A Disturbance in the Force
Nela said:I love computer games, and I am still playing from time to time (how would I othervise experience joy of saving Galaxy from Dominators, or explore
mysterious world of Morrowind?). I am 36 year old, and certainly at any time have more important things to do than running around with light saber saving...whatever there is to be saved. But I believe that even when we grow up, we remain children deep inside and that childish playfull side needs to be expressed from time to time.
True, but the problem is that video games are not only dissociative and addictive, they are literally mind programming. You seem to be engaging in black and white thinking in order to protect this 'sacred cow'.
nela said:And anything that can be used, can be abused as well. Books are not different. If you don't believe, just ask my mother. When I was a child, I was not social, I was very shy and I used to spend most of my time reading books. Everyday, all the time, to the point of exhaustion. It was running away from reality, it was addiction, it was living in virtual world. One day, my mother announced
that if I don't stop that, and go out to play with other children, she would take me to doctor. So, even though I found nothing of big interest outside, I have started to play with other
children, just to satisfy her and behave according to "normality" in order to relieve her anxiety (ha, external consideration of a 12 years old child!). Today, I am aware of my addictive side, and I am trying to control it.
It sounds as if you spend a lot of time dissociating. Argue for your limitations and you get to keep them.
nela said:Sometimes, only sometimes, I am allowing myself to play computer game, spend whole day reading andneglect chores, duties and work or eat whole pack of chocolate. But I am only limited and demented 3D STS being and on a day when and if I manage to let go of all those traits and do only what should be done, I probably won't be here any more.
This is also 'black and white thinking' - there is a place between being 'addicted and dissociative' and 'not being here anymore' -- -- that place is where one can Work to become conscious. It's your choice, as always, but don't pretend that playing video games is anything other than what it is just because you do not want to stop.