Session 6 July 2024

Thanks, guys. Stay safe and keep up the good work!

Seems Quorum meets up to discuss possible changes needed in balance. Perhaps can be viewed as drastic and dire changes to some. For others, it's necessary to maintain balance.....

I decided to look up possible events of that year that greatly changed the direction of humanity. One that stood out was the Indira Gandhi Assassination of October 31, 1984. The assassination of Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi led to significant political changes in India and influenced regional geopolitics. The assassination sparked four days of riots that left more than 8,000 Indian Sikhs dead in revenge attacks.

The similarities that coincide with what would have been if Trump was assassinated, to what happened after the Gandhi assassination is quite fascinating, along with many other details, of course. But it seems a balance of this extreme was not needed since fate would have it that Trump survived, slightly tipping the scale allowing those who are still asleep to get the opportunity to wake up if possible.

Of course, the attempted Trump assassination could have been just one events of many planned by Quorum. Let's wait and see! :-)
Trump successfully turned his head, or maybe it was inspired )
By simply being in a hospital a place where there is death and trauma one is more susceptible to spirit attachments….In the book it is said and in the sessions here it is said when one is at a bar and intoxicated they are more susceptible to attachment/attack

My friend had a cancerous tumor the surgeon removed it successfully but because of the surgery he had to remain in the hospital for roughly two weeks. When he came out his essence, spirit, being was completely different, the looks he gave, his perception of reality, what he focused on, his personality in general and mannerisms were completely different. Yes, having a tumor removed is a horrible experience but your whole state of who you are shouldn’t change at a fundamental level in perpetuity because if it.

To answer your question I am not 100% sure that a spirit travels with the organs of another when being transplanted but … the drugs given, sedation, set and setting of the hospital and all that comes with an organ transplant makes one susceptible to such things….

Thus awareness, knowing yourself, improving you intellect, emotion and physical parts of your body so you can consciously choose is of most importance so you know when there is an invasion from the outside in you. You must be able to be an observer a scientist of yourself and have the ability to see reality have good reality testing otherwise STS attachments and other things will keep you here in 3D because you can’t choose higher, STO low entropy actions…these attachments are STS forces and or confused forces it makes it that much harder to progress with that poison in you but if you notice it and don’t feed it that is your saving grace
I don't know where, but I read some stories long ago about people who receive heart transplants taking on the behaviors of the donor. One instance was a fairly conservative young woman who ate healthy and didn't drink but after receiving a donor heart from a biker who always drank and ate McDonalds that she started doing that to the surprise of her friends and relatives.
I think it's probable that it's an attribute of being an OP. Why would an OP have those large existential questions? Unless perhaps they were on the cusp of graduation? Either way, I can recall many people over the years who have never once considered such a thing, let alone questioned their own identity. Often being told flat out that, 'No,' they had zero interest in even wondering what the truth about existence is. That always blew my mind.
I suspect that by that being a core attribute potentially of OPs, it’s unlikely there’s any OPs on this forum.
"(Niall) I've been wondering about them. Why did many supporters of Biden appear to suddenly realize that he's senile during or immediately following the last presidential debate?

A: Because the media gave tacit permission."

And that says speaks volumes of peoples' suggestibility and control.

Thank you all so much for the session, so many things to think on.

Ditto to the above, once more so much was discussed that I've been thinking on what to say and how much this session affected me.

The issue with the media giving "tacit permission" though, that hit me hard because out of the blue we could say in the open that maybe, just maybe, Biden must go. I remember seeing Time's magazine cover and talking about it in the office and people would seem to be sincerely in shock that he is unfit for office and suddenly remember his age and all that.

As if those other videos showing him disoriented, in public, incapable of uttering a coherent speech, were just right-wing propaganda using AI. Now we could openly criticize him without sounding like a Trump supporter. Many left-wing colleagues at work started doing it, these were the ones who only said bad things about Trump since I met them.

Anyway, how gullible and suggestible we all are if all we do is receive impressions from the big media without critical thinking and a network of open-minded people. But scary it was to notice, in real time, people behaving like robots one more time.


