Session 6 July 2024

The most important events at that time were the tearing down of the Berlin Wall (November 9, 1989), the reunification of Germany (October 3, 1990) and the subsequent collapse of the USSR. But other events had to take place for this to happen:

● April 20, 1985, Gorbachev announces the Uskorenie plan, to accelerate the economic and social transformation of the USSR.

● January 1987, Gorbachev finally announces perestroika and glasnost as his two main reform trump cards.

● June 1987, laws are passed to give greater freedom to business, one of the first liberal measures in decades.

●August 24, 1989, end of communism in Poland.

● October 23, 1989, end of communism in Hungary.

● November 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall falls, ending communism in the region.
I lived in the 1980s in the Soviet Union and it always seemed to me that the "opening" and fall of the Eastern Block (except China) was more of a positive thing, but was it really?

The late USSR system was somewhat repressive (much less than with Stalin), people lived in poorer conditions and could not even travel freely outside of the country. Communism was a sort of substitute religion and Lenin a kind of substitute Jesus. Religion was tolerated to some degree, but atheism was expected of everyone. Interestingly, going into space was spoken of in almost mystical terms ("being closer to the cosmos") and of course everyone was proud that the USSR sent the first person into space.

The thing is that "freedom and democracy" in the 1990s impoverished many people even more, while a few predators became billionaires and oligarchs. It was only Putin since 2000 who brought an end to the plundering, reigned in the oligarchs and as a result, the living conditions and incomes improved a lot over the following 10-15 years.

So it seems that while the USSR and the Eastern Block were pretty bad systems, their dismantling resulted in even more hardship, at least in the USSR (Eastern European countries that joined the EU seemed to fare better). China shows that an alternative would have been to reform the system to become successful economically (Russia is rich in resources), but at the same time it is questionable whether today's Chinese system is preferable to what Russia has now.
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I lived in the 1980s in the Soviet Union and it always seemed to me that the "opening" and fall of the Eastern Block (except China) was more of a positive thing, but was it really?


Interesting because this event of the fall of the USSR is precisely an ambivalent event or as Laura mentioned:

(L) Yeah, well, isn't that what Mephistopheles said in Faust? You know, he who intends evil, but... something along the lines. Somebody find that quote from Faust. "He who intends evil but ends up doing good..." or whatever. ["I am part of that power which eternally wills evil and eternally works good"].

For the people who lived under the communist regime it meant freedom, but after that they lived under the neoliberalism that produced Oligarchs on the one hand and poverty on the other. While for the rest of the world the effects of that event are being resolved in Ukraine and this may lead us to a Great War. The 4D Lords need to harvest and do not need many to rule/control us. The "humanero" (to quote Castaneda's word which is equivalent to chicken coop but of humans) is about to be harvested.

Ambivalent events appear to have a system-wide effect across space/time. While for some the effect may take weeks, for others it will take years or centuries, millennia? Like ripples in a pond when a stone is thrown into the water.
You see there is only one constant. One universal. It is the only real truth. Causality. Action, reaction. Cause and effect.
Matrix, Merovingian.​
Thanks Laura, Andromeda, the team and everyone for this great session.
The World situation is really getting more intense every day.
It really struck me that the Quorum had met 40 years ago, that is, in 1984.
Evidently, that old movie where 1984 was in the future was not only well inspired, but that specific year could not have been chosen by chance.

Perhaps the meeting of the Quorum in 1984 was captured by inspiration, since inspiration is a kind of reading in the field of information, without temporal conditioning.
It made me want to watch that movie again. Maybe it has some details that I could not see with my previous eyes.

Thanks again for sharing the session, fascinating as always.:flowers:

Translated with (free version)
Nefarious plans since 1984

For some the fact that Trump has come out ahead after the attack is a divine design, for others it is just another step towards civil war. With all of the above, the super intelligences of the Quorum have given us another master class with a view to the future of humanity.

