Very sad: Chester the dog declining health

Re: Very sad

AL Today said:
I am not an executioner. If it were not for the food, shelter and care I provide, he surely would not be alive in the wild right now. It's kinda my fault he is alive right now and suffering. Damn... :cry: :cry: :cry:

His suffering is definitely not your fault or anyone else's - it's part of the life cycle and it's inevitable. If anything, having you was the best thing that could have happened to him and reduced his suffering. You gave him a life of dignity and companionship. You should not feel at fault for keeping him alive, you should feel proud of that, of giving him a chance to live a fulfilling life after having already suffered so much as a puppy. You balanced out that early suffering with love, and you are not the cause of his current suffering in any way.
Re: Very sad

Hi, AL you will always have your loving memories of him. Occasionally one of my departed cats will visit me in my dreams. One dear cat Rusty had kidney failure, seemingly common affliction with cats. I kept him alive for awhile by injecting home with fluids a per the vet under the skin on his back. He hated this process and so did I. I finally had him put to sleep.

About two weeks later I was in bed asleep. I became aware of him snuggled beside me purring like he used to do. As I slowly woke up I realized that this could not be because he was gone. Gradually the purring faded but I swear that spot on the bed was still warm when I was fully awake.

For many summers I went to Colorado to hike in the mountains for a week or so. My wife was here so I knew Rusty would be taken care of. The evening when I returned he ran away from me into the depths of the backyard. The next morning he came in and ate. Awhile later I was sitting on the sofa reading. He jumped up next to me. He put his head on my leg and cried and cried.

Re: Very sad

Hey Al, I think everyone's given great advice and input. I'll just add that I know how you feel and sometimes respecting the relationship requires making the hard choice of letting him go. He's ready and he knows it and it seems like that's what he's asking for. Good luck buddy. Big hug.

Re: Very sad

So sorry to hear about your beloved Chester's suffering, AL. I agree with others and as PhoenixToEmber said:

PhoenixToEmber said:
His suffering is definitely not your fault or anyone else's - it's part of the life cycle and it's inevitable. If anything, having you was the best thing that could have happened to him and reduced his suffering. You gave him a life of dignity and companionship. You should not feel at fault for keeping him alive, you should feel proud of that, of giving him a chance to live a fulfilling life after having already suffered so much as a puppy. You balanced out that early suffering with love, and you are not the cause of his current suffering in any way.

You showed Chester that this world can be not only cruel and cold, but also very loving and caring and helped him heal his body and soul from painful traumas. And letting him go now is also by all means an act of love and care. My heart goes out to you and Chester. Big hugs to you! :hug2:
Re: Very sad

Sorry for your loss AL Today. For what it's worth I think you did the right thing on all counts. The consideration for Chester always came first. Few pets are so lucky.
Re: Very sad

I think it is more humane to let them go when they are ready to go than to let them suffer until they die. This is something we could do for our pet family member, which we cannot do for our human family member. Some years ago I had to make this decision for my cat. In her last months she was blind and had issues with her kidneys. But I saw that she still enjoyed her life and wanted to continue. But at one day she did not eat or drink anymore. She just hid under furniture. So I saw that she wanted to go and that I had to let her go. Her vet put her to sleep. I cried through the whole procedure and also afterwards. But I knew that she wanted to go and so I let her go. I buried her in the garden, which is not really legal here. She left a big hole in my life and I mourned several months. So I can imagine how you may feel now.

I know your decision is no an easy one, Al. It never is. You gave your Chester a really goot life he enjoyed. He will live in your heart for the rest of your life. Big hugs to you. :hug2:
Re: Very sad

My heart breaks for you. I have been through this, too, and know how hard it is, no matter what you choose. As Nienna said, he may be hanging on just to please you. So let him know that it is OK to leave and that you'll always love him.
Re: Very sad

So sorry to hear this Al - I can appreciate how difficult this must be. I have had many feline companions over the years, and last year we got our first dog. It is such a different experience, and although the first few weeks with a new puppy for the first time were hairy (pun intended) I could not imagine life without her now.

I hope you can fondly hold on to the happy memories of brighter times you have shared.
Re: Very sad

Thanks Soluna,
We have 6,7,8 or so rescued cats and an ooolllddd blind boxer we saved. Love them all. Why can't people do the same for each other? Never offered my house but on the spot, but I've emptied my wallet more than a few times to help hungry people. Prolly got ripped off a few times but I don't care. Intent counts.
Re: Very sad

Hi Al, I've had this experience with a few furry friends in this life too. My heart goes out to you. Take care. :hug2:
Re: Very sad

You have to find the strength in himself and help your friend Chester in pain.
Take care :hug:
Re: Very sad

Agree with all previous responses, just want to say I understand your sadness and :hug2:
Re: Very sad

Al Today - so sorry to hear about Chester's condition and the decision ahead for you and your family. Just remember that the love you have for Chester will always be with you and as such the love he has for you.
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