī was the mother of Sāmba, Sumitra, Purujit, Śatajit, Sahasrajit, Vijaya, Chitraketu, Vasuman, Dravida and Kratu. Thus, Dravida was the son of Krishna I and Jāmbavatī. These Velir kings, or the descendants of Dravida, migrated to South India and established their kingdom in the region between Tondaimandalam and the Chola Kingdom. Manusmriti mentions that the Dravidas were the Vrātya Kśatriyas because Jāmbavatī, mother of Dravida, was probably a non-Kśatriya princess.

According to Kapilar, forty-eight generations or forty-eight ancestors of ancient Irunko kings or ancient Velir kings reigned at Dvāravatī. He mentioned the title of “Settirunko” which means “Jyeṣṭha Irunko” or Irunkovel I. There were many Velir kings who had the title of “Irunkovel”. Some Tamil inscriptions refer to the Velir kings as Irunko Muttaraisar, i.e., ancient Irunko kings. Therefore, Kapilar refers to the first Irunkovel as “Settirunko”. Most probably, Irunkovel I was the forty-ninth Velir king who reigned at Dvāravatī. Seemingly, forty-nine descendants of King Dravida reigned at Dvāravatī approximately for 1650 years, from 11050 BCE to 9400 BCE, considering the average reign of 33 years for each king. Dvāravatī was submerged by the sea around 9400-9300 BCE, during the reign of Irunkovel I, the forty-ninth king.

According to oceanographic studies, sea level suddenly rose 28m in 500 years, about 12000-11500 years ago. This accelerated sea level of 10000-9400 BCE has been named Meltwater Pulse 1B. Many Yādava families had to migrate eastwards and southwards. It appears that Indian astronomers observed the event of “Rohiṇī Śakaṭa Bheda” (when either Mars or Saturn pass through Rohiṇī Śakaṭa, i.e. the triangle formation of stars in Taurus constellation) several times around 9400-9300 BCE. Probably, Dvāravatī city was submerged by the sea around 9400-9300 BCE. This may be the reason why Rishi Gārga’s astrology had correlated Rohiṇī Śakaṭa Bheda with a deadly disaster. Lāṭadeva (3160-3080 BCE) also refers to Rohiṇī Śakata Bheda in his Sūrya Siddhānta because Saturn occulted e-Tauri during the Mahābhārata era.
Cs already confirmed this Dwarika submergence and it looks it is NOT a Atlantean "Colony". My intent in asking this question is- this Indian story is related to "Athens" vs "Atlantis" battle of the same period or not ? In another context, C's mentioned that there are hundreds of countries during Atlantean period.

Tamil Dravidians claim to be from sunken continent Kumara Kandam.
Q: (seek10) Is there a submerged continent/island/city called Kumara Kandam in the Indian Ocean as claimed by Ancient Tamil civilization proponents?

A: Close

Q: (seek10) If so, was it during Lemurian times or Atlantean times? Which period was it?

A: Later.

Q: (L) How about the 12,000 year-ago event?

A: Closer
How much 'Closer' to now from YD event?
How big is this kumara kandam is a question mark, they found many temples from Tamil legends from when 2004 tsunami hit Indian south.
More on it.
Once the waves subsided, asi researchers enlisted help of divers from the navy to scan the deep seas. "We found some stone structures which appear to be man-made. They are perfect rectangular blocks arranged in a clear pattern," says Tripathi.

Down to Earth
The urn (above) and the lion statue (below) unearthed by the tsunami could be part of a temple or a port city, say scholars
Down to Earth

The investigators also found partly submerged blocks of walls, some of which extended into the land. "Our investigations showed that the partially submerged blocks and those completely under water are part of one edifice," said Tripathi. "The blocks appear to be part of a temple wall," the archaeologist added. Other parts of the temple that surfaced include a square garbha griha -- the sanctum sanctorium -- an elegant terracotta ring well and a sandstone kalash (an urn).

