Jedi Master
I find this quote interesting. It’s this very reason I gave up the label of “vegan” and starting questioning why I was part of such a group.That's why I have stayed an outsider.
Don't want to follow and don't want to be followed...
Initially I had no clue how militant the rules were. I’m someone who questions everything, I’ve never fitted into any specific group. Group-think doesn’t allow for questions. I too have always been an outsider because there is something in me that rejects conforming just to belong.
My “in real life” friends who were vegan were like hippy free people. I didn’t know about the strict rules. I can’t stand following rules just because they exist and have no logic. For example vegans can’t eat honey. Apparently it’s stealing the labor of the bee. This is ridiculous for numerous reasons. Never mind the hypocrisy that many foods that vegans rely on use the forced labor of bees, hives are moved from one monoculture “farm” to the next until they die.
If you are implying that this forum also behaves like this, you’re wrong. At this forum there are reams of research and scientific studies available to back up their stances on specific issues, like diet.
They even allow for people to argue their cases. People are not banned just for saying something the forum doesn’t agree with. There is no dogmatic adherence to rules based solely on “feelings” and “vibes”.
I may understand why you’re on the defensive, you’re new here and one of your first experiences interacting with a forumite was to be called “retarded”.
Networking isn’t always about getting feedback you like. Even if someone says something uncalled for you can learn from it. Maybe take this as an opportunity to observe your inner landscape and not react according to a program.
Could you clarify how the title of this thread is “psychopathic”? It looks like a normal title to me.For my sensitivity, it is a hard knock on the head to have the first post removed to a thread with a psychopatic title.