So, according to the Cs the last time the Quorum met was in 1984 and what political event took place in that year? Ronald Reagan won a second term as president which led George H.W. Bush to another term as vice president and as a platform to run for president of the United States. From then on a series of events took place that shaped the world as we know it today.

The most important events at that time were the tearing down of the Berlin Wall (November 9, 1989), the reunification of Germany (October 3, 1990) and the subsequent collapse of the USSR. But other events had to take place for this to happen:

● April 20, 1985, Gorbachev announces the Uskorenie plan, to accelerate the economic and social transformation of the USSR.

● January 1987, Gorbachev finally announces perestroika and glasnost as his two main reform trump cards.

● June 1987, laws are passed to give greater freedom to business, one of the first liberal measures in decades.

●August 24, 1989, end of communism in Poland.

● October 23, 1989, end of communism in Hungary.

● November 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall falls, ending communism in the region.

●November 1989, end of communism in Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia.

● Bush's role and rise to power in 1989

Reagan Brought Down the Berlin Wall, but It Was George H.W. Bush Who Unified Germany

The reunification of Germany meant its anchoring to Western institutions, especially NATO, which did not suit the Soviet Union.

The disintegration of the Soviet Union on december 26, 1991, led republics such as Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine to vote and declare independence. If this is not directing the destiny of humanity from the shadows then what is? Seems that the Quorum is a potential creator as well. Thomas Matthew Crooks could have been stopped instantly. The same can be said of the events of October 07 in Israel, but it was allowed because it is all part of a series of events. (Including Earth Changes for added drama or prophetic ingredient)

Looking ahead

Those who have been governing the USA for a long time are not the presidents, who have the role of real managers or CEOs, but it is a Plutocracy, made up of the big corporations: real estate, banking, technology, military, industrial, who really make the important decisions within the White House. That is why the presence of Joe Biden, who has no control over any of his actions, has not mattered.

In truth the Plutocracy tried to kill Donald Trump as part of the series of events or the process to create a new paradigm, but they did not succeed and it is not going to stay that way.

What was intended by the death of Donald Trump? A civil war and it seems they are going to achieve it because now the division has been accentuated even more. A master stroke, isn't it? As soon as they started to move the migrants in Europe and the US they were immediately singled out as the bad guys but the Governments kept giving them support and increasing the anger of the citizens. You see? They wait for the conflict to happen and then they come out with the solution, the new thing.

So the play that follows is citizens versus migrants and this is where Trump again plays his role. His latest speeches talk about closing the border, kicking out the migrants. They need chaos and Trump is doing the job for them.

Exactly. The real power brokers set up governments, who, in turn, set up their own straw men (illegal migrants, 'freedom' fighters, et al), frequently by covert/indirect action, and their subsequent inaction/misdirected action sows division within the utterly clueless population. Then they step in when all seems lost. Problem, reaction, solution. Unfortunately, it seems to be a pretty reliable technique, especially when there are so many divisions to play off against each other.

Equally unfortunately, the clueless population doesn't want to be educated about what's really going on.
(seek10) When were the bits and pieces of information packaged into the Vedas? Was it before the Younger Dryas Event around 16,000 BCE?

A: Yes
I was NOT expecting C's confirm this as it makes "wildest" Indian theories correct in the sense "there is something to it" rather than people that needed "civilization" . ( leave aside ridiculous long Yuga period) .
(seek10) Where were they packaged together, in the Indian subcontinent or in the Caucasus?

A: On the way but mainly India.

Q: (seek10) Vdeveer Arya's hypothesis is that the south Indian Kingdoms (AKA early Dravidian) were created by migrants from submerged Dwarika in India's West coast during or after the Noah's flood event. Is this correct?

A: Close

Q: (seek10) The C's mentioned that there were Asian Tribes and number 3 prototype Neanderthals before the Aryan Iranian farmer invasion into India around 6249 BCE (20-october-1994). Were the Asian Tribes the C's mentioned were the descendants of the Paranthas (AKA Dravidians)?