Standing guard The archaeologists are, however, not ruling out other possibilities. Some of them speculate that the granite beasts uncovered by the receding waves once stood guard at a port city's entrance. The 2-metre high lion statues, each hewn from a single piece of granite, appear breathtakingly lifelike. One great stone cat sits up alert while the other is poised to pounce. The elephant could have also been sculpted to adorn the city walls, the archaeologists believe. It now attracts scores of visitors who touch its eroded trunk as a good luck talisman.

Lions, elephants and peacocks were commonly used to decorate walls during the Pallava period, say members of the asi team. "The findings reveal Pallava grandeur," says one of them.
In his book "The Origin of Christian Era: Fact or Fiction" Vedveer Arya (VA) challenges Western Chronology and pointed out serious errors in Western chronology and tries recalculate the dates of many ancient civilizations.

As I understood, he found some serious errors with Indian chronology and tried to recalculate them and expanded it to non-Indian chronologies. Every author or a person who tries to reconstruct the history (belong to any period) has to start somewhere, that tend to be based on historical texts. But each civilization has their version of era's. Most often they use epochs, eras , year of reign in specific era , calendars of the time ( solar or lunar) , astronomical charts, planetary alignments ( solar/lunar eclipses, planet alignments ) etc.

For Indians (Saka, Sakanta, Vikrama Era etc.)., for Muslims in general ( Hijrah era), Indian emperor Akbar ( Jalila era). West has their own era ( Christian era, Diocletian era , Augustan era, era of Martyr's and so on), sumerians, babylonians, Assyrians their own era. Greeks build their own era and so on. Currently we use epoch of the Christian era (1 CE) the world uses AD and VA calls it fictitious

Issues VA mentioned with Indian era fall under few categories.
  • Saka era, Sakanta era used in Indian texts ( so called "religious" texts (Buddhist, Jain, Muslim Texts), pillar inscriptions, copper plate donations, building inscriptions and old palm leaf transcripts, oral traditions carried by generation of castes etc.). British Indologists consider both as same. But VA's research convinced him that , Initially Saka era is different from Sakanta era until it became a norm of being same only after 1000 AD . This observation created 660 years difference in the Indian historical chronology. He was so convinced that he wrote this open letter challenging British Indologists.
The 3-Point Debate:
Modern historians have committed the following three monumental blunders in Indian chronological history.

1. The epigraphic evidence suggests that there were two epochs of the Śaka era and two epochs of the Vikrama era. The early Śaka era commenced in 583 BCE and the Malava-gana/Krita/early Vikrama era commenced in 719 BCE whereas the later astronomical Śaka era (Śakānta era) commenced in 78 CE and the later Vikrama era commenced in 57 BCE. Historians mistakenly assumed that the epoch of Śaka era commenced only in 78 CE and the epoch of the Vikrama era commenced in 57 BCE which led to an error of 661 years in the chronology of India.

• The calendar of the epoch of the Śaka era (583 BCE) existed till the 15th century CE. An inscription of Hoysala King Ballāla is dated Śaka 1919 (1336 CE). The Nilavara inscription of Mallikārjuna is dated Śaka 1975 (1392 CE) and also the inscription found at the village of Bittaravalli, Belur taluka, Karnataka is dated in Śaka 2027 (1444 CE) [Śakavarṣāda 2027 neya Ānanda Saṁvatsara Bhādrapada śuddha padiva śukravāradandu]. Interestingly, the years 1919, 1975, and 2027 in the Śakānta or Śakakālātīta era (78 CE) will be the years 1997, 2053, and 2105. Evidently, the dates of these three inscriptions cannot be explained in the epoch of the Śakānta era (78 CE).​

