Session 6 July 2024

According to the Cs, we do not do anything to enable a person's soul going to 5D.

@Eyes not closed you say you have read The Wave series, but from what you have written, I'm not so sure you have. If you have, you may want to read it again.
I appreciate your help and time. and yes, I had already read it and this excerpt from the session helped me a lot to understand at the time I read it. But it seems like I haven't made myself clear yet. Does it happen that when the silver cord is broken (detaches from the 3d body), bodily life ceases or continues as vegetative life? and then the central question arises: how do we know if the body is still inhabited by the soul or not? Notice that even the C's said it was a complex subject....
I appreciate your help and time. and yes, I had already read it and this excerpt from the session helped me a lot to understand at the time I read it. But it seems like I haven't made myself clear yet. Does it happen that when the silver cord is broken, bodily life ceases or continues as vegetative life? and then the central question arises: how do we know if the body is still inhabited by the soul or not?

The silver cord can't be broken, it seems:

Q: (L) Now, the question has arisen that, since other dimensional beings have the ability to kidnap or abduct or forcibly extract souls, do they also have the capability of manipulating our soul essences after they have left our bodies during the transition to fifth density?

A: Not correct.

Q: (L) They do not?

A: No, you see when your physical body expires, and you enter fifth density, this is done one way and one way only: by passing through a conduit which opens specifically for the purpose of transference from third density to fifth density. Now, something often referred to in your terminology as a silver thread, is like a closed line which opens when this conduit is needed. That's rather awkward, but it's the only way to describe it. So that when the physical body terminates, this line is opened forming a conduit through which the soul passes naturally. However, part of the existence of this conduit is that it is absolutely impenetrable by any force from any density level. Therefore, souls in the process of transferring from third density to fifth density are not in any way able to be molested or tampered with. And it should be mentioned here, also, that the soul imprint of the physical body always has a connection to fifth density and that is through the so-called "silver thread." That always exists as the third density soul's doorway to fifth density. It can be opened at a moment's notice whenever needed. When it is opened it becomes a conduit. Through that conduit the soul passes. And it is not subject to interference by anything. This is not a deliberate construction, it is merely the natural process similar to what could be described as the protection mechanisms existing on second level density for creatures which are not capable of protecting themselves through their own conscious thought processes. For example, your turtle is contained within a shell that protects it. That shell is impenetrable by any natural forces, therefore nothing that is natural can harm that turtle. However, the same can exist for any creature when it is connected by the silver thread to fifth density. Once it is passing through the conduit produced by the opening of the silver thread, then, of course, it cannot be tampered with. Do you understand?

Q: (L) Yes, but why do so many souls, when they leave the body, not traverse this conduit, and why do they stay earthbound, and why do they attach to other bodies? Why does this condition exist?

A: That is a complicated question, however the best answer is choice is involved there for those souls who wish not to leave the plane of third density. The only possibility to do this is to be detached from the now expired physical body but still be within the third density plane, which, of course, is not natural, but nonetheless can occur. In situations such as this, though it has been incorrectly reported, the silver thread is still attached and still remains a thread rather than a conduit. The soul is still attached to the silver thread but detached from the host body which has now expired. So the effect is very similar to being consciously aware of third density surroundings without a third density unit to accompany. Do you understand?

Q: (L) Yes. Okay...

A: Also, please be aware of the fact that once the soul leaves the confines of the physical body, the illusion of time passage is no longer apparent even when the soul remains on the third density plane. Therefore, it appears to that soul that no time whatsoever has passed. And, we mention this merely for you to contemplate all of the various meanings behind this.

So the thread itself cannot be broken. But if a deceased spirit doesn't enter it willingly and go to the light, they can become an earthbound ghost - or can be captured by 4D STS and used in all kinds of ways.
Thought the Quorum STO/STS mix, where two haves of whole meet, blend. And the C's said they are regularly in contact with the Quorum. It's in the transcripts 16th October 1994, 25th October 1994 and 12th November 1994. And It's all quite confusing sometimes lol!
I agree that it is all quite confusing at times. The C's also dragged the Freemasons into the picture as "overseers" of the "status of quorum" (which suggests achieving some sort of balance). However, the C's also said that the Masons are the low level branch of the Illuminati (who are clearly STS orientated):
Q: (L) Is the Quorum composed of members who are humans on this planet?

