Video of an alleged spacecraft on the moon and the mummy inside.

EGVG said:
Windmill knight said:
EGVG said:
Álvaro, me pregunto a qué te refieres cuando dices que Laura esta con la oscuridad??? y a qué te refieres cuando dices, "entidades oscuras"????

"Álvaro, I wonder what you mean when you say that Laura is in darkness??? And what do you mean when you say "dark entities"???"

EGVG, please bear in mind that the great majority of forum readers don't understand Spanish, so if you feel the need to say something in that language, please include a translation. If you have trouble translating, ask for help in the Spanish section of the forum (that's what it's for). :)

Sorry, I will next time, but still I don't get Alvaro's point.

That Is a waste of time talking about Elron. According to Elron, are "spirits" of error. Spirits of error belonging to the plane 3 and 2. Cassiopaea, would form part of this group. They do not accept consciousness, and work Cassiopaea is of "spirits to Error", everything!. There is nothing else to say. I think you can see the full picture of what i mean.

These spirits of error, called "lower self" because is the 10% of the "Higher Self". They say contact only 90% (higher self) but then contradict themselves by saying that increased contact is with Aliens from 10% in Orion III and Antares IV. However, for them it is valid to be beings of light, for the simple fact that it is incarnated Outside of Earth. The 10% on earth is impossible, because, the man is "ant" and they "beings Light" are "eagles" and they should not be questioned. So the 10% contacted on earth, they say, is just one spirit. Not Superior, not lower, only a spirit.

EDIT: There are cases presented on the website of Elron, very delicate. But do not show the dates they were made and what is more important, there are no answers of the person was "saved", to testify that really were saved. As every way like this, generates capital. No doubt, There are victims with a paid. As all show of puppet by COINTELPRO, many hands, many threads, many dolls. Again, there is nothing else to say. I think you can see the full picture. Absolutely.
Windmill knight said:
Sorry, I will next time, but still I don't get Alvaro's point.

I think Álvaro is just reporting what he knows about the Elron group and their ideas (that Laura and the Cs are in darkness, etc). He does not agree with those things himself - on the contrary. The comment "desinformación total" is a description of the Elron group.

Exactly. That's what I meant. I do not know why it is, but sometimes the translator of misrepresenting things. I try to be careful, but sometimes I just go some detail. Thanks Windmill Knight.

I think the misunderstanding was in the bolded part. In the spanish version Alvaro didn't say "Other than that" which, in the quote above, implies that the criticism of Laura and the C's is not disinfo. That implication was probably not intended, as it was not in the spanish version. I hope I am correct here and this clears things up.

Ask a debtor,
That's what I meant. Elron group attacks to Laura and Cassiopaeans.

Thanks for helping to clarify this mess.
To avoid that the translator, don't change the meaning of what you want to write. Write, word by word, use more formal words, so that the translator automatically, do not add incorrect words. Also, you must type the word you want to use, and the translator, will give them a list of meanings. Pick the right word, to give him meaning appropriate to you comment.
The first time I found on the web Elron group felt nausea because they have many websites and many fans, generally those who want easy answers and do not seek or investigate the truth. Elron Group owners are Horacio Jorge Olguin and Velmont. This group is supposedly non-profit. But innocent people pay between 250 to 600 euros for a Psicoauditación, which supposedly is a technique invented by Jorge Olguin.

Anger causes me what Laura says, because many people reading may have a first false impression of working with Cass. See it for yourself:

"If Laura Knight had given these disparate explanations in a science fiction book, would be valid as entertainment for a dull day, but give them credit as being the great revelation brings to this author at the height of the great human history Tellers obviously "advised" by the spirits of error, as Adamsky, Billy Meir, Siragusa, Sixto Paz Wells, Commander Clomro, JJ Hurtak (Keys of Enoch), Benjamin Creme (Maitreya), Conny Mendez (Metaphysics) JJ Benitez (" Trojan horse ", etc.)., which she cites as literature precisely true."

Here is the link:
http:/ / / about / experimentocasiopea.htm

I could not help judge, and I know this is wrong and is subjective. Because deep in my soul like that people who Elron group continues to wake up. But I reassure you, and that free will is for everyone and those who Elron group still have as much right as I choose.