2. The epigraphic, archaeological, and literary evidence indicates that Buddha attained nirvana in 1864 BCE and not in 483 BCE. There is a chronological error of 1381 years in the dating of Buddha nirvana due to the mixing up of two different epochs of Śaka and Śakānta eras and the mistaken identification of Ujjain King Chandragupta, the disciple of Bhadrabahu as Magadha King Chandragupta Maurya.
• Apart from this error of 661 years, later Jain historians inadvertently identified Ujjain King Chandragupta, a disciple of Bhadrabahu with the Maurya King Chandragupta which made Mahavira, a contemporary of Buddha. In reality, Buddha attained nirvana 675 years before the year of Mahavira nirvana. Puranas and the Burmese inscriptions clearly indicate that Buddha attained nirvana in 1864 BCE. Recent excavations at Lumbini and the radiocarbon samples collected from Trench C5 at the center of the Buddhist shrine at Lumbini indicate the earliest date of 1681 BCE. Thus, there is a chronological error of 1380 years in the dating of Buddha nirvana due to the mixing up of two different epochs of Saka and Sakanta eras and the mistaken identification of Chandragupta, the disciple of Bhadrabahu. The dating of Buddha nirvana in 1864 BCE also validates the traditional date of Adi Sankaracharya in the 6th century BCE.​

3. The archaeo-astronomical study of the Venus Tablet of Babylon confirms that King Ammisaduqa of the Old Babylonian Empire reigned in 2473-2453 BCE. In fact, historians have reconciled the entire chronology of world history considering 1 AD as sheet anchor but the epoch of the Christian era (1 AD) is a fictitious astronomical epoch and not historical. Therefore, the date of the Venus Tablet should be the sheet anchor for arriving at the chronology of world history and for fixing the birth year of Jesus.

• In fact, the eminent historians of the Western world have mistakenly assumed a fictitious epoch of the Christian era (1 CE) as the sheet anchor and reconciled the chronology of entire world history in contrast to the traditional chronology of ancient civilisations. Needless to say, it resulted in numerous irresolvable chronological problems. I would challenge world historians to arrive at the chronology from Hammurabi to Augustus without blindly presuming the date of Jesus’ birth in 1 CE. The archaeoastronomical evidence of the Venus Tablet can independently and accurately establish the date of King Ammisaduqa, the fifth successor of Hammurabi which would qualify to be the true sheet anchor of the chronology of ancient Western kingdoms.​

• Anno Domini and Anno Incarnation are not identical eras and the Diocletian era and the Martyrs’ era are also not identical eras. European historians have mistakenly mixed two different eras into one era.​
  • He expanded his findings ( simple addition of 660 to all others , which I think is not completely correct) to other chronologies which has all sorts of "nuances" exist, which Laura extensively wrote in 'Secret history' and 'Horns of Moses'. But he sheds some interesting light on to these topics.
  • The obvious 'elephant in the Room' is cosmic events that is either turned into historical characters or completely ignoring them as non sense (throwing the baby in the bathtub) aka myth. VA tries tries to consider these religious characters( Jesus, Abraham etc.) as REAL and Western historians misinterpreted due to colonial biases.
  • He tries to consider the descriptions of unusual consmic wents in terms of solar/lunar eclipses .
    • Conventional interpretation in Egyptian Chronology is based on Sophic cycle in Egyptian chronology( supposedly to be based on Sirius) . Laura wrote in her 'Secret History of the world' mentioning difficulty in using sophic cycle based on Sirius, but it is more like comet imagery and C's mentioned that ( these comets coming from the direction of Sirius ).
    • Jesus is Composite character . Abraham etc. are very different from what is written in religious texts.
Most of his dating based on Indian texts that describe events in constellations, star location background and reconcile it with modern astronomical charts. Obviously, he was not aware of the 460 years addition, 9 degrees tilt during younger dryas period and gradual 23 degrees tilt around 2300 BCE C's mentioned.

I reached out to him, gave the links to Laura's work including forum, C's sessions, casswiki, my obsidian publish page that compiled all Atlantean quotes etc. with a hope that he will reconcile some of his dates based on what C's said regarding dates and tilts. These tilts can skew up the dates. He mentioned that he is working on his new book on the topic "The chronology of Indo-European civilizations and its origins".

