Session 6 July 2024

Cs answered a few months ago.
Thank you for this - this gives more clarity.

Would be interesting to find out why there is amnesia and reincarnation from 5D to 3D and why there is no Amnesia from 5D to 3D

Also regarding the soul/conciousness how does one move beyond the 5D reincarnation to lower density system?

I know that the being/soul/conciousness has more abilities in 4D however it is a physical existence and I believe the C’s are in 6D on the other side of 5D
Hello guys,
I can't understand why anyone would want to have clues as to who is an OP ????,
I kind of see this as more like what makes an OP tick. Or what differentiates a souled individual from an OP. That seems worthwhile. As for a benefit of clues, I wouldn’t want to marry an OP if I could help it, I suppose but I don’t think people are trying to be able to say “Ahah!” And point and screech like Donald Sutherlin in Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

We are all evolving souls and there’s a lot to learn but I think I get your point. IOW, why not more focusing on what makes a souled machine tick vs a totally mechanical one? Or how to become a better souled individual? Perhaps by being less mechanical and that’s where looking at OP’s comes in. Our own programming can be seen in an OP without the delusions and clutter of a soul and a mind. So that’s another reason to look.

all this discussion about inner dialogue is sterile from my point of view, I find the subject divisive, everything that should be avoided.
Dialogue is dialogue whether inner or outer. Sterile is subjective but TBH I’m not super into OP analysis either, but I enjoy the work everyone is doing with it. I think of that as networking. Everyone contributes where and when they are inspired, have knowledge or questions or are triggered. (Lol)

From an STO perspective people should be free to discuss what they want. (Paul did have a tendency to be a bit of a mother hen but he was trying to lead his flock and teach them wisdom with the highest intentions. So, He gets a pass!)
The C's have asked us to take inspiration from Saint Paul's letter to the Corinthians, to read it again and again to imprint it on our minds. If we don't have love, we're worthless,
I kind of get where you’re coming from, I think. Better to work on the logs in our own eyes rather than analyzing the eyeballs that contain no light. Yes?
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