La primera vez que encontré en la web el grupo Elron sentí náuseas porque tienen muchas páginas web y muchísimos seguidores, generalmente aquellos que quieren respuestas fáciles y que no buscan ni investigan la verdad. Los dueños del Grupo Elron son Jorge Olguin y Horacio Velmont. Este grupo es supuestamente sin fines de lucro. Pero las personas inocentes pagan entre 250 a 600 euros por una Psicoauditación, que es una técnica supuestamente inventada por Jorge Olguin.

Me causa indignación lo que dice de Laura, ya que mucha gente que lee puede tener una primera falsa impresión del trabajo con los Cass. Véanlo ustedes mismos:

"Si Laura Knight hubiera brindado estas disparatadas explicaciones en un libro de ciencia fícción, tendrían validez como entretenimiento para un día aburrido, pero al otorgarles crédito como si fueran la gran revelación pone a esta autora a la altura de los grandes fabuladores de la historia humana, obviamente "asesorados" por los espíritus del Error, como Adamsky, Billy Meir, Siragusa, Sixto Paz Wells, Comandante Clomro, J.J. Hurtak (Claves de Enoch), Benjamín Creme (Maitreya), Conny Méndez (Metafísica), J.J. Benítez ("Caballo de Troya"), etc., ¡que precisamente ella cita como bibliografía veraz".

Les dejo el link:
http: / / / quienes / experimentocasiopea.htm

No pude evitar juzgar, y sé que eso está mal. Porque en el fondo de mi alma quisiera que esa gente que sigue al grupo Elron despierte. Pero me tranquilizo, ya que el libre albedrío es para todos y los que siguen al grupo Elron tienen tanto derecho como yo de elegir.
First of all, this is predicated on the idea that we've actually been to the moon. This itself is as controversial as these videos.

But lets say we got there, and everything about this story is true: doesn't anyone else think it's a bit stupid that they knew how to open the 'ship' or whatever it's meant to be; if you could open it, why the heck would you? There could be anything in there - viruses, certain death in one form or another. And if I was in charge of this mission, I'd want to PRESERVE anything and everything that I possibly could. But, oh no, lets open it up, take her out of there, bring her into the capsule...

So surgical. So clinical. So professional.
Gilda0 said:
"If Laura Knight had given these disparate explanations in a science fiction book, would be valid as entertainment for a dull day, but give them credit as being the great revelation brings to this author at the height of the great human history Tellers obviously "advised" by the spirits of error, as Adamsky, Billy Meir, Siragusa, Sixto Paz Wells, Commander Clomro, JJ Hurtak (Keys of Enoch), Benjamin Creme (Maitreya), Conny Mendez (Metaphysics) JJ Benitez (" Trojan horse ", etc.)., which she cites as literature precisely true."

Here is the link:
http:/ / / about / experimentocasiopea.htm

I could not help judge, and I know this is wrong and is subjective. Because deep in my soul like that people who Elron group continues to wake up. But I reassure you, and that free will is for everyone and those who Elron group still have as much right as I choose.

Well, not only is their judgment of Laura quite wrong, it is also very poorly informed. To my knowledge Laura hasn't quoted any of those authors as "precisely true". In fact, I don't remember her quoting any of them at all, and if she did I'm sure her opinion would be far from endorsing them. I'm curious to know, where did they get that idea?
Windmill knight: NO lo dije yo. Lo dijo el grupo Elron. Utiliza grandes mentiras con Laura y los Cass. Por eso estoy tan indignada y los denuncio aquí.
Le suguiero que vuelva a leer arriba lo que yo escribí. Lo puse en español y en inglés por si falla mi traducción. (Lo siento, no hablo inglés)
Repito, no lo digo yo.
El grupo Elron tiene este link:

Windmill knight: NO lo dije yo. Lo dijo el grupo Elron. Utiliza grandes mentiras con Laura y los Cass. Por eso estoy tan indignada y los denuncio aquí.
Le suguiero que vuelva a leer arriba lo que yo escribí. Lo puse en español y en inglés por si falla mi traducción. (Lo siento, no hablo inglés)
Repito, no lo digo yo.
El grupo Elron tiene este link:


[moderator - please stop leaving live links to this site]
Sorry, something went wrong and put the translation. I said this:

Windmill knight: NOT what I said. The group said Elron. Use big lies with Laura and Cass. Why I am so outraged and denounced here.
Suggest a package to re-read what I wrote above. I put it in Spanish and English as a fallback my translation. (Sorry, do not speak English)
Again, not me.
Elron group has this link:

When you jump into the arena must be prepared for criticism. Is
normal for the criticism, several groups have spent years doing it. It is not pleasant
for receiving criticism, but if you realize how the
General Law ( -Control System- and the Law of Exception , will see that this has
happen, as you become person non grata for the same System.