Interestingly, he wrote that there is a change in "tradition" of these texts that eliminated star Abhijit ( star Vega) around 9000 - 8000 BCE in his book The Chronology of India: From Manu to Mahabharata.

Mārkandeya Purāṇa’s references to Revatī Nakśatra during the time of Raivata Manu probably indicate the position of the autumnal equinox at Revatī Nakśatra around 12500 BCE. Taittirīya Brāhmāna indicates that Devas and Asuras were in conflict for many generations and Devas won over Asuras when Abhijit Nakśatra was above Uttarāṣāḍhā Nakśatra. Taittirīya Brāhmāna also mentions that Abhijit was named so because Devas decisively achieved victory over Asuras in Abhijit Nakśatra. Most probably, Devas and Asuras were in this multigenerational conflict when Abhijit was the northern pole star around 13500-11000 BCE. Around 10000 BCE, the star “Kaśyapa” of Śiśumāra constellation (Draco) replaced Abhijit as the northern pole star. Taittirīya Āraṇyaka gives the complete description of Śiśumāra constellation which clearly indicates the star “Kaśyapa” to be Gamma Draconis. Gamma Draconis was the northern pole star around 10500-8500 BCE. Bhīṣma Parva of the Mahābhārata refers to an ancient astronomical observation that Arundhatī (star Alcor) walked ahead of her husband Vasiṣṭha (star Mizar). This Arundhatī-Vasiṣṭha observation clearly indicates that ancient Indians might have observed this event around 11000-10000 BCE because Arundhatī used to walk behind Vasiṣṭha before 11000 BCE.
These Devas and Asuras, Rishis are to depict cosmic drama happened at the end of Atlantean period. Giant comet disintegrated pieces, comets kicking Mars into earth's neighborhood that culminated in flooding, some rocks hitting to creating younger dryas extinction event, same major pieces good and bad guys depicted in Mahabharata etc.

As explained by Sh. PK Phadnis, Abhijit was at celestial North Pole around 12000 BCE but its declination gradually reduced from 85-degree (12000 BCE) to 65-degree (9000 BCE), causing it to drop down to horizon after 9000 BCE. Seemingly, Abhijit had gone below the horizon around 9000-8000 BCE. Thus, Abhijit was excluded from the scheme of twenty-eight Nakśatras and the scheme of twenty-seven Nakśatras came into existence. Taittirīya Saṁhitā (8800 BCE) gives the list of twenty-seven Nakśatras but follows the traditional list of twenty-eight Nakśatras. Seemingly, Abhijit Nakśatra was dropped around 9000-8000 BCE.
Is this dropping of star Vega from traditions due to 9 degree tilt produced by younger dryas event or natural culmination of constellation changes I am not sure. I couldn't wrap my head playing with and reading these charts yet.

Coming back to his book "The Origin of Christian Era: Fact or Fiction" he wrote stressing that 1CE christian era is fiction.
The Introduction

The historical traditions of western ancient kingdoms like Greece, Persia, Egypt, Assyria and Sumeria have arguably evolved over a long period from origins of great antiquity. The Epic of Gilgamesh, the Homer’s Illiad and Odyssey and the traditional historical records like the Zoroastrian Shahnamah, the genealogical lists of ancient Egyptian royal dynasties, the kings list of Sumeria and the Hebrew Bible of Jews undoubtedly provide a tantalizing glimpse of western historical traditions. Truly speaking, Homer was the first historian of the west, who narrated the historical events in verse, though eminent historians have had a biased view about his epics. Isaac Newton studied the Greek historical sources for the chronology and expressed his doubt that; “The Greek Antiquities are full of poetical fictions, because the Greeks wrote nothing in prose, before the conquest of Asia by Cyrus the Persian. Then Pherecydes Scyrius and Cadmus Milesius introduced the writing in Prose.”1 Apparently, Isaac Newton ridiculously argued that the Greek history written in poetry is fiction and the Greek history written in prose is trustworthy. In fact, the discovery of the archaeological site of Troy not only debunks the scepticism of Doubting Thomases (eminent historians) but also clearly establishes the historicity of the legends about the ancient city of Troy.

Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon and Ctesias were the earliest Greek historians after Homer. Though Herodotus mainly presented the historical account of the Greco-Persian wars but he also narrated the ancient traditions, politics and cultural conflicts in Greece, Persia and Egypt etc., in his book “The Histories”. Thucydides criticized Herodotus for inserting some fables into his historical narrative and insisted on his writing only the factual narrative. Traditionally, ancient historians of the world inserted fables to make the historical narrative more interesting to the common people. Herodotus also followed the same tradition but this does not mean that Herodotus had concocted the historical narratives. Egyptians, Persians, Babylonians, Assyrians and Jews also had the tradition of recording their own chronological history. Starting from the time of Alexander, many historians like Ptolemy I, Berossus, Manetho, Polybius, Diodorus, Pliny, Strabo, Plutarch, Arrian, Tacitus and Eucebius etc. had contributed a lot towards preserving the chronological history of ancient western kingdoms. Berossus wrote on the chronological history of Babylon, whereas Manetho presented the chronological history of Egypt.

Evidently, all ancient western kingdoms had a tradition of multigenerational recordkeeping of the chronological history. Seemingly,
ancient Greeks referred to the epoch of Atlantis’s submersion for the chronological records. Since the fall of Troy city was also an epochal historical event, the Greeks used that epoch also for recording the chronology. Thereafter, the epoch of Olympiad and the era of Alexandria came into popular use. Ancient Egyptians referred to the date of King Menes of the first dynasty as an epoch for recording the chronology. Later, they started using a calendar of Sothic cycle (1461 years) for recording the dates. The Sumerians traditionally preserved their chronological list of kings. Later, the epoch of Nabonassarian era had been popularly used in Babylon. The Jews used the epoch of Exodus, the first and second temple periods for recording their chronology. The Roman traditions referred to the epoch of the founding of Rome city, the Augustan era, the Diocletian era and the era of the Martyrs. Numerous ancient western historians had followed above mentioned epochs and presented the chronological history. None of these historians ever questioned or disputed the authenticity of the traditional chronology based on the well-established epochs of eras. Greece, Egypt, Babylon and Persia were following the traditional chronology till the 18th century.

Traditionally, the Christians followed the Easter computus. The Irish Christians prepared their Easter computus in the cycle of 84 (14) years in the astronomical epoch of 1 BCE which became an epoch for recording the history of Anglo-Saxons. Gradually, the Christians of England mistakenly started believing that the incarnation of Jesus Christ took place in 1 BCE- 1 CE. Though the epoch of the Christian era (1 CE) came into regular use since the 9th and 10th centuries, the popular era of the Martyrs was still in vogue till the 15th century CE. The last reference of the era of the Martyrs is dated in the year 1132 (1415 CE). Thus, the epoch of the Christian era (1 CE) has replaced the era of the Martyrs in the 16th century CE. This is how an astronomical epoch of 1 CE had been transformed into a historical epoch.

There was no academic dispute about the traditional chronological history of western ancient kingdoms till the 16th century. When the Christian era had replaced the era of Martyrs in the 16th century, the historians of the 16th and 17th centuries were faced with the inconsistencies in the chronology for the first time. Thus, the modern research on the chronological history of the Western civilisations has commenced in the 17th century.
James Ussher (1581-1656 CE), the Archbishop of Ireland, has proposed the Biblical chronology starting from the date of creation in 4004 BCE. He assumed the birth of Jesus in the year of death of the King Herod in 4 BCE and speculated based on the Biblical references that the date of creation to have been at midday on 23rd Oct 4004 BCE. He calculated the date of Alexander in 323 BCE and the date of Julius Caesar in 44 BCE. John Lightfoot also presented the same chronology in
1642 CE.