A: Partly. [MJF: the C's subsequently added that the Quorum were mostly alien and the Illuminati were mostly human.]

Q: (L) Would we know any of them as well-known figures?

A: Hidden. None you would know.

Q: (L) How is the Quorum important in regard to the Earth changes?

A: Watchers.

Q: (L) Why is it important to have watchers?

A: Keep track of prophecies.

Q: (L) How do the Masons relate to the Illuminati?

A: Masons are low level branch.

Then there is the mysterious enclave of alchemists based somewhere in the Pyrenees, who apparently are linked with the Quorum in some way:

Session 16 October 1994:
Q: (L) Is it true that there is an enclave of alchemists that live somewhere in the Pyrenees...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is this the group that you referred to as "The Quorum" in a previous session?

A: Partly.

Q: (L) Do these alchemists use this power as talked about by David Hudson to enhance their longevity and their physical health?

A: And to control.
MJF: Which is suggestive of an STS orientation]

Session 24 September 1995:

Q: (L) Okay, square one: Is the quorum composed of humans who have been alchemists, who are presently in possession of a substance called "the elixir of life" and which David Hudson calls "monoatomic gold?"

A: And much, much more! Monoatomic gold is but one minor issue here. Why get lead astray by focusing upon it solely. It would be akin to focusing on the fact that "Batman" can fly! Is that the only important thing that "Batman" does in the story? Is it?

Q: (L) Of course not! (R) Batman fights crime!

A: What we mean is that alchemy is but one minor piece of the puzzle.

I would add here that the true meaning of "alchemy" was always the transformation of the person not the transformation of base metal into gold. By transformation of the person, I think we are talking here of transitioning from 3rd density to 4th density. Thus, I would suggest that the alchemists in this enclave in the Pyrenees are people who have made this transition and are now at 4th density and can therefore participate in the Quorum with its alien members when they meet at 4th density. This group of alchemists may contain within their ranks the likes of Nicolas Flamel, Sir Francis Bacon and Fulcanelli, all of whom should be long dead. However, I strongly suspect that it may have been members of the Knights Templar Order who founded this enclave since members of that order were known to be skilled practitioners in alchemy and they had a very strong presence on both sides of the Pyrenees, which survived even after their suppression in 1314 AD. The C's have confirmed that the Templars discovered the secrets of the Kaballah (including alchemy) before they went underground post their suppression:
A: Dissolved?!? We think not! They merely went "underground."

Q: Is that literally or figuratively?

A: Why not both?

Q: Well, there are Templar organizations that some Mason's claim to be in contact with.

A: And where do you suppose these are?

Q: Underground?

A: Bingo!

Q: Okay. The Templars were formed in Jerusalem. They were there for quite a while with no record of doing any of the things that the group supposedly intended to do. There are a lot of rumours... what were they doing in Jerusalem?

A: Templars held the secret of levitation. [MJF: Antigravity]

Q: Is this something... and I am talking about the 9 guys in Jerusalem... did they discover some document in Jerusalem that gave them this secret?

A: Yes.

Q: And is this how they were able to get so much support from certain royal houses and so forth?

A: It is time for you to study Kaballah again, but be careful!!

As to the potential powers of the alchemist, the C's made an interesting observation on this in the session dated 23 August 2014:​

Q: (trendsetter37) So while we were discussing FRV, and some of the notes from the past couple of months including from Pierre's book and other associated material, I got the idea that all matter has an EM frequency. Could you reverse that by applying a different EM frequency, as in adding information in the form of EM frequency to manipulate the matter - or even create matter?

A: Of course. It is called "alchemy." The question is: What is the method?

Q: (Pierre) Yes, that's the question: What is the method? [laughter]

(L) That's the question?

