Session 6 July 2024

When do we have a "permission" to break the silver thred or conduit of a person so the soul can go to the 5th density and be freed of the body, without gaining karma for doing this. i.e: a doctor that unconnected the life support of vegetative state person, where the conduit is still connected to the body.... I have a Gurdjieff book, but it's not those you've mentioned. Appreciate your time, thank you
I have a few more Gurdjieff and Ouspensky books that I didn't list.

I think by the example you gave, you have the ability to answer your question about "causing" death without incurring karmic debt. Maybe you just need to have a little more faith in the knowledge you've acquired and your ability to apply it in life.

I do not like this system of "many must die and all perish in order to gain consciousness", it is the way.
I understand.
it is said Ra’s material is a mix of truth and fiction
The C's gave accuracy percentage numbers to both the Ra material (63% accurate) and the C's session transcripts (71.7% accurate). As you can see, the difference is not that big.

This is from the December 31, 1997 session:
Q: Good. Now, at some point you said when we asked about the Ra Material, you gave the number that it was 63 per cent accurate. Do you confirm this now?

A: Yes.


Q: Is there some issue about asking this question of accuracy that needs to be addressed? One main thing is: the presence of certain persons. Some sessions were more accurate than others depending upon who was present...

A: You got it!!!

Q: Therefore, it would be difficult to assess an accuracy rating for the C's themselves...

A: Bingo!

Q: But, we CAN assess the material itself, keeping in mind that some parts can be more accurate than others...

A: 71.7.

Q: Okay, that takes into account corruption from different people, typos, reconstruction, and so forth. And, the same applies to the Ra Material...
In my opinion and based on what has been said above about the Quorum, it is very possible that the groups assembled there changed the outcome of the event to create the balance sought through creating a new timeline or program change as mentioned by the Cs

In an action that we cannot thoroughly understand from our 3D perspective the Quorum allowed the opposing team to go to the ultimate consequences which was the shooting, it did not violate the free will of those but neither did it allow Trump's free will to be violated, because he like all of us, has a contract/mission prior to reincarnation. And if the Quorum are by nature Prophecy Watchers this attempt on life was a no,no!

I recall something the psychic Joni Patry said that several astrologers, upon reading Trump's birth chart, found that he was destined to be president.

And the same can also be said of Thomas Matthew Crooks and Trump supporter Corey Comperatore who took the fatal shots. One can only imagine the contract clause that would read something like "I will die for you, for my family"

Is there a new timeline or did the one prior to the 2021 fraud resume?

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I'll use what Joe wrote on social networks to illustrate the old Timeline

So in this timeline there is no balance but a continuation of the geopolitical, economic, social and ecological imbalance aggravated since the events of 9/11.

I don't know what the new timeline has in store for us, however, from what the Cs have told us we can speculate that for balance there will be plays and counterplays, for every action there is a reaction.

And I will use what seers, astrologers, remote viewers and orhers say will happen in the future.

● Trump becomes President but faces a planned economic crash. The situation is dire. Possibly he will be blamed for the economic disaster in the West.

Earth changes test humanity. "Many more trials coming in place after place. It takes a lot to awaken a dumbed down population. Many will not survive" said the Cs

● Rebirth. Trump had the following thoughts about the future.

But Trump is wrong, for just as there will be no globalists there will be no Patriots loyal to a nation but souls loyal to a vibration experiencing a new reality yet Trump will have accomplished his mission.​
I tend to favour a new time line. It was almost miraculous how Trump turned his head at the very last moment to look at the video screen, thus avoiding a direct head shot that would have certainly killed him. Apparently, he very rarely takes his gaze off the crowd when speaking but did so in this instance. Could 7th Density (divine intervention) have intervened directly in this case as they have done for Laura on occasions? Trump certainly believes so.

As to Trump facing a planned economic crash as soon as he takes office, that is certainly a strong likelihood and would only repeat how he was saddled with Covid during his first term of office by the PTB. More worryingly though, could he be saddled with a global conflict should the war mongers on Capitol Hill and in the Pentagon deliberately provoke the Russians by more overt, direct US and NATO interventions in the Ukraine War. Already Putin holds the USA directly responsible for the recent missile attack (a US missile) on a beach in the Crimea, which saw multiple civilian casualties. Similarly, it was a US missile that recently took out an arms storage base within Russia itself. Who was responsible for the targeting of these missiles? Was it really the Ukrainians?

The PTB realise that Trump, once in office, will put intense pressure on Zelensky (assuming he is still in power next January) to enter into peace negotiations with the Russians. I recall that the C's said in a recent session that the PTB wish to use America's waning military and economic power whilst it is still available to them. Hence, could they go for broke by stoking a global conflict between the West and Russia and possibly China too (whose troops are currently exercising in Belarus - Chinese Troops Kick Off Joint ‘Anti-Terrorism’ Exercise in Belarus, Opposite NATO’s Eastern Border), which may also draw in Iran (whose president was just assassinated by the CIA) and North Korea. Reflecting on the role of the Quorum as Watchers who keep track of prophecies, could they seriously be considering fulfilling the biblical Armageddon or End of Days prophecies - "Nations shall rise against nations" etc? Such a conflict would certainly fit in with the idea of a re-run or repeat performance of the end of the Atlantean Empire.
A: You are dancing on the 3rd density ballroom floor. “Alice likes to go through the looking glass” at the Crystal Palace. Atlantean reincarnation surge brings on the urge to have a repeat performance.

Q: (T) The Atlanteans who have reincarnated are getting ready to do the same thing they did before with the crystals. So this is an Atlantean type thing that is being done now? Different equipment, but the same type of thing?

A: All lessons must be learned before you can move on to bigger and better things.

Q: (L) Is that a general statement about the Atlanteans repeating the lessons, or that once we learn this lesson, we can move on to bigger and better things in counteracting this grid.

A: All that is present and future too.

This begs a question though? We know of the Quorum's role but how does this predominantly alien group's actions/decisions interact with the role of another group the C's have mentioned and that is the 6th density Zendar Council, which apparently is based within the rings of the planet Saturn and was also described by the C's as being a "Two cycle exchangers mission":

Q: (L) What is the Zendar Council?

A: Zendar Council is a sixth level density council which spans both physical and ethereal realms and which oversees dramatic development points at various civilizational sectors in lower density levels.

Are we not fast approaching such a dramatic development point?
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