Vaccine vibes

I noticed that a few people were ill a few days after, one of them even mentioned "not feeling normal" for a week. But for the most part, in my personal experience, they all seem like themselves after a while.

Those who eagerly got it, remained as they were and probably felt better about themselves, and those who "I guess I'll get it because I want to travel" had a rougher time but eventually have been back to their regular selves.

I think a lot of the reaction to it has to do with our attitude going in for the jab. Even if opposed and seeing through some of the fallacies, creating a scenario where getting the shot is a total defeat, can have deep impacts on one's emotional state and thus on one's physical well being, me thinks.
Not a significant sample but I haven't noticed any clear differences between injected and sane per se, but who knows it could become more apparent with time if there is anything substantial to it. However, among colleagues and collaborators, I noticed a decline in cognitive abilities among those who have taken the covid propaganda to heart. It might be related to the sustained state of fear and hysteria that consumes one from the inside, in addition to the willful belief in lies despite all the evidence in front of one's eyes, and somehow an abdication of freewill.

Same with Smart Phones.

Several people I know who got the jab were either sick or REALLY sick for a few days, but after a week or two seemed to have recovered back to their old selves.

Nobody is a dead-eyed zombie, or limping now or gasping for breath.

It's enough to make me wonder if concerns about all the many toxic vectors we've learned about over the years are founded on anything other than fantasy. These people sling their cell phones and took their arm pokes and they seem no different than before.

In fact, I've been wondering about this a fair bit lately. -And I've realized a couple of things...

The first being that, deep down, I KNOW I'm WAY more plugged in and aware of the world that most of the people around me. In fact, back in grade school, I'd decided that most of the other kids were dangerously stupid animals who needed to be carefully glad-handled just to make sure I didn't get hurt by one or more of them going off.

As we got older, those kids somewhat grew out of their dangerously stupid monkey phase, but I think that just as much, I became an expert in glad-handling dangerous zoo animals to the point where it has become second nature. -I have even came to like them and appreciate their company, but if I really had to be honest, I'd say that I was the smartest, most evolved person in nearly any room (zoo cage). I don't think much of the mental capacity of my human peers, or their knowledge structures or political awareness. In fact, I find I have to self-edit around most people just to avoid trouble or tearing the fragile social fabric. I've been faking it so long that I can even forget for stretches that I'm doing it.


I encounter one of my GOOD friends! My REAL friends! -People who don't need to be carefully managed in order for me to feel safe around, (or to prevent from hurting themselves or others). People who are full of light and energy and easy laughter, who are loyal and giving and are just.., fine, wonderful people!

And while many of them do carry smart phones, none of them have had the jab.

(Though, if I'm still being perfectly honest, I'm pretty sure I'm sharper, more informed and less confused than even my favorite among them. I do tend to put that down to my avoiding EM fuzz, but I can't be certain. And anyway, I'm far from being fully clear in the head all the time myself. You can almost see the various weights people carry which bog their souls down. Some weights are temporary and others are more ingrained...)

Anyway, in conclusion...

While I've not noticed any significant decay in most people's immediate behavior or health as a result of the jab, I can say that they're just as hapless and ignorant, as 'silly hobbit' as ever. (I am not overstating this. The lack of self awareness I encounter almost daily is utterly comical.)

So, I wonder... Perhaps the performance of daily public presence simply doesn't take that much to energy or mental capacity to keep running. Perhaps a front can be maintained even while serious deterioration is in progress under the surface?

Maybe the effect pattern is not one which we were expecting but is happening elsewhere, in some other way? In any case, it's still early. Many people haven't had their second jab yet.
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In fact, back in grade school, I'd decided that most of the other kids were dangerously stupid animals who needed to be carefully glad-handled just to make sure I didn't get hurt by one or more of them going off.
Very few people stay sane after passing through the meat grinder known as "school."
It would be interesting to compare the mental capacity of Kid A with Kid B.

Kid A:
  • has never been vaccinated.
  • has been shielded from EM radiation since birth.
  • has eaten healthy foods his whole life.
Kid B:
  • has been vaccinated repeatedly for many diseases since birth.
  • has been bathing in EM radiation since birth.
  • has been exposed to toxic foods since birth.
Although Kid A may be hard/impossible to find, I would be curious to see the "dumbing" factor.

So, I wonder... Perhaps the performance of daily public presence simply doesn't take that much to energy or mental capacity to keep running. Perhaps a front can be maintained even while serious deterioration is in progress under the surface?

Maybe the effect pattern is not one which we were expecting but is happening elsewhere, in some other way? In any case, it's still early. Many people haven't had their second jab yet.
It looks like things are setting up for a sudden "drop" while the frog is being cooked.
Very few people stay sane after passing through the meat grinder known as "school."
It would be interesting to compare the mental capacity of Kid A with Kid B.

Kid A:
  • has never been vaccinated.
  • has been shielded from EM radiation since birth.
  • has eaten healthy foods his whole life.
Kid B:
  • has been vaccinated repeatedly for many diseases since birth.
  • has been bathing in EM radiation since birth.
  • has been exposed to toxic foods since birth.
Although Kid A may be hard/impossible to find, I would be curious to see the "dumbing" factor.

