Session 6 July 2024

All the details about the connection to the body is unknown to me, but I can think of 3 general cases where the connection to the body is lost, or if not that, then weakened.

(1) Near Death Experiences, where the body dies, the Soul departs, sometimes to a heaven-like place, and then returns to the body and the person 'comes back to life'. Do a YouTube search of NDEs, and you'll find many people speaking about their experiences. It is absolutely incredible. You can also read about it in books like Dying to be Me by Anita Moorjani. Or read the Afterlife thread:

(2) There are also Out of Body Experiences, where the soul (or spirit, I'm not sure) leaves the body, sometimes going far into distant realms, the future or the past. The spirit can see the body lying there, so presumably the connection is lost.

(3) Watching cable TV. That can snap you out of your body real quick!

Just kidding, the real number 3 is abductions, where the connection with the body is severed, the Soul is abducted, and taken to some 'alien' laboratory in 4D. The body is then re-grown, the soul is implanted into this clone body, and then apparently certain manipulations can be done in order to 'change the program' of the person in question. The soul is extracted again, carrying this new information of abuse, and then re-introduced to the body back on earth. This is what the C's refer to as TDARM - trans dimensional atomic remolecularization.

For all the variants of abductions, you can refer to this:
Didn't Laura have an out of body experience once where she saw her silver thread? My understanding is that if the silver thread is broken for any reason whilst the soul is having an out of body experience, it can't return to the body. I could be wrong though.

As to your last example, I assume this is what happened to Jordan Peterson when he was programmed during his coma?
Basically then, once the soul enters the silver cord/portal, the body dies. It seems that the soul is intimately connected to the body so another soul cannot use the body unless they are piggybacking on the original soul (meaning both souls are present.) However, there is the exception of walk-ins. In that case, there must be an agreement between the original soul and the walk-in soul. I would think that the original soul can enter the portal/silver cord when they choose, even if the body is still alive via attachment to life support, but as soon as the body is disconnected, it dies. Therefore, another soul cannot just take over the body. I do not know if this was ever covered by the C's. It is a good question. Perhaps the soul must remain attached to the body while it is still alive on life support. I see your confusion.
MJF, it was my understanding that a walk-in was a replacement of the original soul, not a sharing of the human by 2 souls. Am I wrong on my thought? I thought 2 souls present would be a possession.

I think a lot has to do with terminology. If a walk-in is a soul entering into an existing body, that's a general description. That body could have individuated soul, which would make it a case of possession I think.

Or the walk-in could happen to an OP, which I'd guess is the more common case. This could also be termed possession... although, depending on the OP, it may just be an acceleration of latent evil traits, and so not as overt as in the movie The Exorcist.

Or the walk-in could be a matter of a soul entering a freshly deceased body whose soul has left, as in the case of the secret underground army being 'recruited' by 4D STS. There's info on that in the sessions.

The more I read, the more I see that we live in quite an open system, so it's not easy to make hard and fast rules or definitions. Maybe someone else with more knowledge could chime in.

For instance, I have read that it's also possible for two souls to inhabit one body. Maybe more. It's also possible for a soul to incarnate in multiple bodies in multiple dimensions at once. And probably at multiple densities at once, cuz the C's mentioned that our soul is fractal, and exists in both a timeless state, and also a state that is bound in time and space.

It's also been said that a walk-in is not always negative - according to Ra, Abe Lincoln of all people was subject to a walk-in, but was inhabited by an STO soul, or perhaps, to quote Abe 'one of the better angels of our nature'.

26.17 Questioner: Thank you. Can you tell me where the entity that used Lincoln— Abraham’s— body what density he came from and where?

Ra: I am Ra. This entity was fourth-vibration.

35.6 Questioner: Thank you. Earlier we discussed Abraham Lincoln as a rather unique case. Is it possible for you to tell us what the orientation was and why the fourth-density being used Abraham’s body, and when this took place with respect to the activities that were occurring in our society at that time?

Ra: I am Ra. This is possible.

26.15 Questioner: Wondering if the one, Abraham Lincoln, could have possibly been a Wanderer?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. This entity was a normal, shall we say, Earth being which chose to leave the vehicle and allow an entity to use it on a permanent basis. This is relatively rare compared to the phenomenon of Wanderers.

You would do better considering the incarnations of Wanderers such as the one known as “Thomas,” the one known as “Benjamin.”

35.8 Questioner: Well in that case I would like to know the motivation for this use of Abraham Lincoln’s body at that time?

Ra: I am Ra. This shall be the last full query of this session as we find the instrument quite low in vital energies.

The one known as Abraham had an extreme difficulty in many ways and, due to physical, mental, and spiritual pain, was weary of life but without the orientation to self-destruction. In your time, 1853, this entity was contacted in sleep by a fourth-density being. This being was concerned with the battle between the forces of light and the forces of darkness which have been waged in fourth density for many of your years.

This entity accepted the honor/duty of completing the one known as Abraham’s karmic patterns and the one known as Abraham discovered that this entity would attempt those things which the one known as Abraham desired to do but felt it could not. Thus the exchange was made.

The entity, Abraham, was taken to a plane of suspension until the cessation of its physical vehicle much as though we of Ra would arrange with this instrument to remain in the vehicle, come out of the trance state, and function as this instrument, leaving this instrument’s mind and spirit complex in its suspended state.

