Session 6 July 2024

As in making this a fake assassination (not necessarily known to Trump or his team) so as to raise the level of resistance from conservatives in the US, who saw their hero nearly get killed?
Yes, it seems so, I think. Also the prophesized financial collapse, the super rich are planning to unleash, I think, just to make Trumps reign impossible. They already made non-withdrawable "Deep State"-supporting laws and decrees that supposedly Trump won't be able to void? How does that work?
Once Trump starts peace talks with Putin, I got the impression the WEF Cabal immediately plans releasing Disease-X Bleeding Flu to lockdown everything and kick Sheeple into a hysterical, over-suspicious, "No-Touch Frozen Societal"-state.

Saint Fauci already achieved "No Touching Hands or skin" in the social life for The People, I think. Avoiding crowds. Avoiding people you don't know.. Fauci and WEF successfully poisoned the dating pool.

With the bleeding flu, they aim to plunge society back to the Bubonic Plague Days, I think. People fleeing from each other. Suspicious of each other. Avoiding touching each other. Otherwise you get sick from shedding and have to take expensive supplement-regimen for a long time to clear your body.. When the next day you might have to touch the "Willing Spike Protein Factories" again. Add to that the new bonuses from the Bleeding Flu transmissible via touch?..

A Hell on Earth scenario. If anybody collapses before you, how do you touch them much less perform CPR, when you know they probably definitely have 1. Spike Protein, 2. Bleeding Flu ebola particles?
Carry thick rubber gloves in our bags? :-(

I can only think of effecting more positive FRV changes to remedy and mitigate nefarious WEF plans by switching to better timelines, where most Deep State plans fail and more of the good sane guys plans succeed for society.
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Bloating, brain fog and red pimples I get from eggs. Despite how many amazing brain nutrients they are heralded for. In order to determine the real effect of eggs, I simply avoided them for a couple days. Boldly increased my pork prime cut and bacon intake.. with big plans for the future regards Bio-Hacking.. :/

Soon I was able to think clearer with much less brain fog. Less bloating. Less red pimples.

However, it turned out that multivitamins and any famous artificial supplements are poor sources of nutrition and absolutely do NOT replace BIOAVALIABLE NUTRIENTS IN THEIR NATURAL FORM!!

Despite taking two Viridan Sports Multi capsules +1 fish oil caps + ground pig skin collagen every two days, eggs were my main bioavailable calcium, vitamins, nutrients and choline source:

Apparently I was already low on all nutrients. Even with eating 2,5 eggs per day I must have been merely hovering on the bottom part of the chart for "minimal level for optimal nutrition". So dropping eggs must have switched me into Starvation Mode. Or "Eggs-as-Drug-Withdrawal" mode.. But I was able to think clearer even with all that "nauseating brain-pain", so I made "psychological photographs" [Gurdjieff style] for comparison.

I started getting strong ear ringings, some vertigo and other fun brain nutrition deficiency effects I did not have before. It was a telling experience. I was thinking these might be "egg-drug-withdrawal" effects, maybe my cells got hooked on the Eggs Lizzie poison..

The most I could do was to get my magnesium malate source back and I reduced eggs to 1,5 per day on average. As soon as I did that the severe symptoms disappeared and my body got back to somewhat normal "minimum safe nutrition" baseline.

Gritting teeth, I'm aware of being hostage to eggs for the nutrition they provide.. Eggs are also disgusting and stink up the kitchen to high hell, when scrambled and "well-done" as I eat everything well roasted to dark-brown stage.. Without eggs the kitchen remained much better smelling and the ugly eggs-smell didn't stuck to my skin.

Not happy about this at all. Obviously cold water plunge with NIR sauna, Novothor, HBOT, bone broth all day with a planned separately built 'forever horribly smelling broth kitchen', and fancy nutrients are in the plans, once I finish my magnum opus and will be able to turn my financial situation around.

It should also be emphasized that, even though souls have no nationality, it is not easy for someone like me, who currently lives in a Muslim country, to choose pork in this life. Prohibitions originating from Islam became a cultural norm over time. This is one of the greatest harm of Jews to humanity: Islam!
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