Very sad: Chester the dog declining health

So sorry for your loss Al. Saying goodbye to our companions is never easy. Thinking of you and sending big hugs your way. :hug2:
Very sorry to hear about your loss, Al. I think you did what was right for Chester. May he rest in peace and be well wherever he is right now. Also, my condolences to you and your family :hug2:
So sorry to hear about Chester, Al. I saw your post on Facebook and reading it brought a tear to my eye. Wishing you and your family good vibes.
So sad when a beloved pet passes away. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time, Al. Take care. :hug2:
Re: Very sad

AL Today said:
I looked into Chester's eyes and knew it was time. He wanted to stay, fought to stay, I made the decision to end his suffering. When I took him in, the Vet said "that dog is old". We've lived here 15 years and Chester was 4-5 years old we we came here. The first injection was to comfort, relieve pain and sleep. He didn't sleep. But he did relax and seem relieved of pain :-). The next shot was the heart stopper. Yet he hung on, chest kept moving, albeit slower and slower. The Doc said something about what the heck does this dog have two(2) hearts? That ain't right, and he went to reload the heart stopper syringe. I told Chester to meet me at the rainbow bridge, I need his help to cross. And he passed before the doc came back. The doc talked about Chester's OBE, floating, thinking should I stay or should I go. Pretty profound I thought. I like this guy, he sees stuff.
Chester, see you at the bridge... :-)

This one of the hardest decisions you have to make when you have got furry companions. You have to let them go and you just know when the right time has come. In 2011 I had to do this myself with my cat Minnie. So I know how this is feeling. You did the right thing even if it hurts. Your Chester lived to a very old age. I am sure he loved you very much and he had a very good live with you. Take care and my condolences AL Today. :hug2:
My condolences also, Al Today.

Found this (from Frank T. McAndrew - The Conversation) on SOTT today which might provide some comfort:
What a beautiful and pure love you and Chester have for each other. And what a warrior he is too. But our faithful friends have religiously served us well and seen to need our permission to leave for doggie heaven. OSIT. I am sure he knew and appreciated that extra special time you gave each other Al Today.

I think even the vet saying he was old, sensed it was time to let him go home. Especially unusual for you both was the fact that the vet was sentient as to what was actually happening for you both.

Such a loving and caring touch - the telepathic rainbow bridge. Big hugs and condolences to you. I can relate to missing my dogs more than relatives too. :-(
Re: Very sad

AL Today said:
I looked into Chester's eyes and knew it was time. He wanted to stay, fought to stay, I made the decision to end his suffering. When I took him in, the Vet said "that dog is old". We've lived here 15 years and Chester was 4-5 years old we we came here. The first injection was to comfort, relieve pain and sleep. He didn't sleep. But he did relax and seem relieved of pain :-). The next shot was the heart stopper. Yet he hung on, chest kept moving, albeit slower and slower. The Doc said something about what the heck does this dog have two(2) hearts? That ain't right, and he went to reload the heart stopper syringe. I told Chester to meet me at the rainbow bridge, I need his help to cross. And he passed before the doc came back. The doc talked about Chester's OBE, floating, thinking should I stay or should I go. Pretty profound I thought. I like this guy, he sees stuff.
Chester, see you at the bridge... :-)

Dear Al Today,you and The Great Chester are in my heart.I can understand how deep is your sorrow.You can feel all the good feelings that the members of the forum are sending to you and this good energy are going to help you to release the pain :flowers:

I really sure Chester will be the best Guide to help you to cross the RAINBOW BRIDGE :hug2: :hug2:

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