In fact, Jesuit scholars had an obsession to present the timeline of human history based on the biblical book of Genesis. Many scholars
like Venerable Bede, Joseph Scaliger and Johannes Kepler proposed the date of creation around 3952 BCE, 3949 BCE and 3992 BCE respectively. Issac Newton was the first who extensively worked on reconciliation of the chronologies of ancient western kingdoms and wrote a book titled “The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended – A Short Chronicle from the first Memory of Things in europe to the Conquest of Persia by Alexander the Great” which was published by John Conduitt in 1728 CE. Evidently, Issac Newton was under the hypnotic influence of the Ussher-Lightfoot chronology but he revised the date of creation from 4004 BCE to 4000 BCE and the date of Jesus Christ from 4 BCE to 1 CE. He drastically revised the traditional timelines of various ancient civilisations. He contracted the Greek chronology by five hundred years and the Egyptian chronology by thousand years because he found that the traditional chronology of Greece and Egypt is not consistent with reference to the Christian chronology i.e. Ussher-Lightfoot chronology. Though Issac Newton promoted the rational and radical approach in resolving the chronological complexities in history but unfortunately, he failed to apply the same approach in critical examination of the Ussher-Lightfoot chronology because he was born and brought up with the blind faith in the fictitious epoch of 1 CE.

The publication of Newton’s book on the chronology of ancient kingdoms in 1728 CE had unleashed a storm of controversy. Gradually, the chronological controversies have been forced to surrender to the domination of the Christian chronology presented by Newton and his ilk. The chronological history of Persia, Egypt, Babylonia, Greece, Israel, Syria and Rome is closely interlinked with the chronology of the Achaemenid Empire of Persia. Therefore, the historians unanimously agreed upon the timeline of the Achaemenid Empire to be the sheet anchor of the chronological history.
Since there are some chronological errors or inconsistencies in the traditional account given in the Jewish sources and the Christian sources, the historians have accepted the chronology of the Achaemenid Empire given by Ptolemy as secular and authentic. According to Ptolemy, Cyrus, the founder of the Achaemenid Empire, ascended the throne in the year 210 of the Nabonassarian era. Though historians have established the Ptolemaic chronology as secular but they fixed the epoch of the Nabonassarian era in 747 BCE based on the non-secular epoch of the Christian era (1 CE). Thus, the so-called secular chronology of the world is basically a communal chronology that supports and promotes the fictitious epoch of 1 CE.

It’s an irony that despite the fact that all western historians and their followers worked for 300 years for establishing a rational chronology of the world history but they failed to get rid of the hypnotic influence of the Christian chronology. This is the reason why numerous chronological inconsistencies still persist in the world history. There is a genuine need to dehypnotize the world historians from the Christian chronology so that we can truly establish a rational chronology of the world history. I have established in the forthcoming chapters that the epoch of the Christian era (1 CE) is simply fictitious as it being an astronomical epoch and not historical. Therefore, it cannot deserve to be the sheet anchor for arriving at the chronological history of the world. Interestingly, Newton and later western historians had reconstructed the chronology of the world based on the fictitious epoch of the Christian era and declared their methodology as rational and secular but none of these historians had ever produced an iota of evidence to establish the historicity of the epoch of the Christian era. Though they were very rational while critically examining the evidence for arriving at the chronology but they were extremely childish in their approach while examining the historicity of the Christian era. They fixed the dates of Alexander, Julius Caesar and Augustus based on the fictitious epoch of the Christian era and ridiculously assumed the historical date of Jesus Christ in 1 CE. It is totally irrational to establish the epochs of various ancient eras of the world based on a sheet anchor which cannot be independently established. Only independently verifiable historical epochs can qualify to be the sheet anchors of chronology. Moreover, most of the epochs of ancient western eras like the Nabonassarian era, the Olympiad era, the era of the founding of Rome city, the era of Alexandria and the Augustan era etc. came into popular use before the birth of Jesus Christ.