A: Yes
This makes me reread Vedveer Arya's book The Chronology of India: From Manu to Mahabharata little more carefully and many of these data points are found in his book. The way he approached this complex subject is interesting and addressed many of the controversies.

C's confirmation forced me to readjust the chronology w.r.t India. I gave weightage to Kumara Kandam proponents which main stream normally completely ignores. Here is how it looks
5 Million years Ago: Earth's earliest Human - Neanderthal - C's
309K YA : Last Wave's interaction with Earth. drowning of Lumeria, Legend of Fallen Angel-Lucifer (C's), Human souls into Neanderthal to create new prototype and so on.

200,000 to 50,000 BC: evolution of “the Tamilian or Homo Dravida” aka parantha ( Kuamara Kundam proponent R. Mathivanan's chronology)

100K BCE : Average pole shift period due to changes in earth's crust, external events etc.

80K + YA: Kantek destruction. Arrival of Kantek folks using 2 modes , one batch by grays and another batch using their mother stone/Merkaba.
80K-10K BCE: Atlantean period, 3 Races (Native American Types, Paranthas, Kantek migrants)- C's

70K: Plates Reorientation to current format ( though plates submerge, raise and move). Indian Plate joining to Eurasian plate , Toba Volcano, - C's

70K -50 K YA/BCE: Initial version of Book of Enoch by Sanskrit society in India -C's

52K - 50K YA/BCE : Atlanteans found themselves or decided to take care of Giant Beast problem. Had many conferences and decided to build some technology to counter it. - Cayce

  • First destruction of Atlantis : Big difference of opinions around how to handle Giant Beasts. Kantek gang decided to blew up the volcanos in the Atlantis ( Atlantis is one piece from Cuba to Rock of Gibraltor at that time -Cayce). The Result is Atlantis became 5 pieces. - ( Cayce on Atlantis Book)
  • Nuclear War in India that destroyed 50% of Land (C's) : There is a high possibility that India of 50KYA may not be same now. C's already confirmed the existence of the area called Kumara Kandam. How big is Kuamra Kandam is still controversial subject.
  • Start of Psychopathy in India after Nuclear War. - C's
  • Rama: Atlantean priest with the help of good guys fought Lizards aka psychopaths.- C's
  • Pyramids on Mars by Atlanteans. - C's
  • Post destruction Atlantean migrations to Central America - Cayce
  • 50,000 BC: Kumari Kandam civilisation - ( Kuamara Kundam proponent R. Mathivanan's chronology)
33K BCE : Earliest proof habitation in the Gulf of Kambai (Western coast of India). Later the site of Hindu God's Krishna's Location.- Vedveer Arya (VA)

28KYA : 2nd destruction of Atlantis. That is the peak of Atlantean civilization. C's mentioned Lizards lived among humans for 1000 years during the peak of Atlantis.
More Migrations to Americas - Cayce

16K BCE: Early compilation of Vedas during transit. - C's , VA

16K -10K BCE : Most of Vedas are compiled during this time near Saptha-Sindu region ( Pakistan and NW India). - VA

10K BCE: Younger Dryas comet event and Noah's Flood
  • Venus dislodged Mars that came nearer to Earth and dumped Mar's water on to Earth that contributed to few hundred meters of sea water raise - C's
  • Remaining Atlantis Island Poseidon drowning and migrations to all other places- Americas, Egypt ( later Sumeria), British Isles,
  • Severe earth changes in the Himalayan region, Many rivers either changed directions or dried out, split, flooded, Ice in the Kashmir valley melted and so on - VA
  • Drowning of Dwarika (West Coast of India-C's/VA) and migration to East towards South India.
  • Drowning of Kumara Kandam (in the India Ocean) over thousands of years ( Kuamara Kundam proponent R. Mathivanan's chronology)
  • "Migrations" ( or Invasions by Pandyans) to north to south India.(R. Mathivanan's chronology)
6K BCE : Iranian Farmer invasions to India with their archiac sanskrit. Before there were prototype 3 - Neanderthals versions and Asian Tribes - C's . Asian Tribes are descendants of Paranthas - Both Dwarika ( C's) and Kumara Kandam Migrants ( Ancient Sangam Tamil Myths). I will come to why I think all Dravidians are not same though both have high concentration of (around 10%) paranthas(F Haplo group) genes.

