Years ago, i found this site, before reaching Cassiopaea. On this website (Spanish). They are canalized, with some entities, they tell the "truth". All events "alien" in the world. I'll translate the session, about of this ship. is the Group Elron, is FALSE!. So this material, it is not very important. It's disinformation. COINTELPRO! sure.
Apollo 20, a secret mission to the Moon
Officially, NASA does not believe in UFOs, but unofficially, yes, although, obviously, only the highest authorities are aware of Area 51, keeping the rest of the officers, employees and partners in complete ignorance...
The secret mission to the Russian-American moon, Apollo 20, in August 1976, was manned by William Rutledge, Leona Marietta Snyder and Alexis Leonor. NASA hid not to get in evidence, because one of the purposes of the mission was precisely to examine a crashed alien ship that Apollo 11 was detected on the far side of the satellite.
All videos uploaded to the Internet (Youtube) on Apollo 20 are false, but the original film and is under possession of NASA., which obviously keeps it hidden. Rutledge had a genuine copy, but was visited by Men in Black - when not? - they took her with the promise that in a short time would be made public. Do I have to say that did not fulfill what they promised?
Today, the Moon is almost no vestiges of that once were alien bases, because their inhabitants have taken all their belongings, so that when in the not too distant future tourism satellite reaches the Earth, you will find that there are more than rocks and craters. Then the skeptics, showing his proverbial nonsense, say proudly, "Did you see that we were right?".
The spacecraft was scheduled to visit, the astronauts of Apollo 20 just measured 150 meters long, but it was used for interplanetary travel and had been built about 500 years ago. Nor was there any bodies inside. All this means that in the report to him by the Italian journalist, former astronaut William Rutledge had, with true facts, others who were no more than pure fantasy...
On the moon there was never an alien civilization, but small contingents from Anthea, Bellatrix and Orion 3, among others, whose bases did not exceed about 40,000 m2, ie, reduced to at most 200 meters long by 200 meters wide. On the other hand, were not fully on the lunar surface but inside, and this is the fundamental reason they could not be seen from Earth.
The stricken ship, whose review was one of the objectives of the Apollo 20, came from Anthea, ie the same planet as the distressed craft in Roswell.
Transcripts with "High Spiritual Entities" or Masters of Light.
The truth about the interview with William Rutledge.
MEETING OF 10/26/1907
Medium: Jorge Olguin.
Interlocutor: Horacio Velmont.
Entity with a dialogue: Ron Hubbard, founder of Dianetics and Scientology. (by me: Wo! may keep their jobs and titles after death XD).
(by me: I will present, the parties consider important.)
Questioner: Was then the Apollo 20 manned by the three persons mentioned?
Ron Hubbard: Yes, that's...
Interlocutor: Specifically, then, why was secret?
Ron Hubbard: Because in the Apollo 11 and others Apollo had leaked other communications between the astronauts and the base of Houston, Texas, later made public. As a result it took the whole world sequences delayed television and radio July 20, 1969, in order to filter out any abnormal transmission ...you Follow me?
Questioner: Yes, perfectly...
Ron Hubbard: Well ... The Apollo 11 astronauts were not only saw ships craft on the moon, but also buildings, and there are some audio signals that have been recorded outside the official record at that time people who worked in Houston. And one or two have been released by the internet, finding himself NASA in the "obligation" to take the trouble to discredit them as false, as they always do, with they it that not want to give out...
(by me: CUT)
Questioner: here at some moment, was said that the NASA does not believe in UFO, in the sense that they are present here on Earth. But on the other hand it seems that yes, because they can not ignore the evidence... What would, then, this assessment?
Ron Hubbard: Quite simply, NASA officially does not believe in UFOs. But unofficially yes, because many of the employees working there and more than 40 years, since 1965, we are in 2007, have witnessed audio signals that have captured radar spacecraft, of films, etc.
Ron Hubbard: There is also a matter of common sense ... One of one of the first objects have fallen unofficially released is what we all called "Roswell Incident" in 1947... you take out the account i have spent 60 years...
Questioner: It's true ...
Ron Hubbard: It's been three generations of workers in there... Guys who were 20 years are have disincarnate., as stated in our plane. And well, the whole generation that worked in 1947 are very few that are incarnate.