As we critically examine the chronology of Babylon, Egypt, Assyria, Greece, Persia, Rome and China in the forthcoming chapters, it becomes evident that the entire chronology of world history has been brought forward by ~660 years. The European historians of the 17th and 18th centuries faithfully assumed the historicity of the fictitious epoch of 1 CE and distorted the chronology of entire world. I have conclusively established that the epoch of 1 BCE-1 CE is just a fictitious astronomical epoch of the Irish cycle of 84 (14) years and the epoch of the 12th cycle of 532 years as propounded by Annianus of Alexandria. The Christians of England mistakenly started believing from the 8th century CE that Jesus Christ incarnated in 1BCE-1 CE due to the confusion between the epoch of Anno Incarnatione Domini, i.e., Irish computus of Easter Sunday computus (1 BCE) and the epoch of Anno Incarnatione (660 BCE). Seemingly, there was a controversy about the exact epoch of Anno Incarnatione in the 9th and 10th centuries CE because Abul Fazal says that “the commencement of their year (the epoch of the Christian era), some take to be the entry of the sun in Capricorn; others, from the 8th degree of the same”.2 Though, there is a controversy about the historicity of Jesus Christ, it is nothing but an ideological propaganda by atheists. In reality, Jesus Christ was undoubtedly a historical person. He was born on 10th Jan 660 BCE and probably crucified on 1st Apr 629 BCE.

I have comprehensively studied the entire epigraphic evidence archaeo-astronomically and refixed the various epochs of ancient Indian eras in my book titled “The Chronology of India: From Mahabharata to Medieval Era”. I have conclusively established that the chronology of India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Burma, Cambodia and Java has been brought forward by 661 years because the historians mistakenly considered the epoch of the Saka era (583 BCE) and the Sakanta era (78 CE) as identical and fixed the epoch of the Saka era in 78 CE. Moreover, ancient Jain historians (2nd century CE onwards) mistakenly identified King Chandragupta of Ujjain, the disciple of Bhadrabahu I with the Maurya King Chandragupta which led to a chronological illusion that Buddha and Mahavira were the contemporaries. This mistaken contemporaneity of Buddha and Mahavira led to additional chronological error of 660 years. Thus, the date of Buddha’s nirvana has been brought forward from 1864 BCE to 544 BCE by reducing 1320 years and modern historians have further reduced the chronology of 61 years by fixing the date of Buddha’s nirvana in 483 BCE. Evidently, the chronology of India, Sri Lanka and Burma has suffered the loss of the chronology of 1381 years.

Seemingly, the epoch of Anno Mundi in the later Jewish tradition had been brought forward by ~165 years. This is the reason why Jewish chronology is still struggling with the missing ~165 years. Similarly, historians wrongly concluded that the Sothic cycle of Egypt commenced in 2781 BCE considering the heliacal rising of Sirius. I have established that the Sothic cycle commenced in 3605 BCE and the mid-night rising of Sirius on 2nd Nov 3605 BCE was the epoch. Thus, historians brought forward the chronology of ancient Egypt by 824 years. It is evident that the date of Jesus’ birth has been brought forward from 660 BCE to 1 BCE-1CE which led to the missing 660 years in the chronology of world history. Jewish and Egyptian chronologies suffered additional missing ~165 years before the epoch of Nabonassarian era. The Roman Chronology has also been brought forward by 660 years but historians mistakenly considered the epochs of the Diocletian era and the era of Martyrs as identical which reduced the gap of missing years by 361 years. Thus, the Roman chronology has only the missing years of ~300 years after 284 CE. This is the reason why Heribert Illig proposed the “Phantom time hypothesis” in 1991. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Niemitz has rightly observed that “Between Antiquity (1 AD) and the Renaissance (1500 AD) historians count approximately 300 years too many in their chronology. The Roman emperor Augustus really lived 1700 years ago, instead of the conventionally assumed 2000 years.”3 Therefore, Illig has concluded that a phantom period of approximately 300 years has been inserted between 600 CE and 900 CE. One of the best examples is the Chapel of Aachen (800 CE), which seems to come approximately 300 years too early. Many evidences indicate that the Chapel of Aachen is a building of the 11th century CE. Illig has also pointed out many inconsistencies in the Roman chronology.