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I don't know where, but I read some stories long ago about people who receive heart transplants taking on the behaviors of the donor. One instance was a fairly conservative young woman who ate healthy and didn't drink but after receiving a donor heart from a biker who always drank and ate McDonalds that she started doing that to the surprise of her friends and relatives.
This is not uncommon at all. I have read of people who had no musical or artistic talent whatsoever suddenly developing impressive musical and artistic skills almost overnight. Indeed, in one case I read, the person achieved concert pianist ability very quickly when he could not even play the piano at all before his transplant. In his case, the donor appeared to have been an accomplished musician.​
In a previous post, I mentioned that I was working on an article, which dealt with a strange case that may have been an example of reincarnation but could equally have been an example of an opportunistic spirit walk-in. I am attaching a copy of the article, The Curious Tale of Omm Sety, for those who may wish to read it and make up their own minds. I would appreciate any feedback you may have, especially as to whether there may have been an ulterior motive behind such a walk-in if that is what it was.​


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This is not uncommon at all. I have read of people who had no musical or artistic talent whatsoever suddenly developing impressive musical and artistic skills almost overnight. Indeed, in one case I read, the person achieved concert pianist ability very quickly when he could not even play the piano at all before his transplant. In his case, the donor appeared to have been an accomplished musician.​
Back in the mid 90’s I became deeply interested in these fascinating subjects.

Over the years, I have read a great amount of testimonials and studied various modalities of raising consciousness and healing emotional traumas, because I became determined not to leave behind any unresolved “issues” when I transitioned at the death of my biological body.

My guess is the book that was mentioned by @KaWaiAwaAwa is this one:

A Change of Heart: A Memoir – May 1, 1997
by Claire Sylvia(Author), William Novak(Author), & Bernie Siegel MD
After a heart and lung transplant operation, dancer Claire Sylvia discovered that new organs were not the only thing she inherited. Never having liked such foods as beer and chicken nuggets, she suddenly started craving them. After an extraordinary dream, she seeks out the family of her donor -- a teenaged boy who died in a motorcycle accident -- and learns that it is indeed possible for two souls to merge in one body.
"This is a story that must be told and heard...a fascinating example of how cellular memory can outlive physical death". -- Deepak Chopra, M.D.
Help peeked around the corner, and then backed off. "not just yet!" - it thought

I think a (very) rough rule is to look at nature, and ask yourself the question: "who eats it?" (the rule that primitive tribesmen often follow)
  • eat nothing but grass? you become a cow (think of how some vegetarians identify with cattle more than with other humans)
  • eat grain and ovulate a lot? you become a hen (Karens of the world, unite! "i want to talk to the manager" haircut included!)
  • eat venison? you'll be a wolf (hunt in a pack, cover for each other, coordinated attacks... sounds like a primitive tribe going for hunting)
  • devour everything without thinking? you're a pig (notice how big fat sweaty people tend to have no manners and devour everything... and how we call these people pigs)
  • eat mostly small animals (including larger animal's young ones)? you're like a cat (does that mean being bipolar? one day you purr and want to be petted, the other you bite and scratch everything?) (on a side note, do women love cats because they remind them of themselves during a period? :D )
  • drink juices? you want to be a hummingbird (including flying from flower to flower and pollinating them... and yes, that's an innuendo)
  • drink lots of milk and milk-derivative products? you're a man-baby ("Daddy State, please come and protect me!")
Of course, this is a rough rule, not an absolute and literal law.

Plus, it's not necessarily to be a cause-and-effect scenario (vegeterians don't identify with cows because they are vegeterians, but they are vegeterians because they have cow-like souls). So people won't become "advanced humans" because they started to eat pigs because the Cs told them to. In fact, i think they might screw themselves up by doing that if their nature is more in line with a cow, or a cat.

Speaking of pigs, let's go back to the previous session for a moment...

I have to ask, what exactly does "advanced" mean?
The Cs didn't say anything about STO orientation, they only mentioned "advanced". So eating pigs doesn't have to make one STO.
They did mention, however, that lizards prefer obese children that don't smoke. They also mentioned that the STS energy is so contractile that the pig is the correct receptor for it.

And again, how do we call obese people that devour everything without thinking?
To sweat like a... pig?