It looks like things are setting up for a sudden "drop" while the frog is being cooked.
At what point does a creature go from being a Live and Kicking Frog to a Motionless Stew Morsel? There has to be a specific moment when the beeping machine finally flatlines and you can definitely call it. When even the frog probably clues in (to being on the 'Wrong Side of History'. Whups!)

My guess is that the vax is not meant to genocide the world, and that any deaths really are unfortunate side-effects. The vax is meant to control the livestock.

Maximum energy transfer from 3D to 4D "harvesting" the vast pool of energy the Earth represents, happens through systematic torment of its populace. Mass death through poison seems like the wrong way of achieving this.

My guess is that the vax will cause people to just have to carry an extra load on their backs, dulling down thinking and awareness a bit more to increase pliability.

The C's also said that the virus had had the opposite of the intended effect; that it had caused some people to positively upgrade.

Now THAT I do feel. I feel that within the last year alone my connection to the Universe and my ability to self-observe has increased.
Perhaps the performance of daily public presence simply doesn't take that much to energy or mental capacity to keep running. Perhaps a front can be maintained even while serious deterioration is in progress under the surface?

Yeah I think that's it. It's quite possible to go through life on autopilot. If we're honest with ourselves, 99% of the time we do that too.

So, if people are generally walking around in a sort of zombie state, then something which causes serious but subtle neurological damage might not be apparent from the usual, superficial interactions one has with them. They'll have lost access to higher modes of thought, but since they never access those no one, including them, will notice the difference. They can continue doing the same, robotic activities they were doing before, at more or less the same level of competence, with the only difference being that their ability to break out of android mode - already underdeveloped - is essentially gone entirely.
To be honest, apart from the fact that most vaccinated people were kind of authoritarian followers before the jab, and now this has been exacerbated, I have not noticed any remarkable behavior change in vaccinated people around me.

Some people in the 'middle ground' have chosen to have the jab due to personal reasons, i.e. "to get back to a normal life", but even in those people I have not noticed any (strange) change.
I'm limited to the people I'm around at work (most of them I know for a few years) Its a subtle change in their energy, mostly on those who have been vaxxed for a while. Nothing much going on with newly vaxxed.
It's not a zombie apocalypse but more of a battery slowly draining overtime.
Yeah I think that's it. It's quite possible to go through life on autopilot. If we're honest with ourselves, 99% of the time we do that too.

So, if people are generally walking around in a sort of zombie state, then something which causes serious but subtle neurological damage might not be apparent from the usual, superficial interactions one has with them. They'll have lost access to higher modes of thought, but since they never access those no one, including them, will notice the difference. They can continue doing the same, robotic activities they were doing before, at more or less the same level of competence, with the only difference being that their ability to break out of android mode - already underdeveloped - is essentially gone entirely.

So somebody posted a link to a video of David Icke on the corona thread.
Anyways long story short, he explains that the purpose of the jab; is to lock humans in the five senses (aka lower chakras). Disconnecting the antennas to the universe (aka upper chakras). The kicker is that supposedly they intend to beam their custom programming to replace what come trugh the upper chakras. Locking humans into a perpetual zombie slave state. He also describes a dark energy around people with the jab.

Note: if I remember correctly the C's said something about humans being controlled easier once the wave comes (if they had the mark aka the jab)

I got no way of proving anything or knowing if what he states it's true. However a lot of what he said aligns with my observations.
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So somebody posted a link to a video of David Icke on the corona thread.
Anyways long story short, he explains that the purpose of the jab; is to lock humans in the five senses (aka lower chakras). Disconnecting the antennas to the universe (aka upper chakras). The kicker is that supposedly they intend to beam their custom programming to replace what come trugh the upper chakras. Locking humans into a perpetual zombie slave state. He also describes a dark energy around people with the jab.

Note: if I remember correctly the C's said something about humans being controlled easier once the wave comes (if they had the mark aka the jab)

I got no way of proving anything or knowing if what he states it's true. However a lot of what he said aligns with my observations.
Was listening to the Delingpod the other day. Remarkable how James Deningpole has evolved over the past several months but anyhow. He mentioned that he thought the clotshot was disconnecting people from their daemons, drawing on the imagery from His Dark Materials in which the daemons are personifications of the soul or higher self.

A poster here in the corona thread, several months back, passed on a story from an Argentinian energy healer who'd picked up on the same thing from recently vaxxed client - the soul was cut off.

A lot of people seem to be having this intuition.
I am not much around vaxxed people, but I have recognized the greyish tone and some lack of fat in the face.
But my main discovery is with two friends that I over years have played wordfeud with. They are both doubled vaxxed. The statistics goes in my favour. Now l am winning a lot more than before. In fact I am winning almost every time. (2 rounds a week, one loss last couple of months).
I am also playing with my newly vaxxed son. He is as usual sharp and the statistics 'normal'.
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