In fact, Heribert Illig is right. I have established that the epoch of the Diocletian era commenced in 77 BCE as recorded in Ain-i-Akbari by Abul Fazl.4 Since the epoch of the Augustan era has been brought forward by 660 years from 685 BCE to 25 BCE, the epoch of the Diocletian era outght to be fixed 660 years later around 584 CE but historians have wrongly fixed the epoch of the Diocletian era in 284 CE 300 years earlier. Evidently, this error in the epoch of the Diocletian era led to the phantom time hypothesis of 300 years. Actually, there was a gap of 361 years between the epoch of the Diocletian era and the era of Martyrs. If we fix the epoch of the Diocletian era in 584 CE then the epoch of Martyrs’ era will be in 945 CE which would be too late in the chronology. Therefore, modern historians have concocted that the epoch of the Diocletian era and the era of Martyrs are identical without any evidence. There are numerous Paparus records of Egypt which refer to the different years in the epochs of the Diocletian era and the Martyr’s era.5 Evidently, the Diocletian era and the Martyr’s era are not identical. If we correct these errors in the Roman chronology, we can successfully reconcile the inconsistencies pointed out by the phantom time hypothesis. It is extremely important to note in the Roman chronology that there is a gap of 361 years between the epoch of the Diocletian era and the epoch of the era of Martyrs. The Diocletian era commenced in 77 BCE whereas the Martyrs’ era commenced in 284 CE.

Modern research on the chronological history of the Western civilisations began in the 17th century. James Ussher, the Archbishop of
Ireland, has proposed the chronology starting from the date of creation in 4004 BCE. Issac Newton wrote “The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms” in 1728 CE under the hypnotic influence of the Ussher chronology. I have logically established in this book that the epoch of the Christian era (1 CE) is a fictitious epoch. I have critically and independently examined the entire evidence and established the true epochs of various ancient eras of the world without referring to the epoch of the Christian era. Thereafter, I have arrived the date of Jesus Christ based on the epochs of other eras because I have not found any evidence which can independently be verified to establish the date of Jesus. In this process, I have discovered that there is an error of ~660 years in the chronological history of the world and an error of ~825 years in the Egyptian chronology. Therefore, the epoch of the Christian era (1 CE) does not deserve to be sheet anchor of world chronology.

I have rationally attempted to explore the true chronology of the world and tried to resolve the chronological inconsistency of ~660 years. I have explained with the help of facts that the complete chronology of the western kingdoms from ancient times to the fall of Byzantine Roman Empire. If we correct these chronological errors as discussed, all chronic problems of the chronology of the world history can be satisfactorily resolved. I hope the learned readers will critically examine the facts to evaluate my research in resolving the chronological mysteries and contribute further in establishing the authentic chronology of the world history.

In fact, the eminent historians of the western world have mistakenly assumed a fictitious epoch of the Christian era (1 CE) as the sheet anchor and reconciled the chronology of entire world history in contrast to the traditional chronology of ancient civilisations. Needless to say, it resulted in numerous irresolvable chronological problems. I would challenge the world historians to arrive the chronology from Hammurabi to Augustus without blindly presuming the date of Jesus’ birth in 1 CE. The archaeoastronomical evidence of Venus Tablet can independently and accurately establish the date of King Ammisaduqa, the fifth successor of Hammurabi which would qualify to be the true sheet anchor of the chronology of ancient western kingdoms.
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