Very important

Bosnia in my heart

The Force is Strong With This One
Hello my friends.I plan to make very nice ouija board and in first next night of full moon call Cassiopeans.
Can someone say Cassiopeans that I will try to make contact with them.

Thank you in advance. :)
You're free to do whatever you like, but the chances of you contacting the Cassiopaeans is probably rather low, more or less non-existent. You should count yourself lucky if you manage to contact your own subconscious. As for anyone telling them that you will "make contact with them", that's not going to happen.
Bosnia I strongly recommend you read through this thread before making such attempt,24584.0.html
Bosnia in my heart said:
Perceval I say I will try to make contact no I WILL REALLY MAKE CONTACT.

And I said you probably won't be able to. Just giving my opinion based on experience.
Bosnia in my heart said:
Why you think like that you don t know anythig about me.Maby they wants wants to make contact with me.

You'll understand why I think like that if you take the time to read the thread posted by Herr Eisenheim,24584.0.html
That people are from Croatia and I know much things about that.Snakes from 4 density can also make contact and some spirit but we have ways to see who is he and is he laying or not.
Bosnia in my heart said:
That people are from Croatia and I know much things about that.Snakes from 4 density can also make contact and some spirit but we have ways to see who is he and is he laying or not.

Bosnia, you sound like someone who has zero idea about any of that. If you had any idea - any real idea - about it, you would not be making the assumptions you are making, nor would you be doing what you are doing. This has been covered over and over and over again here - you think you are special and that it will be different for you because it is you. In that is your lie, your mistake and your folly. It can be no other way.
Bosnia in my heart said:
Why you think like that you don t know anythig about me.Maby they wants wants to make contact with me.

As Perceval said, you can do whatever you want. But I agree that you should at least read the thread recommended by Herr Eisenheim before anything else.

No one needs to know anything about YOU to know that this type of contact is very very rare, and that anyone attempting it should have years of experience in esoteric matters, along with a complete understanding of all the different types of possible contacts one might make, and the dangers inherent to each one. Not to mention the miriad of ways one can be deceived in the process by either an outside entity or, as Perceval said, your own subconscious.

I think you might want to ask yourself what reasons you have to attempt this contact. Is there not enough information from the C's, here on this site, to help you with your understanding of the world we live in? If there are specific questions to which you are searching for answers, why not post them in the "questions for the C's" thread? If you have thought of something important that Laura and her team have missed, I'm sure they would be interested in looking into it.

If what you are looking for is information that is specific to you, then you would most likely be attempting a contact of an STS nature. Not only could that bring you some problems, but I don't think the C's would be interested in that kind of contact - wrong energy.
Bosnia in my heart said:
That people are from Croatia and I know much things about that.Snakes from 4 density can also make contact and some spirit but we have ways to see who is he and is he laying or not.

Your presumptuousness makes me even more convinced that the best case scenario is that you'll make contact with your own subconscious prejudices, which of course will confirm for you whatever you want confirmed.
I think it is a dangerous game and you should know this if you had listen the video of Laura talking that we can be food very easily. Did you look at her videos? Did you read the Wave? You should listen very carefully her course.
anart said:
Bosnia in my heart said:
That people are from Croatia and I know much things about that.Snakes from 4 density can also make contact and some spirit but we have ways to see who is he and is he laying or not.

Bosnia, you sound like someone who has zero idea about any of that. If you had any idea - any real idea - about it, you would not be making the assumptions you are making, nor would you be doing what you are doing. This has been covered over and over and over again here - you think you are special and that it will be different for you because it is you. In that is your lie, your mistake and your folly. It can be no other way.

I m not ridged I really wants to tray if Laura and company can do it why I can t.They are special??
loreta said:
I think it is a dangerous game and you should know this if you had listen the video of Laura talking that we can be food very easily. Did you look at her videos? Did you read the Wave? You should listen very carefully her course.

My Lorret I red many of transcripts and Pleadian material.
Bosnia in my heart said:
I m not ridged I really wants to tray if Laura and company can do it why I can t.They are special??

I could be wrong, but it is starting to sound like you are deliberately trying to provoke something. No one is going to tell you what you can or cannot do, and no one has. They are only sharing their opinions.

If you think their opinions are not worth listening to then I think you are unfamiliar with most of what goes on around here. I'm not saying their opinions are gospel and that you should accept everything you are told. I'm just pointing out that you might consider what they are suggesting before you become argumentative.
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