Various interesting things in French : documentaries, etc.

Re: interesting

I have just taken a look to this book and it seems very promising. The fact he wrote it before his death implies it's a kind of conclusion, a resume of his life, his work. Moreover, it might be a good meaning for a better understanding of his general work on unconscious. I thank you Maat.
Re: interesting

I share with all french speakers this very good series of talks of Michel Onfray's popular university. I found it very informative, funny, and full of common sense and hope you will enjoy it as much as me. It's great to listen to it whenever you feel too alone in your views even if one can disagree with one thing or another.


Also, in this Youtube channel you can find some talks of Jordan Peterson with french subtitles :


Re: interesting

Maat : J'apprécie beaucoup Michel Onfray mais le lien que vous donnez n'est pas valide :
Aucun document ne correspond aux termes de recherche spécifiés (https: // List = PLCPeX8rNwdhaUxLJkvh_MER09W1kgQvsY ...).
Pouvez vous le vérifier ?... Merci d'avance...

Maat : I appreciate Michel Onfray very much but the link you give is not valid:
Your search query delivered results (https: // List = PLCPeX8rNwdhaUxLJkvh_MER09W1kgQvsY ...).
Can you check it out? ... Thanks in advance ...
Re: interesting

J'ai trouvé ce lien :

I found this link:
Re: interesting

PERLOU said:
Maat : J'apprécie beaucoup Michel Onfray mais le lien que vous donnez n'est pas valide :
Aucun document ne correspond aux termes de recherche spécifiés (https: // List = PLCPeX8rNwdhaUxLJkvh_MER09W1kgQvsY ...).
Pouvez vous le vérifier ?... Merci d'avance...

Maat : I appreciate Michel Onfray very much but the link you give is not valid:
Your search query delivered results (https: // List = PLCPeX8rNwdhaUxLJkvh_MER09W1kgQvsY ...).
Can you check it out? ... Thanks in advance ...

I don't know. It works well if I select the link and do a right click with "open in a new tab". :huh:

Do a search for the Youtube channel called "La lucarne et la nuit". Then click on playlists and you will have it in the first position.


Je ne sais pas, ça marche très bien chez moi si je sélectionne le lien (sans le tiret) et fais un clic droit "ouvrir dans un nouvel onglet" :huh:

Tu peux essayer de faire une recherche de la chaîne Youtube intitulée "la lucarne et la nuit" et ensuite cliquer sur "playlists" et tu l'auras en première position.
Re: interesting

Merci Maat, j'essaie...
C'est tout bon...

Thank you Maat, I try ...
It's all good...
Re: interesting

I discovered the interesting work of Sylvain Tristan about what he calls the golden lines and read his book Les lignes d'or. It talks about megalithic people, the megalithic yard, their supposed geometry being a 366° geometry (thanks to the work of Alan Butler), their dispersion on earth, etc. This 366° geometry is very interesting as it reconciles space with time measurements (and mass ! as he explain in the video below). This is pure beauty.

When watching this video, I found that he goes now way further but really don't know what to think about it. I know it's easy to make figures tell what you want, but the fact is that in his case, he doesn't manipulate the figures too much, if not at all. All in all for me, it's like there was a information field which express himself in a fractal way. (hope I'm clear, I don't know how to put it better.)

Anyway, I wanted to post his conference because the megalithic part of his work is very, very interesting, and will let you judge for the rest.

In french : _ (the first part explains, maybe too fast, his work on the megalithic yard, the 366° geometry etc.)

In English : _ (a presentation about what he calls the divine numbers, related to this 366° geometry)

also, you can have an overview of his last book in english on amazon (which I haven't read) : _
Re: interesting

I forgot to add the author's website available through way back machine :

in french and in english _
Re: interesting

Hi Maat and thank you again for your links.

I will go to check that.

Btw, I also like and respect Michel Onfray for his thoughts, work on Popular University and general state of mind. It's always a pleasure to listen to him talking even if you don't agree.
Re: interesting

Moi aussi j'apprécie beaucoup Michel Onfray...

I also like Michel Onfray very much...
Re: interesting


A documentary about the decrease of IQ and increase of ADD/H and other "mental" illnesses since :
Un documentaire à propos de la baisse du QI et de l'augmentation des TDA/H et autres maladies "mentales" depuis 15 ans :

Demain said:
Baisse du QI, multiplication du nombre d’enfants atteints d’hyperactivité ou souffrant de troubles de l’apprentissage : les tests les plus sérieux révèlent ce qui paraissait inimaginable il y a 20 ans : le déclin des capacités intellectuelles humaines. Serions nous entrés dans une sorte "d'évolution à l'envers" ? La question est posée par d’éminents chercheurs. Au banc des accusés, les perturbateurs endocriniens qui ont envahi notre quotidien et menacent les cerveaux des bébés. Révélations sur un phénomène inquiétant. (Et conseils pour protéger les générations futures !).
Re: interesting

Perhaps someone should come up with a more appropriate heading for this thread to give readers an idea of what is contained in it?
Re: interesting

Laura said:
Perhaps someone should come up with a more appropriate heading for this thread to give readers an idea of what is contained in it?
I suggest : "various interesting things in French : documentaries, etc."
Another very good show on with Jocelin Morisson (journalist interested in sciences, paranormal, metaphysics...) about his latest book L’ultime convergence : Quelle spiritualité pour éviter le chaos ? (The final convergence : which spirituality to avoid the chaos ?) in which we find a lot of topics covered here. And it's good to see different people come to the same conclusion.

The show in 3 parts

Hope some will enjoy as I did !
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