Our creators made us to be like them, so they can understand us and control us. We are a reflection of our creators, all self-serving, we are like them. That means... advanced STS humans need to eat pigs because our advanced STS creators eat "pigs".

However, we can choose to become oriented to service to others, and that is completely separate from whether we eat pigs or not.
Eating pigs or not is not a prerequisite or a hindrance to becoming STO, although it can free energy to focus on becoming STO.
And then, if we become STO, who knows what we'll be "eating".

Finally, one more thing regarding obese children...

Because pedophilia is praying on the soul, not on the body. It poisons the soul, and allows the predator to "swallow the victim whole".
And what uses poison and then swallows whole? Snakes.

If you poison the soul, you become the snake that eats souls. You become a 4D lizard.
I was looking forward to reading your post because I am interested in having a conversation about what we eat, but taratai you make these blanket statements as "rough rules" (yeah, not absolute and literal law) that have very little support, other than maybe looking at "who eats [what]."
It is healthy to question eating pork just because "the Cs told [people] to" but I believe the intention is to dialogue among us and come up with what happens with our bodies when we eat certain foods, how we feel, and the like. This reminds me that there is a man in Instagram who measures his glucose level before and after eating certain foods--pork included. And for some reason it proves to be quite beneficial for the body in terms of how glucose levels hardly raise. I think that this is more or less what we need to be thinking about and how it relates to other parts of our realities.
Similarly, I think that pedophilia is praying on the soul AND, obviously, the body. I would probably be careful as to state that "you become 4D lizard," "you become a cow," "women like cats." You're off, brother/sister.
Back in the mid 90’s I became deeply interested in these fascinating subjects.

Over the years, I have read a great amount of testimonials and studied various modalities of raising consciousness and healing emotional traumas, because I became determined not to leave behind any unresolved “issues” when I transitioned at the death of my biological body.

My guess is the book that was mentioned by @KaWaiAwaAwa is this one:

A Change of Heart: A Memoir – May 1, 1997
by Claire Sylvia(Author), William Novak(Author), & Bernie Siegel MD
After a heart and lung transplant operation, dancer Claire Sylvia discovered that new organs were not the only thing she inherited. Never having liked such foods as beer and chicken nuggets, she suddenly started craving them. After an extraordinary dream, she seeks out the family of her donor -- a teenaged boy who died in a motorcycle accident -- and learns that it is indeed possible for two souls to merge in one body.
"This is a story that must be told and heard...a fascinating example of how cellular memory can outlive physical death". -- Deepak Chopra, M.D.
That's it!
Help peeked around the corner, and then backed off. "not just yet!" - it thought

I think a (very) rough rule is to look at nature, and ask yourself the question: "who eats it?" (the rule that primitive tribesmen often follow)
  • eat nothing but grass? you become a cow (think of how some vegetarians identify with cattle more than with other humans)
  • eat grain and ovulate a lot? you become a hen (Karens of the world, unite! "i want to talk to the manager" haircut included!)
  • eat venison? you'll be a wolf (hunt in a pack, cover for each other, coordinated attacks... sounds like a primitive tribe going for hunting)
  • devour everything without thinking? you're a pig (notice how big fat sweaty people tend to have no manners and devour everything... and how we call these people pigs)
  • eat mostly small animals (including larger animal's young ones)? you're like a cat (does that mean being bipolar? one day you purr and want to be petted, the other you bite and scratch everything?) (on a side note, do women love cats because they remind them of themselves during a period? :D )
  • drink juices? you want to be a hummingbird (including flying from flower to flower and pollinating them... and yes, that's an innuendo)
  • drink lots of milk and milk-derivative products? you're a man-baby ("Daddy State, please come and protect me!")
Of course, this is a rough rule, not an absolute and literal law.

Plus, it's not necessarily to be a cause-and-effect scenario (vegeterians don't identify with cows because they are vegeterians, but they are vegeterians because they have cow-like souls). So people won't become "advanced humans" because they started to eat pigs because the Cs told them to. In fact, i think they might screw themselves up by doing that if their nature is more in line with a cow, or a cat.

Speaking of pigs, let's go back to the previous session for a moment...