The planetary energies at this time were at what seemed to this entity to be at a critical point, for that which you know as freedom had gained in acceptance as a possibility among many peoples. This entity saw the work done by those beginning the democratic concept of freedom, as you call it, in danger of being abridged or abrogated by the rising belief and use of the principle of the enslavement of entities. This is a negative concept of a fairly serious nature in your density. This entity, therefore, went forward into what it saw as the battle for the light, for healing of a rupture in the concept of freedom.

This entity did not gain or lose karma by these activities due to its detachment from any outcome. Its attitude throughout was one of service to others, more especially to the downtrodden or enslaved. The polarity of the individual was somewhat, but not severely, lessened by the cumulative feelings and thought-forms which were created due to large numbers of entities leaving the physical plane due to trauma of battle.
A friend of mine was involved some years ago in a serious road accident and ended up in a coma. He was put on life support. However, he said that he still remained aware of what was going on around him even whilst he was in the coma. This suggests that the soul may stick around even when the body is seemingly in a vegetative state. Fortunately, my friend made a full recovery in the end.​
You see, that's what I'm referring to. It's much more complicated than it seems. The connection of the soul to the body. A complex subject
Scary! Was the captured earthbound spirit forced to be a walk-in then?

Found the info after a bit of a search. Looks like the answer is yes:

There were things in Ryan's life which just did not seem to be right, fair, or just. As he repeated the phrase, his stomach began to tighten. He suddenly found himself in a past life, holding a dagger against his abdomen about to commit seppuku. It was the code of bushido, the honorable way to take his own life, and yet something was wrong.

As he plunged the dagger into his gut he sensed a vague and momentary awareness of the wrongness of this code which had led him to this act. In the next moment the attending second slashed downward with the sword in the prescribed and accepted manner of bushido and his head went rolling away.

As a spirit, Ryan surveyed the scene and he once again felt the fierce loyalty of the bushido code of honor. It was everything. It was more than sufficient reason to live and die.

As he moved back to explore the life, the details began to emerge. His father had been Shogun before being assassinated. His wife had been killed by the rival faction and a new Shogun had come to power. As son of the former Shogun he also was required to die and was given the choice to commit seppuku, or ritual suicide, in keeping with the code of bushido.

The second time through the death scene, he had a different sense of the meaning of his life. Suddenly, bushido seemed nonsensical, ridiculously structured, somehow comical, yet enormously tragic. He realized that he had loved his wife and family and that indeed love was, in truth, the only important element of life. A major realization, but just a little late for this samurai.

Again moving back into that lifetime, he discovered that his wife was part of the rival family. He and she had grown to love each other, yet she was still a part of the betrayal. Her family could not trust her any longer and had ordered her death. He died feeling rage at the betrayal-rage and hatred and the desire for revenge. This set the stage for the ensuing events.

He described the scene of his death without much emotion. He sensed two shadowy figures moving about in the distance. They came closer and he saw their forms more distinctly; each the size of a man, yet amorphous and dark, they were spirit, not physical. They addressed his rage and offered him the chance for revenge. They offered him re-embodiment, not in the form of reincarnation, but by possessing the body of the new Shogun's counselor.

The counselor was trusted and had constant access to the Shogun. This would afford the opportunity for revenge, which the young man desired. In return they requested his soul, of which he had little knowledge or need. He instantly accepted the offer. This was the pact with the devil, his descent into dark bondage by choice and by the power of his own word.

It was two weeks before the conditions were right for the counselor to be open and vulnerable to possession. There seemed to be a moment of fear or confusion. The spirit of the young man just went in and took over. He adjusted quickly to the situation, and perceived that the counselor and Shogun were walking and talking quietly in a garden setting. At first Ryan thought they were alone and it would be a simple matter of drawing his sword and killing the Shogun. With his hand on the sword he suddenly became aware of the retinue of samurai guards following them. As he drew the sword with the intention of dealing a death blow to the hated Shogun, the samurai reacted swiftly, and the counselor, in Ryan's words, looked like sliced salami.

Here are the classic elements of demonic infiltration. Ryan's hatred, rage, and desire for revenge acted like a magnet for the dark ones. They offered life which is a deception, as it is not theirs to give in any form.

The divine spark of life within all beings is a spark of the God Source, the only Source.

They cannot arrange or offer reincarnation options, as that lies only within the province of the Light. The offer of possessing another is doubly intrusive: it is a violation of the free will of the host, and also a deviation from the spiritual path and a karmic burden for the possessing spirit. Blinded by his rage, the newly deceased spirit of the samurai accepted the offer and mindlessly gave his soul in return. Even then, the revenge was not achieved. His foul desire was not fulfilled.

The contract is never honored. The dark ones never deliver what is promised. Herein lies the key to terminating the contract.

The child of Light, the human being, operates with perfect integrity and will continue to fulfill the promise to the darkness, whatever the nature of the promise. Because the dark ones never fulfill their part of the bargain, the contract becomes null and void and the lost soul, the earthbound spirit who made that bargain with the "devil," is free.

Ryan perceived this concept fully in the altered state, and was willing to reclaim dominion and his freedom. He made the words his own as he repeated the therapist's phrases:

Thank You for this very interesting session!

So it looks like we have a big clue about OP and perhaps this video shows person of this kind:
What’s fascinating is she talks about constructing sentences in the same way that generative AI large language models work. The technology doesn’t “think” per se but generates language by probabilities of best match to prior phrases and patterns etc. So it simulates a kind of inner decision making process, that would otherwise signal degrees of understanding in individuals by their command of articulating something that holds meaning.

This makes me wonder, if this is an attribute of being an OP, do those large existential questions such as what is the meaning of life even hold any weight in their life experience? For me, I can’t think of a time the question hasn’t motivated me in some way, shape of form.
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