(Pierre) No, that's my question.

A: Refer to Einstein and back engineer the necessary energies needed.
[MJF: N.B. a TDARM would be capable of doing this.]

(trendsetter37) That's interesting because that was the... Back engineering...

(L) I think what they're saying is back engineering in terms of reversing the process. It's kind of stated in E=mc^2.

(Pierre) Like an atomic bomb. Matter produces energy. But here, it's a reverse process: it's energy that produces matter. But how, I dunno.

However, the C's also made an interesting observation in this same session about an earlier [police] shooting in the USA that could now be relevant to Trump's assassination attempt and whether or not it may be a marker revealing that people are finally waking up:
(Menrva) I wanted to ask about Ferguson, Missouri. We wanted to know if the events there were a marker?

A: Not a marker per se, it was an opportunity.

Q: (Perceval) It was an opportunity for people to wake up, see what's going on, and take action. But they didn't. It was a missed opportunity by the people.

(L) Yeah.

A: The killing will continue until even the "silent majority" find their voice. They were silent at the exposure of Ferguson and many previous incidents. But notice that the anger is still building and psychopaths always miscalculate.

Q: (Pierre) That's a message of hope. There will be a reaction eventually.

(Perceval) They'll miscalculate in that they'll allow the killing to continue, and they don't realize that there's a breaking point where there's a string of murders, just killing people gratuitously in the street, and that will trigger large percentage of people...

(Andromeda) Something will break...

(Perceval) And that's what they can't budget for because they're psychopaths. All of these shootings by cops are the result of the ponerization of America and the influx of psychopaths into society and into positions of power; more ordinary psychopaths, the only place they can get power is the police force; so, they flood the police forces because they're not smart enough to be politicians. Then they get guns and start shooting people. That's not part of their plan. I mean, I don't think they're trying to incite revolution by killing people. It's just a function of psychopaths in the police force doing what they do. It's going to be a war between them and ordinary people.

(Andromeda) It'll be like in V for Vendetta.

A: Psychopaths see these events as reasons to impose more controls, but that only results in more pressure and more anger, which will reach in a global tipping point.
[MJF: Interestingly, Joe Biden made a speech in Texas today calling for the outlawing of the rifle type that Thomas Crooks used to shoot Trump.]

Q: (Pierre) Doesn't it mean national or international revolt?

A: "Tipping points" can be other than human initiated actions.

Q: (Pierre) Cosmic reactions.

(L) Yeah.

(Perceval) Earth changes.

As to Earth changes, I note that a meteor was seen streaking over the Statue of Liberty in New York today. See: MSN

Downtown Manhattan is, of course, the centre of America's banking system, which is controlled by the Illuminati. Perhaps this meteor was therefore an omen and a sign of more to come. We shall see.​
The silver cord can't be broken, it seems:

So the thread itself cannot be broken. But if a deceased spirit doesn't enter it willingly and go to the light, they can become an earthbound ghost - or can be captured by 4D STS and used in all kinds of ways.
Sorry my mistake, it really can't be broken, I meant when the connection to the 3d body is lost. Does it occurs only by death of the 3d body or the body might still be viable in a vegetative state when that connection is lost?
I appreciate your intervention as I am skeptical about divine interventions, the zendar council and similar things stated by the Cs Although it may be possible but I do not believe it there is not enough evidence so I leave it in "possibility" because there is no way to check and validate it as they are issues of the imaginative, metaphysical, etc..
Is there any level above the Zendar council of 6 d? Of course there could be in the 7 density since from there everything is possible but following the Cs line or perspective.
Because of what happened with Trump
Thank you for clarifying things for me. I have no issue with your scepticism over the Zendar Council as this is not something we can prove for ourselves, unlike many other things the C's have told us down the years. My reference to divine intervention in Trump's survival is merely speculation on my part, although, as I said before, Trump believes this himself.

