Various interesting things in French : documentaries, etc.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I don't find the topic article for sott anymore. (Yeah I know the situation). Anyway, if it's not for the website, just for the forumites, here it's a very interesting show about matriarchy, history and so on :


enjoy !
Re: interesting

Hello all (and Maat in particular).

Maat said:
I don't find the topic article for sott anymore. (Yeah I know the situation).
The dedicated topic has been moved in another section :,15408.msg564515.html#new

Anyway, if it's not for the website, just for the forumites, here it's a very interesting show about matriarchy, history and so on :

Thanks. It's an interview with the author of the website

His thought is interesting indeed, but to me there is something bizarre : it's like he proposes new social structures inspired by matriarchy for men only, because they are nowadays alone, sexually and "fatherly" frustated. What about women ?
Re: interesting

Here is a short extract of an interview with Marie-Louise von Franz, this one talks about myth :

If you have the chance, get the all interview ("La quête du sens" chez la fontaine de pierre), it's very interesting. I like this author more and more and to have the opportunity of listen to her give a new dimension.
Re: interesting

I share with you a quote from CG Jung in Mysterieum Conjunctionis volume 1 (in section sulphur, end of 145 - if someone has it in english) because it's like a mirror of this forum for me. So here it is

Si l'on en est finalement venu au conflit ouvert entre la science et la foi, il faut l'imputer à l'intolérance et aux vues bornées de l'homme. Il ne peut y avoir de conflit ou de comparaison entre des choses incommensurables. La seule attitude possible est une acceptation mutuelle, car aucune des deux parties ne peut ôter sa valeur à l'autre. Les convictions religieuses existantes ont pour base, outre leur fondement surnaturel, des faits psychologiques qui ont une réalité aussi certaine que ceux de n'importe quelle autre science expérimentale. Si cela ne doit pas être compris d'un côté ou de l'autre, les faits n'en sont nullement affectés, car ils existent, que l'homme les saisisse ou non, et celui qui n'a pas les faits de son côté finit tôt ou tard par avoir le dessous.
Re: interesting

Maat said:
I share with you a quote from CG Jung in Mysterieum Conjunctionis volume 1 (in section sulphur, end of 145 - if someone has it in english) because it's like a mirror of this forum for me. So here it is

Si l'on en est finalement venu au conflit ouvert entre la science et la foi, il faut l'imputer à l'intolérance et aux vues bornées de l'homme. Il ne peut y avoir de conflit ou de comparaison entre des choses incommensurables. La seule attitude possible est une acceptation mutuelle, car aucune des deux parties ne peut ôter sa valeur à l'autre. Les convictions religieuses existantes ont pour base, outre leur fondement surnaturel, des faits psychologiques qui ont une réalité aussi certaine que ceux de n'importe quelle autre science expérimentale. Si cela ne doit pas être compris d'un côté ou de l'autre, les faits n'en sont nullement affectés, car ils existent, que l'homme les saisisse ou non, et celui qui n'a pas les faits de son côté finit tôt ou tard par avoir le dessous.

Thanks for sharing Maat.

That is a great quote.
Re: interesting

Merci Maat pour vos partages si intéressants...

Maat thank you for your interesting if shares. . .
Re: interesting

Here is another excerpt of the interview of Marie-Louise von Franz where she talks about evil (6 mn long) :


(I ask the mods to not able this link since I put it there only to make it available for the forumites - thanks)
Re: interesting

In these days of fight in France against the "smart" power meter Linky (and the others for gas and water), an interesting documentary : Take back your power (subtitles in French).

En ces temps de combat en France contre le compteur électrique « intelligent » Linky (et les autres pour le gaz et l'eau), un documentaire intéressant : « Récupérez votre puissance/pouvoir » (sous-titres en français).


(Maybe worth publishing on SOTT ?)
Re: interesting

for those interested, here is a radio show about Gurdjieff :


(despite the title, the eneagram is very shortly addressesd)
Re: interesting

Thank you MAAT for your links.

I took a look to the Linky system and it's always the same thing, they say you will be able to control your bill but at then end it's just another meaning for controling you and gaining more money :mad:

Concerning JUNG, I always feel agree with everrything I read from him. The quote you wrote is so true and the idea so well explained... If I should have 1 book written by him what would you recommend me ? The one you cited ?
Re: interesting

Elohir said:
If I should have 1 book written by him what would you recommend me ? The one you cited ?

If it is your first reading of some of his work, I would recommand his autobiography Ma vie to start, otherwise, it depends of your interests.

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