I have to ask, what exactly does "advanced" mean?
The Cs didn't say anything about STO orientation, they only mentioned "advanced". So eating pigs doesn't have to make one STO.
They did mention, however, that lizards prefer obese children that don't smoke. They also mentioned that the STS energy is so contractile that the pig is the correct receptor for it.

And again, how do we call obese people that devour everything without thinking?
To sweat like a... pig?

Our creators made us to be like them, so they can understand us and control us. We are a reflection of our creators, all self-serving, we are like them. That means... advanced STS humans need to eat pigs because our advanced STS creators eat "pigs".

However, we can choose to become oriented to service to others, and that is completely separate from whether we eat pigs or not.
Eating pigs or not is not a prerequisite or a hindrance to becoming STO, although it can free energy to focus on becoming STO.
And then, if we become STO, who knows what we'll be "eating".

Finally, one more thing regarding obese children...

Because pedophilia is praying on the soul, not on the body. It poisons the soul, and allows the predator to "swallow the victim whole".
And what uses poison and then swallows whole? Snakes.

If you poison the soul, you become the snake that eats souls. You become a 4D lizard.
Those are all 2d critters there's no going back , though for sure there's infinite variation at all levels.
I was looking forward to reading your post because I am interested in having a conversation about what we eat, but taratai you make these blanket statements as "rough rules" (yeah, not absolute and literal law) that have very little support, other than maybe looking at "who eats [what]."
It is healthy to question eating pork just because "the Cs told [people] to" but I believe the intention is to dialogue among us and come up with what happens with our bodies when we eat certain foods, how we feel, and the like. This reminds me that there is a man in Instagram who measures his glucose level before and after eating certain foods--pork included. And for some reason it proves to be quite beneficial for the body in terms of how glucose levels hardly raise. I think that this is more or less what we need to be thinking about and how it relates to other parts of our realities.
Similarly, I think that pedophilia is praying on the soul AND, obviously, the body. I would probably be careful as to state that "you become 4D lizard," "you become a cow," "women like cats." You're off, brother/sister.
Of course people should watch and check what they're eating. That's why i posted. Far too many times I've seen people here immediately jump on the bandwagon of doing the whatever the C's mentioned, completely ignoring the context of the advice and who it was directed at (like when they mentioned that Covid was supposed to make people compliant, but it mutated and started doing the opposite, so some on the forum started to make wishes about getting infected...).
Only because "advanced humans" get benefits from eating pigs, doesn't mean that everyone that eats pigs will become "advanced".

And i don't get your problem with the women/cats/periods thing. It was obviously a joke, and i think i made myself clear that these "rules" aren't supposed to be literal.
If it offends you so much, know i can also make jokes about men. 🙂
Like, do you know why many men feel an affinity with dogs? Because dogs wiggle their tails when they get excited. 🤪
I'll see myself out...
Of course people should watch and check what they're eating. That's why i posted. Far too many times I've seen people here immediately jump on the bandwagon of doing the whatever the C's mentioned, completely ignoring the context of the advice and who it was directed at (like when they mentioned that Covid was supposed to make people compliant, but it mutated and started doing the opposite, so some on the forum started to make wishes about getting infected...).
Only because "advanced humans" get benefits from eating pigs, doesn't mean that everyone that eats pigs will become "advanced".

And i don't get your problem with the women/cats/periods thing. It was obviously a joke, and i think i made myself clear that these "rules" aren't supposed to be literal.
If it offends you so much, know i can also make jokes about men. 🙂
Like, do you know why many men feel an affinity with dogs? Because dogs wiggle their tails when they get excited. 🤪
I'll see myself out...
I see you point.
Yah, you are funny :-)
Peace ☮️
Nefarious plans since 1984

For some the fact that Trump has come out ahead after the attack is a divine design, for others it is just another step towards civil war. With all of the above, the super intelligences of the Quorum have given us another master class with a view to the future of humanity.
(Joe) What are they meeting to discuss or decide?

A: Future of Earth.

Q: (L) Is it a good thing they're meeting, or a bad thing?

A: Depends on perspective.

Q: (L) Okay. Is it a good thing from our perspective?