Curiously, the C's were not the only ones to mention the Zendar Council as it came up in the Ra channellings. In that case, Ra even spoke of having to go to the Zendar Council to ask their approval for some mission (he/they) wished to launch on Earth. Perhaps someone familiar with the Ra material can dig out the relevant session where Ra spoke of this. I have to admit that when I originally read this many years ago (before I discovered the C's), it made me wonder whether the Ra channel, who admitted to coming from the planet Venus and was therefore an alien by definition, may have been behind the identity of the Egyptian sun-god Ra, who supplanted the god Ptah as the supreme deity of the ancient Egyptians. Could this have been part of the mission the Ra channel spoke of or was the correspondence of the name "Ra" just coincidental? Many ancient alien theorists believe that the gods of Egypt (the Ennead) were in fact aliens, which might bear this point out. Indeed, I am preparing an article at the moment, which argues that Seti I built his Temple of Abydos as a reaffirmation of his belief in the ancient gods of Egypt, including Ra, after the reign of the monotheistic Pharaoh Akhenaten who instituted the worship of the sole god Aten and abolished the worship of the ancient gods. It seems that Seti I even claimed to have had direct contact with these gods at Abydos, which makes me wonder whether there was a portal located there. This is all conjecture on my part of course.​
The silver cord can't be broken, it seems:

So the thread itself cannot be broken. But if a deceased spirit doesn't enter it willingly and go to the light, they can become an earthbound ghost - or can be captured by 4D STS and used in all kinds of ways.
It is a complex subject though since you have the thorny issue of the souls of military personnel who are killed in action (KIA's) and are then reanimated by aliens in duplicate bodies:
Q: (L) OK, now, you said a moment ago that some of these bodies were used as receptacles, soul receptacles. When you say soul receptacles, do you mean soul receptacles for whom?

A: Replacements for dead bodies, i.e. duplicated.

Q: (L) So, in other words, they make replacements for dead people and put their souls in a replacement body, so that they can continue living on, is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Do they ever use dead bodies and re-animate them and then put other souls in them?

A: No.

Q: (T): Now, wait now, you're saying some of them... I'm lost now. (TK) Is there a limit to how long they can be dead? (L) They make...

A: For example: a soldier is KIA, his body is duplicated, his soul is replaced into new body, then he is "reprogrammed for service" to aliens and S.G.
[MJF: Secret Government]

Q: (L) Where does the new body coming from? (TK) Cloned, basically. (SV) I would think so...

A: It is duplicate of old body.

Q: (T) Where do they get the duplicate? (L) Where do they get the material for the duplicate? I know that's a dumb question, I know the answer.


Q: (L) OK, that's it. (J) It's in the air, same thing. [TDARM is Trans Dimensional Atomic ReMolecularization] (T) Otherwise known in Star Trek as a 'Replicator'. (TK) Does somebody have to die in a certain way before they can do this?

A: No.

A: (TK): Is there a time limit on how long they can be dead?

A: No.

I assume the aliens intercept these KIA souls before they go into the light? Having suffered a violent and sudden death, they may well be confused souls who are vulnerable to capture.
And then you have "Walk-ins" but that is a whole other topic.
It is a complex subject though since you have the thorny issue of the souls of military personnel who are killed in action (KIA's) and are then reanimated by aliens in duplicate bodies:
Q: (L) OK, now, you said a moment ago that some of these bodies were used as receptacles, soul receptacles. When you say soul receptacles, do you mean soul receptacles for whom?

A: Replacements for dead bodies, i.e. duplicated.

Q: (L) So, in other words, they make replacements for dead people and put their souls in a replacement body, so that they can continue living on, is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Do they ever use dead bodies and re-animate them and then put other souls in them?

A: No.

Q: (T): Now, wait now, you're saying some of them... I'm lost now. (TK) Is there a limit to how long they can be dead? (L) They make...

A: For example: a soldier is KIA, his body is duplicated, his soul is replaced into new body, then he is "reprogrammed for service" to aliens and S.G. [MJF: Secret Government]

Q: (L) Where does the new body coming from? (TK) Cloned, basically. (SV) I would think so...

A: It is duplicate of old body.