5677-5577 BCE: Decline of Proto type 3 ( called them Rākśasas and Dānavas) - VA
Rākśasas and Dānavas declined after the Rāmāyaṇa era (5677-5577 BCE).

2k - 1K BCE: British Indology dating of Aryan Invasion. This date needs to be revisited. This date relies on domestication of horses in steppes which is considered as 2200 BCE.
There is lot more in between, but will have to ignore for now.

There also raises few more questions.

  • How many Aryan invasions to India 2 or 3 ? 16,000 BCE on wards( Saptha Sindhu -Pakistan/NW India) , 6000 BCE( C's already confirmed it) . Is there a 3rd invasion around 2000-1000 BCE as British indologists insist? their main point is Horses which are not there before ( aka Indus Valley civilization). "Left" insist on the data point that horses came with Aryan invasion. As per Wiki horses were domesticated around 2200 BCE, but they found painting of wild horses as far back 50,000 years

  • How big is Kumara Kandam continent? There are many theories. As per ancient Tamil Sangam literature it 700 kavatam. But no body knows how big is kavatam is . But legends gives some clues.
    • In the Indian sanskrit literature, Flood associated to south of India, which is considered to be related to sinking of Kumara Kandam. Their King invaded and Chera and Chola land in the north, occupied equivalent amount. Kumara Kandam Land supposed to have sank slowly in 1000's years. Generally Chera and Chola empires are limited to South India. That is around 200-300 thousands square miles.
    • But another legend says he occupied as for as Tibet. It may be unlikely as Himalayas also seriously effected by events of 10K BCE events.
    • Kumara Kandam proponents insist that it was part of Kumara Kandam. The widely available pictures of Kumara kandam seems to blown out of proportion as they tend to depict this continent touching India to Madagascar to Sunda strait ( some even to australia)
Kumari Kandam - The Lost Continent | Mystery of India

  • Is Kumara Kandam connected to India or not? Few theories.
    • Since kandam means continent, it is not connected.
    • There is a very popular place called 'Kanya Kumari' which is the southern most tip of India. so it is connected.
Any thing related to Tamil is "passionate" stuff and controversial for others, which is not the case with other Dravidians.

So my thought process is Parantha descendants move south to ( Kaumara Kandam) and West ( Dwarika) and other directions after 50KYA nuclear war with their linquistic dravidian roots. Given that C's said Paranthas are extinct ( Haplogroup F) , what is left in south India is Haplogroup H ( combination of Native American Types and Parantha remnants).
(Joe) What are they [Quorum] meeting to discuss or decide?

A: Future of Earth.

Q: (L) Is it a good thing they're meeting, or a bad thing?

A: Depends on perspective.

Q: (L) Okay. Is it a good thing from our perspective?

A: Probably not.

Q: (L) Does it mean that from our perspective they're going to effect, or make some nefarious plans in the direction of greater control of human beings?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Is it because there is too much resistance against the increasing control, or not enough?

A: Not enough for balance.

Q: (L) So, based on things you've said in the past, does that mean there needs to be more suffering so that more people wake up?

A: Close.
So far, at least from my perspective, what I'm seeing after the Trump assassination attempt is that those who are suffering the most are people with TDS and liberals wondering WTF is going on with Biden and the Democratic party. The conservatives I know are all energized and are finally seeing that the time for redressing past grievances and overt liberal government control is nigh, and that the "truth" can no longer be hidden.

