Session 6 July 2024

When you think of a place you have been to, can you picture it or see an image of it with your eyes closed? I would say that it is not really like "a TV in the head", the images in our imagination are usually not as clear or distinct.

An incredible, and in light of very recent events, very prescient session! Thanks to everyone involved.

Do you have dreams? It’s kind of like that but not as real as dreams can be (many dreams for me are as real as being awake). Inner images are generally not as realistic as a TV, but occasionally (for me at least) I will get a sudden burst or vision where it as real as my waking reality.

Sometimes I will be thinking about a past event, staring into space, and I see absolutely nothing in front of me even though both eyes are wide open. All I “see” is whatever scene is in my mind.
I can see while dreaming, pretty vividly actually. Just can't visualize anything at all while awake. Apparently it's different parts of the brain involved.
I can see while dreaming, pretty vividly actually. Just can't visualize anything at all while awake. Apparently it's different parts of the brain involved

When you think of a place you have been to, can you picture it or see an image of it with your eyes closed? I would say that it is not really like "a TV in the head", the images in our imagination are usually not as clear or distinct.
And no, all I "see" is blackness. I have tried, and am able to see purple sometimes if I try but that is all. I actually don't mind though, I think it would be distracting otherwise as my mind never shuts off.
I can see while dreaming, pretty vividly actually. Just can't visualize anything at all while awake. Apparently it's different parts of the brain involved.
So you can’t sit here right now, close your eyes and see the Statue of Liberty on its pedestal in New York Harbor? I honestly spend possibly half my waking time picturing things. My fingers on a fretboard visualizing how parts of songs are played. That’s how I learn songs: I’m listening to the guitar and I’m picturing the chords and riffs in my mind. Eyes open and driving. I don’t think I could function without working things out in my head before trying to do something. When I draw, I have a picture in mind, I don’t just start drawing. I have to picture what I’m gonna draw first. That’s the only way I know how. As breathing is how the body functions: automatically, so it goes with visualization. It simply is how my brain works. It’s not a learned process, or even a conscious one.
So you can’t sit here right now, close your eyes and see the Statue of Liberty on its pedestal in New York Harbor? I honestly spend possibly half my waking time picturing things. My fingers on a fretboard visualizing how parts of songs are played. That’s how I learn songs: I’m listening to the guitar and I’m picturing the chords and riffs in my mind. Eyes open and driving. I don’t think I could function without working things out in my head before trying to do something. When I draw, I have a picture in mind, I don’t just start drawing. I have to picture what I’m gonna draw first. That’s the only way I know how. As breathing is how the body functions: automatically, so it goes with visualization. It simply is how my brain works. It’s not a learned process, or even a conscious one.
Same for me... 😉
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