Q: (T) Where do they get the duplicate? (L) Where do they get the material for the duplicate? I know that's a dumb question, I know the answer.


Q: (L) OK, that's it. (J) It's in the air, same thing. [TDARM is Trans Dimensional Atomic ReMolecularization] (T) Otherwise known in Star Trek as a 'Replicator'. (TK) Does somebody have to die in a certain way before they can do this?

A: No.

A: (TK): Is there a time limit on how long they can be dead?

A: No.

I assume the aliens intercept these KIA souls before they go into the light? Having suffered a violent and sudden death, they may well be confused souls who are vulnerable to capture.
And then you have "Walk-ins" but that is a whole other topic.

Yeah, it's a jungle out there - earthbound spirits (souls who haven't gone into the light) can also be weaponized by 4D STS in other ways. IIRC, it was in Baldwin's Spirit Releasement Therapy there is an account of a captured earthbound spirit being forcibly attached to living souled being by dark forces.
My grandmother's sister and her coal miner husband visited us some 35 years ago. As we are walking home - he spots a slummy local inn and assertively steps in to get a strong alcoholic drink - so he is now extra energized and we are walking home.. Every time he wanted to say something, he had to stop walking, started gesticulating in a lively manner, while expressing his thoughts - via engaging the motor area of his brain. So we waited, until he finished speaking his mind. Every time. Boy, he was talkative! Walking and thinking AND talking - all at once - seemed impossible for him. Sir, no can do!

It might say something about people who must always speak their minds. There is an appropriate time to speak your mind, but if you have to do it because there is no other option . . . it makes one think!
Yeah, it's a jungle out there - earthbound spirits (souls who haven't gone into the light) can also be weaponized by 4D STS in other ways. IIRC, it was in Baldwin's Spirit Releasement Therapy there is an account of a captured earthbound spirit being forcibly attached to living souled being by dark forces.
Scary! Was the captured earthbound spirit forced to be a walk-in then?
Basically then, once the soul enters the silver cord/portal, the body dies. It seems that the soul is intimately connected to the body so another soul cannot use the body unless they are piggybacking on the original soul (meaning both souls are present.) However, there is the exception of walk-ins. In that case, there must be an agreement between the original soul and the walk-in soul. I would think that the original soul can enter the portal/silver cord when they choose, even if the body is still alive via attachment to life support, but as soon as the body is disconnected, it dies. Therefore, another soul cannot just take over the body. I do not know if this was ever covered by the C's. It is a good question. Perhaps the soul must remain attached to the body while it is still alive on life support. I see your confusion.
MJF, it was my understanding that a walk-in was a replacement of the original soul, not a sharing of the human by 2 souls. Am I wrong on my thought? I thought 2 souls present would be a possession.
Now Joe Biden is diagnosed with Covid. What good timing with the Democrat convention due next month. See: Biden tests positive for Covid hours after remarks about dropping out of race

PRESIDENT Joe Biden, 81, has tested positive for Covid-19 just hours after he said he'd only consider dropping out of the presidential race if he was diagnosed with a medical condition that prevented his run.

Biden was more than an hour and a half late for a scheduled appearance at the annual UnidosUS conference in Las Vegas, Nevada on Wednesday before the organization announced his diagnosis.

Is this the end for Joe?
Basically then, once the soul enters the silver cord/portal, the body dies. It seems that the soul is intimately connected to the body so another soul cannot use the body unless they are piggybacking on the original soul (meaning both souls are present.) However, there is the exception of walk-ins. In that case, there must be an agreement between the original soul and the walk-in soul. I would think that the original soul can enter the portal/silver cord when they choose, even if the body is still alive via attachment to life support, but as soon as the body is disconnected, it dies. Therefore, another soul cannot just take over the body. I do not know if this was ever covered by the C's. It is a good question. Perhaps the soul must remain attached to the body while it is still alive on life support. I see your confusion.
A friend of mine was involved some years ago in a serious road accident and ended up in a coma. He was put on life support. However, he said that he still remained aware of what was going on around him even whilst he was in the coma. This suggests that the soul may stick around even when the body is seemingly in a vegetative state. Fortunately, my friend made a full recovery in the end.​
Sorry my mistake, it really can't be broken, I meant when the connection to the 3d body is lost. Does it occurs only by death of the 3d body or the body might still be viable in a vegetative state when that connection is lost?