A: Probably not.

Q: (L) Does it mean that from our perspective they're going to effect, or make some nefarious plans in the direction of greater control of human beings?

A: Close.

So, according to the Cs the last time the Quorum met was in 1984 and what political event took place in that year? Ronald Reagan won a second term as president which led George H.W. Bush to another term as vice president and as a platform to run for president of the United States. From then on a series of events took place that shaped the world as we know it today.

The most important events at that time were the tearing down of the Berlin Wall (November 9, 1989), the reunification of Germany (October 3, 1990) and the subsequent collapse of the USSR. But other events had to take place for this to happen:

● April 20, 1985, Gorbachev announces the Uskorenie plan, to accelerate the economic and social transformation of the USSR.

● January 1987, Gorbachev finally announces perestroika and glasnost as his two main reform trump cards.

● June 1987, laws are passed to give greater freedom to business, one of the first liberal measures in decades.

●August 24, 1989, end of communism in Poland.

● October 23, 1989, end of communism in Hungary.

● November 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall falls, ending communism in the region.

●November 1989, end of communism in Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia.

● Bush's role and rise to power in 1989
Ronald Reagan is deservedly famous for the ringing challenge he delivered at Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate on June 12, 1987: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.” But after the Berlin Wall collapsed on November 9, 1989, it was his successor, President George H.W. Bush, who worked with West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl to harness the energy of the upheavals in the crumbling Soviet empire to deliver on the long-proclaimed promise of German reunification.
On October 3, 1990, East and West Germany ceased to exist, replaced by one country. As Angela Merkel, Kohl’s political protégée and eventual successor, explained at the G20 summit in Buenos Aires upon hearing the news of Bush’s death, she “probably couldn’t be standing here” if Bush had not played his pivotal role.
In other words, a united Germany might not have emerged at all—or at least not a Germany still firmly anchored in NATO—without the consummate skill that the late president displayed in handling the most difficult assignment any statesman could have confronted at the tail end of the Cold War.
In September 1989, just two months before the fall of the Berlin Wall, Britain’s Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher told Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev: “We do not want a united Germany.” She added that such a development would “undermine the whole international situation.” After Kohl announced his 10-point plan to unify his country on November 28, she complained to European leaders: “We beat the Germans twice, and now they're back.”
Reagan Brought Down the Berlin Wall, but It Was George H.W. Bush Who Unified Germany

The reunification of Germany meant its anchoring to Western institutions, especially NATO, which did not suit the Soviet Union.

Gorbachev had repeatedly floated the idea of replacing NATO and the Warsaw Pact with a vague confederation of all the countries in the “common European home.” But this was too reminiscent of Stalin’s proposal for a neutral unified Germany, which Western governments feared would offer Moscow the opportunity to control it

The disintegration of the Soviet Union on december 26, 1991, led republics such as Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine to vote and declare independence. If this is not directing the destiny of humanity from the shadows then what is? Seems that the Quorum is a potential creator as well. Thomas Matthew Crooks could have been stopped instantly. The same can be said of the events of October 07 in Israel, but it was allowed because it is all part of a series of events. (Including Earth Changes for added drama or prophetic ingredient)

Looking ahead

Those who have been governing the USA for a long time are not the presidents, who have the role of real managers or CEOs, but it is a Plutocracy, made up of the big corporations: real estate, banking, technology, military, industrial, who really make the important decisions within the White House. That is why the presence of Joe Biden, who has no control over any of his actions, has not mattered.

In truth the Plutocracy tried to kill Donald Trump as part of the series of events or the process to create a new paradigm, but they did not succeed and it is not going to stay that way.

What was intended by the death of Donald Trump? A civil war and it seems they are going to achieve it because now the division has been accentuated even more. A master stroke, isn't it? As soon as they started to move the migrants in Europe and the US they were immediately singled out as the bad guys but the Governments kept giving them support and increasing the anger of the citizens. You see? They wait for the conflict to happen and then they come out with the solution, the new thing.

So the play that follows is citizens versus migrants and this is where Trump again plays his role. His latest speeches talk about closing the border, kicking out the migrants. They need chaos and Trump is doing the job for them.

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