Questioner: Are we talking about...?
Ron Hubbard: I'm talking about the formation of Area 51, to project Majestic 12 , and so on... There are lots of people involved, hundreds of people involved that were later discharged by the age or they quit or because they are sick or for one reason or another... And they know for sure about the extraterrestrial presence on Earth. Moreover, and this is obvious, have been forced to sign a document which is forced to a permanent secret. To this must be added the threats to their families if they speak. So it's a secret because in 60 years have passed through the area 51 thousand people ... It is not going to kill all the employees who retire... It would be impossible, apart...
Interlocutor: Returning to the theme of Apollo 20...
Ron Hubbard: The mission was to investigate...
Questioner: The buildings?
Ron Hubbard: Not only buildings but also lead teams in a really fine line where you could measure all types of waves from short wave X-rays, cosmic rays... They could get all sorts of subtle vibration...
Questioner: You mean to leave the aircraft on the moon?
Ron Hubbard: Yes, in a secured place...
Questioner: William Rutledge said that the Apollo 20 mission was primarily to discuss a spacecraft that was on the far side of the Moon... is that correct?
Ron Hubbard: It is so, do you think he would be released publicly?
Questioner: No, of course not...
Ron Hubbard: So before disguise the mission, they chose to hide.
Questioner: There was also a city?
Ron Hubbard: No, no city, but semi-subterranean bases...
Questioner: I saw a film that went to the Red Rutledge we see the spaceship, and the logical question is whether, is real or fake?...
Ron Hubbard: It's a montage...
CUT and resume:
William Rutledge, was visited by men in black, they removed the original video and gave a false one, to publish it. Everything was staged, the interview, everything. They talk about the moon, is being dismantled by the main beings of the moon, Anthea. Had a number of 1000 entities. The reason, says Ron Hubbard: I believe that by 2008 the Moon will be completely dismantled... They do not want to leave any trace for anyone to see anything. What happens is they are also planning trips to civilian companies and it is very difficult to "buy" to everyone to avoid that they talk or keep it under threat, and then prefer to directly remove any trace extraterrestrial... Besides, no way to hide it because these tourists filmed buildings and immediately Would be transmitted to Earth and appear on the Internet... There is technology to transmit to all the news in minute.
Questioner: What about the "Mona Lisa"? Apparently the astronauts inside the spacecraft found a body of one crew member and named it so...
Ron Hubbard: No, that's a total invention...
Questioner: I understand the concept... On the ship, then, there was nothing?...
Ron Hubbard: Right...
Questioner: But what happened?
Ron Hubbard: Had a glitch in your field G and the field G of lunar body drew him and made it crash...
Questioner: All crew members were killed?
Ron Hubbard: Yes, and took them all... CUT and EDIT: Approximately 40 crew.
Questioner: In the report, the reporter asked the reason Rutledge, by hide the UFO issue and response, is that it was an economic issue related to the gold ...
Ron Hubbard: That would only make him believe an Indian 500 years ago...
This page.... GOD!
Look this comments :
Q:Do spirits that form the Earth Planetary Hierarchy that are fifth sublevel plane? Why suppose that all members of this hierarchy is the fifth spiritual level?
A:They are the 5th Plane sub levels 5 to 9, Johnakan, for example, is the 5th level sub level 9...
Q:The spiritual guides, spiritual beings embodied, where are they?
A: Of the planes 4th and 5th
Q: Dear Professor Olguin, I would like to know who appoints every person his spiritual guide?
A: The Lipika... and I presume must be a matter of empathy. Although Light beings reconcile with all embodied beings, will always give priority to a guide that is more akin to us. Anyway, it will confirm in other session...
Q:Greetings Professor Velmont, this time I ask your opinion and Elron Group about Murphy's Law.
A: What happens is that the physical plane is random, and we only realize that something went wrong when it went wrong, but we not count the times that works out simply because we did not pay attention. Well, this is what I think
The Lipika.
The angels, esoteric Lipika are a very high order, which register all the events of world order and personal experiences in the cosmic memory, also known as the Akashic Record of the occult.
ANGELS???? Guardian angels? and if i remember, long ago we lost connection with SAO-4D.