Cuando uno salta a la palestra tiene que estar preparado para las críticas. Es
normal que la critiquen, varios grupos llevan años haciéndolo. No es agradable
para el que recibe las críticas, pero si uno se da cuenta de cómo funciona la
Ley General -o Sistema de Control- y la Ley de Excepción ( en español ), verá que esto ha de ocurrir, ya que se transforma en persona non grata para el mismo Sistema.
Gilda0 said:
Windmill knight: NO lo dije yo. Lo dijo el grupo Elron. Utiliza grandes mentiras con Laura y los Cass. Por eso estoy tan indignada y los denuncio aquí.
Le suguiero que vuelva a leer arriba lo que yo escribí. Lo puse en español y en inglés por si falla mi traducción. (Lo siento, no hablo inglés)
Repito, no lo digo yo.
El grupo Elron tiene este link:

Hi Gilda0. I didn't say you said it! I was talking about the Elron group. I understood you perfectly and yes, I speak Spanish.


Hola Gilda0. ¡No dije que lo dijiste tú! Yo estaba hablando acerca del grupo Elron. Te entendí perfectamente y sí, hablo español.
Ok. :lol:

I really do not know where they got it. But elsewhere Elron group showed that cynically lying to gain followers. It has the characteristics of cults led by narcissistic psychopaths, therefore, are a danger to innocent people. Any researcher could go to Google to find the experiment Cassiopeia and there can also be redirected to the false information Elron group.


Realmente no sé de dónde lo sacaron. Pero en otros foros demostraron que el grupo Elron miente cínicamente para ganar adeptos. Tiene las características de las sectas dirigidas por psicópatas narcisistas, por tanto, son un peligro para gente inocente. Cualquier investigador podría ir a Google para buscar el experimento Casiopea y allí TAMBIÉN se les puede redirigir a las falsas informaciones del grupo Elron.
Website I stumbled upon online about EBEs, UFOs etc'

i want to start by saying that i don't necessarily subscribe to this site containing useful information or not.
it's my first time on the site in question, does anyone have any info about it ?

on the web-page we find:

There is an overwhelming amount of credible evidence that non-human intelligences are on Earth, and have been on Earth. Some of them since before we humans showed up, or were seeded, or were created, or shipped. Some of how many species of aliens? Pick a number, any number below, say, 57. Even if you pick only 3 or 4, the resulting complexity is simply staggering.

Which ones of the aliens are trading their technology for something valuable that we have (other than Jazz)? Which ones of them think it is ethical to mess with our extremely messy human affairs? Which ones can you trust to be left alone with your chicken? And, most importantly, which aliens work together, or don’t work together, with what other aliens? For humans, this is a messy scenario, and some alien species would certainly chime in here. Others might just look at us like a sheep trying to figure out wool futures.

As Charles Fort, a pioneer of alternative real knowledge research said a long time ago:

We are property.

You see that this gets impossibly complex once you pick more than one alien species being interacted with on Earth right now. It is not chess anymore, it is 3-D super chess on steroids, and humans need not apply.

Even if you have spent a lot of time studying the most serious, credible, dedicated and informed researchers of the AlienUFO theme, you often feel that you have a long way to go. One of the first breakthroughs is when you realize that the AlienUFO is unquestionably real. You start exploring the details, the alien varieties, the sightings and the stories, the coverups, the versions, the channelled stuff, the woowoo stuff, the speculations … and, finally, the implications of it all.
which is from this page: _

another interesting/weird page on that site is: _

first time i've ever heard of this "Apollo 20 - Mona Lisa" alien recovery story.

more of the same ?
your thoughts guys ?
Re: Website I stumbled upon online about EBEs, UFOs etc'

:) search function is your best friend! This was discussed here:,17026.0.html

For search with two words use please this way "Apollo 20" same as google.

Enjoy reading.
Re: Website I stumbled upon online about EBEs, UFOs etc'

thank Kaigen !

i'll get to reading.
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