Of course this dynamic can play out in a way to further divide society, thus increasing the suffering for all. But there does seem to be a balancing going on with respect to each side becoming more "equal" now that conservatives are finding their voices again. So in a way it seems people's personal perspectives on recent events are a mixed bag depending on whether you're more "blue" or "red" but overall there's more balance than there has been since before Trump was first elected (OSIT) - and it happened in a HURRY!!

This redistribution of overall suffering from conservatives to liberals has personally given me some breathing room to finally be able to say some things I felt I had to bury before. But I have to be careful to only state my positions without trying to force others to adopt them. I know what it's like to suffer silently when the current narrative is meant to belittle those who speak truth. Coming out and doing the same thing to them now that the pendulum has swung the other way a bit will only continue to make matters worse. So I just speak my truth and let it go. But at last we are finally in a time when truth can once again gain real traction, and maybe that will in the end rebalance things and reduce personal suffering, or so I hope.
“Q: (L) So, based on things you've said in the past, does that mean there needs to be more suffering so that more people wake up?

A: Close.”

Been thinking about this part. How it’s close but no cigar. Is there a lack of suffering in this world? I don’t think so. Perhaps our relationship to suffering is what needs more work. Maybe the quantity of suffering is not the issue but the quality is the problem. So, if people are always holding out hope for a savior and believe there IS a savior and the savior will suffer FOR us, they are never going truly measure the depths of human suffering in order to break free from attachment to earthly suffering -they will remain passive and enslaved.

So the program change could perhaps be moving things in that direction-like the song says- freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.

I have said this rather clumsily. Perhaps the idea will come through anyway
Those who have been governing the USA for a long time are not the presidents, who have the role of real managers or CEOs, but it is a Plutocracy, made up of the big corporations: real estate, banking, technology, military, industrial, who really make the important decisions within the White House.

There is a very important event in 1989, which has also led us to today's world: The Washington Consensus.

The Washington Consensus is a set of ten economic policy prescriptions considered to constitute the "standard" reform package promoted for crisis-wracked developing countries by Washington, D.C.-based institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and United States Department of the Treasury.[1] The term was first used in 1989 by English economist John Williamson.[2] The prescriptions encompassed free-market promoting policies such as trade liberalization, privatization and finance liberalization.[3][4] They also entailed fiscal and monetary policies intended to minimize fiscal deficits and minimize inflation.[4]

Subsequent to Williamson's use of the terminology, and despite his emphatic opposition, the phrase Washington Consensus has come to be used fairly widely in a second, broader sense, to refer to a more general orientation towards a strongly market-based approach (sometimes described as market fundamentalism or neoliberalism).​

If there is one thing I know, it is that right now my country falls into the category of crisis-wracked developing countries...
This is not uncommon at all. I have read of people who had no musical or artistic talent whatsoever suddenly developing impressive musical and artistic skills almost overnight. Indeed, in one case I read, the person achieved concert pianist ability very quickly when he could not even play the piano at all before his transplant. In his case, the donor appeared to have been an accomplished musician.​
Transmission of the genetic code.
So, after several generations since people lived 800 - 8K years, could it be that the deterioration of our DNA expalins at least in part our shorter lifespans?
Haven't seen this being addressed by Searching the thread for "longevity" and "800", apologies if I missed it and repeating things.

An average lifespan of 800 years can be 'deduced' using simplification/approximation of heart frequency as a measure for life expectancy, as noted in this post.

If life conditions and environmental demands were such that people back then could normally function, whatever that really meant in practice in those days, with their hearts beating only 6 times per minute (bpm) on average, instead of nowadays usual average of 60 bpm, then the amount of work our hearts do in a lifespan of 80 years today, translates into the same amount of work people's hearts did in 800 years, as we linearly measure time, back then.

Of course, the above is a very very simplified view, but hopefully provides an idea how such extremely long lifespans from our point of view could have been obtained.
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