All the details about the connection to the body is unknown to me, but I can think of 3 general cases where the connection to the body is lost, or if not that, then weakened.

(1) Near Death Experiences, where the body dies, the Soul departs, sometimes to a heaven-like place, and then returns to the body and the person 'comes back to life'. Do a YouTube search of NDEs, and you'll find many people speaking about their experiences. It is absolutely incredible. You can also read about it in books like Dying to be Me by Anita Moorjani. Or read the Afterlife thread:

(2) There are also Out of Body Experiences, where the soul (or spirit, I'm not sure) leaves the body, sometimes going far into distant realms, the future or the past. The spirit can see the body lying there, so presumably the connection is lost.

(3) Watching cable TV. That can snap you out of your body real quick!

Just kidding, the real number 3 is abductions, where the connection with the body is severed, the Soul is abducted, and taken to some 'alien' laboratory in 4D. The body is then re-grown, the soul is implanted into this clone body, and then apparently certain manipulations can be done in order to 'change the program' of the person in question. The soul is extracted again, carrying this new information of abuse, and then re-introduced to the body back on earth. This is what the C's refer to as TDARM - trans dimensional atomic remolecularization.

For all the variants of abductions, you can refer to this:

(Approaching Infinity) 1) In past sessions, you have said there are six types of abduction, but only three have been discussed in any real detail. First, there is alpha state induction, aka ‘level 3’ abduction - remote manipulation while conscious or dreaming. Second is the soul duplication or ‘virtual reality’ abduction - soul imprint is extracted via TDARM, body copied in 4D, then soul reinserted into 3D body. And third is physical abduction, where the 3D body gets removed to 4D via TDARM.

(L) I don't know if it was necessarily that the 3D body was removed to 4D via TDARM. I think it was removed to 4D just, you know, out and out, plain as... Are you sure about that distinction?

(Approaching Infinity) Well, in the Missing 411 cases, which by context seem to be considered permanent abductions, there's been talk of the remolecularization process and crossing dimensional boundaries. So, I'm making an assumption that that is at least one of those types where it's removed into 4D.

(L) Okay, let's ask, okay, he says the third is physical abduction where the 3D body gets removed to 4D by a TDARM. Is that what happens?

A: No.

Q: (L) What happens?

A: 3D body taken to 4D.

Q: (L) And no TDARM involved. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, no TDARM is involved in that third type of abduction, but they do use technology to remove people. I mean, they open portals, pull 'em through a portal, so to speak, something like that?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And they have, like, tractor beams and stuff?

A: Yes

Q: (L) But they don't have to disassemble 'em?

A: No

Q: (Approaching Infinity) A couple other possible variations are mentioned in the sessions, mostly based on the MIA/KIA discussion. First there is reanimation, where the soul is picked up prior to going to 5D and reinserted into the reanimated body. Second is body duplication/cloning, which resembles reanimation, except a new, replacement body is created. And the third might be a strictly 3D abduction, for example, where the physical body enters a 4D area without TDARM, like when one enters or is taken to an underground base. Are these accurate?

A: Close enough!

Q: (Approaching Infinity) Why is alpha-state induction considered an abduction, which implies some part of us is taken? Did ‘level 3’ just mean it takes place strictly in 3D?

A: Abduction there refers to consciousness.

Q: (L) So, they're just taking your consciousness, is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (Approaching Infinity) In the Missing 411 cases, in which bright, athletic men go missing and turn up dead in water, there is medical evidence that many of them were alive for much of the time they were missing, and only died shortly before their bodies were found. What happened to them during the time they were alive, which sometimes lasted days or several weeks?

A: Food source.

Q: (L) Well, they weren't eaten.

A: Emotional food. Also breeding experiments.
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